




  • Joana Llodrà-Llabrés, Gonzalo Jiménez-Moreno, Antonio García-Alix, R. Scott Anderson, Francisco J. Jiménez-Espejo, Charo López-Blanco, Marta Rodrigo-Gámiz, Carmen Pérez-Martínez. Holocene paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic variability in a high mountain lake in Sierra Nevada (Spain): Insights from diatom analysis. Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 344, 2024, 108984, ISSN 0277-3791,
  • Fernández-Moreno, D., Delgado, C, González-Paz, L., Blanco, S., Sánchez-Castillo P.M. and C. Pérez-Martı́nez (2024) Exploring epipelic diatom species composition across wetland conductivity gradients in Southern Spain. Hydrobiologia  851: 4091–4105.
  • Carson Silveira, André T. C. Dias, Felipe G. Amaral, Givanildo de Gois, Nuria Pistón. The importance of private gardens and their spatial composition and configuration to urban heat island mitigation, Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 112, 2024, 105589, ISSN 2210-6707,
  • Juan-Ovejero, R., Reyes-Martín, M.P., Elghouat, A., Leverkus, A.B., Seibold, S., Castro, J. (2024). Deadwood decomposition in burnt mediterranean pine reforestations across an elevation gradient: A 15-year study. Forest Ecology and Management, 568, 122145.
  • Silveira, C., Dias, A. T. C., Amara, F. G.,  de Gois, G., Pistón, N. (2024). The importance of private gardens and their spatial composition and configuration to urban heat island mitigation. Sustainable Cities and Society, 112, 105589.
  • Rodríguez‐Velasco, E., Peralta‐Maraver, I., Martínez‐García, A., García‐Alguacil, M., Picazo, F., Gonçalves, R. J., Ramón, C.L., Morales-Baquero, R.; Rueda, F.J. & Reche, I. (2024). Idiosyncratic phenology of greenhouse gas emissions in a Mediterranean reservoirLimnology and Oceanography Letters
  • Sigro, J., Cisneros, M., Perez-Luque, A. J., Perez-Martinez, C., & Vegas-Vilarrubia, T. (2024). Trends in temperature and precipitation at high and low elevations in the main mountain ranges of the Iberian Peninsula (1894–2020): The Sierra Nevada and the Pyrenees. International Journal of Climatology, 124.
  • Martínez-Moreno S., E Leon-Palmero, HJ Pula, AM Cabello, I Ferrera, I Reche (2024) Subcuticular and biofilm microbiomes in Holothuria tubulosa and their potential for denitrification. Marine Ecology Progress Series 736, 81-92
  • Alruiz, J.M., Peralta-Maraver, I., Cavieres, G., Bozinovic, F. & Rezende, E.L. (2024) Fitness surfaces and local thermal adaptation in Drosophila along a latitudinal gradient. Ecology Letters, 27, e14405. Available from:
  • Castro, J. (2024), Human urine does not protect acorns against predation by the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus): a field study with video recording. Restor Ecol e14139.
  • Martínez-García, A., Peralta-Maraver, I., Rodríguez-Velasco, E., Batanero, G.L., García-Alguacil, M., Picazo, F., Calvo, J., Morales-Baquero, R., Rueda, F.J. and Reche, I. (2024) Particulate organic carbon sedimentation triggers lagged methane emissions in a eutrophic reservoir. Limnol. Oceanogr. Lett.
  • Sebastian M., Sanchez P., Salazar G., Alvarez-Salgado X.A., Reche I., Morán X.A.G., Sala M.M., Duarte C.M., Acinas S.G., Gasol J.M. (2024) Water aging and the quality of organic carbon sources drive niche partitioning of the active bathypelagic prokaryotic microbiome. Limnology and Oceanography
  • Conejo-Orosa, T., Muñoz, A. R., Reche, I., Montes-Pérez, J. J., Rodríguez-Gómez, S., & Moreno-Ostos, E. (2024). Exploring NAO influence on waterbirds abundance through hydrological changes in a Mediterranean coastal wetland. Limnetica43(2), DOI: 10.23818/limn.43.21
  • Pérez-Martínez, C.; Ramos-Rodríguez, E.; Conde-Porcuna, J.M.; Moreno, E.; Llodrà-LLabrés, J.; Jiménez, L. (2024): Cladocera abundance from sediment cores (2008-2011) from six lakes of Sierra Nevada Mountains (Spain). PANGAEA,


  • Jiménez-Moreno, G., Heiri, O., García-Alix, A., Anderson, R.S., Jiménez-Espejo. F.J., López-Blanco, R., Jiménez, L., Pérez-Martínez, C., Rodrigo-Gámiz, M., López-Avilés, A. & J. Camuera (2023) Holocene summer temperature reconstruction based on a chironomid record from Sierra Nevada, southern Spain. Quaternary Science Review 319:108343.
  • Peñas, F.J.,… Pérez-Martínez, C., … & Barquín, J. (2023) An evaluation of freshwater monitoring programs in ILTER nodes and mountain national parks: identifying key variables to monitor global change effects. Biodivers Conserv 32, 65–94.
  • Postma, T., Martínez-López, J., Llodrà-Llabrés, J., Alcaraz-Segura, D., & Pérez-Martínez, C. (2023). Sentinel-2 derived Chlorophyll-a prediction maps for high-altitude lakes in the Sierra Nevada, Spain (0.1) [Data set]. Zenodo.
  • Postma, T., Martínez-López, J., Llodrà-Llabrés, J., Alcaraz-Segura, D., & Pérez-Martínez, C. (2023). Dataset of processed Sentinel-2 images for chlorophyll-a estimation in high-altitude lakes in the Sierra Nevada, Spain (0.1) [Data set]. Zenodo.
  • Pérez-Martínez, C., Fernández-Moreno, D., Llodrà-LLabrés, J., Jiménez, L., Moreno, E., Ramos-Rodríguez, E. & Conde-Porcuna, J. M. (2023): Diatom abundance from sediment cores (2008-2011) from six lakes of Sierra Nevada Mountains (Spain). PANGAEA,
  • Joana Llodrà-Llabrés, Javier Martínez-López, Thedmer Postma, Carmen Pérez-Martínez, Domingo Alcaraz-Segura (2023) Retrieving water chlorophyll-a concentration in inland waters from Sentinel-2 imagery: Review of operability, performance and ways forward. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 125, 103605, ISSN 1569-8432.
  • Juan‐Ovejero, R., Elghouat, A., Navarro, C.J., Reyes‐Martín, M.P., Jiménez, M.N., Navarro, F.B., Alcaraz‐Segura, D. & Castro, J. Estimation of aboveground biomass and carbon stocks of Quercus ilex L. saplings using UAV‐derived RGB imagery. Annals of Forest Science 80, 44.
  • Lázaro-González A, Tamultaityté G, Castro J, Uscola M, Leverkus AB 2023. Seedling establishment in a deciduous and an evergreen oak under simulated climate change. For Ecol Manage 550: 121498. Publicación (pdf)
  • Cours J, Bouget C, Barsoum N, Horák J, Le Souchu E, Leverkus AB, Pincebourde S, Thorn S, Sallé A (2023) Surviving in changing forests: abiotic disturbance legacy effects on arthropod communities of temperate forests Current Forestry Reports 9: 189–218.
  • Kriegel P et al. (autor 20/32) 2023. Ambient and substrate energy influence decomposer diversity differentially across trophic levels. Ecology Letters 26:1157–1173
  • Juli Pausas, Leverkus AB, 2023. Disturbance ecology in human societies. People and Nature 5: 1082-1093
  • Lázaro-González A, Andivia E, Hampe A, Hasegawa S, Marzano R, Santos AMC, Castro J, Leverkus AB. 2023. Revegetation through seeding or planting: A worldwide systematic map. J Environ Manage 337:117713
  • Molina‐Morales M; Leverkus AB; Albaladejo‐Robles G; Martínez‐Baroja L; Pérez‐Camacho L; Villar‐Salvador P; Rebollo S; Rey‐Benayas JM; Castro J. 2023 Linking animal behaviour and tree recruitment: caching decisions by a scatter hoarder corvid determine seed fate in a Mediterranean agroforestry system. Journal of Ecology 111:400–411
  • Villar Argáiz M, Fernández Zambrano A, Garrido Cañete G, García Sánchez A, Bustamante L, Carrillo Lechuga P, Medina Sánchez J M, Corral Arredondo E, Pérez-Martínez C, Llodrà Llabrés J M (2023). High frequency monitoring in high mountain lakes of the Spanish Sierra Nevada after intense Saharan aerosol inputs. Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory. Andalusian Environmental Center, University of Granada, Regional Government of Andalusia. Sampling event dataset
  • Villar Argáiz M, Pérez-Martínez C, Llodrà Llabrés J M, Conde-Porcuna J M, Ramos Rodríguez E, Picazo Mota F, Martínez-López J, López Rodríguez M J, Carrillo Lechuga P, Medina Sánchez J M, Corral Arredondo E (2023). Biological and physico-chemical characterization of shallow lakes in Spain’s Sierra Nevada. Sierra Nevada Global Change Observatory. Andalusian Environmental Center, University of Granada, Regional Government of Andalusia. Sampling event dataset
  • Carbonell, J. A., Pallarés, S., Velasco, J., Millán, A., Picazo, F., & Abellán, P. (2023). Thermal biology of aquatic insects in alpine lakes: Insights from diving beetles. Freshwater Biology, 00, 113.
  • Gonzalo Jiménez-Moreno, Oliver Heiri, Antonio García-Alix, R. Scott Anderson, Francisco J. Jiménez-Espejo, Charo López-Blanco, Laura Jiménez, Carmen Pérez-Martínez, Marta Rodrigo-Gámiz, Alejandro López-Avilés, Jon Camuera. Holocene summer temperature reconstruction based on a chironomid record from Sierra Nevada, southern Spain. Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 319, 2023, 108343. ISSN 0277-3791.
  • Verberk, W. C., Hoefnagel, K. N., Peralta‐Maraver, I., Floury, M., & Rezende, E. L. (2023). Long‐term forecast of thermal mortality with climate warming in riverine amphipods. Global Change Biology. Publicación (pdf)
  • León‐Palmero, E;Morales‐Baquero, R;  Reche I. (2023) P inputs determine denitrifier abundance explaining dissolved nitrous oxide in reservoirs. Limnology and Oceanography;
  • Peralta-Maraver, I., Traunspurger, W., Robertson, A. L., Giere, O., & Majdi, N. (2023). Freshwater Meiofauna—A Biota with Different Rules?. In New Horizons in Meiobenthos Research: Profiles, Patterns and Potentials (pp. 153-173). Cham: Springer International Publishing. (
  • Alruiz, J. M., Peralta-Maraver, I., Bozinovic, F., Santos, M., & Rezende, E. L. (2023). Temperature adaptation and its impact on the shape of performance curves in Drosophila populations. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 290(1998), 20230507 (
  • Castellano-Hinojosa, A., Bedmar, E.J. & Medina-Sánchez, J.M. 2023. Efficiency of reactive nitrogen removal in a model Mediterranean high-mountain lake and its downwater river ecosystem: Biotic and abiotic controls. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 858, Part 2, 159901
  • Ian Stone, Tony Weinke, Kaylynne Dennis, Nate Dugener, Clarisse Odebrecht, Juanma Medina-Sánchez and Bopi Biddanda (2023). Saving Biodiversity to Save Our Life-Sustaining Biosphere. A review of the report “Living Planet 2022: Building a Nature-Positive Society”, World Wildlife Fund, 2022. The Inter Change Newsletter.
  • Risse‐Buhl, U., Arnon, S., Bar‐Zeev, E., Oprei, A., Packman, A. I., Peralta‐Maraver, I., ... & Mutz, M. (2023). Streambed migration frequency drives ecology and biogeochemistry across spatial scales. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water, e1632.


  • Pérez-Martínez, C., Conde-Porcuna, J.M., Ramos Rodríguez,E., Moreno, E., Rühland, K.M., Jeziorski, A. Smol, J.P., García-Alix, A., Heiri, O.H., Corral Arredondo, E. & Jiménez, L. (2022). Paleolimnological indicators of global change. In: The landscape of Sierra Nevada: A unique laboratory of global processes, Zamora, R. & Oliva, M. (eds.). Springer, Cham. (pp. 279-291). ISBN 978-3-030-94218-2.
  • Leverkus, A.B., Thorn, S., Lindenmayer, D.B., Pausas, J. (2022). Tree planting goals must account for wildfires. Science 376:588–9
  • Viljur et al. (autor 32/54), 2022. The effect of natural disturbances on forest biodiversity: an ecological synthesis. Biological Reviews 97: 1930-1947.
  • Lozano, I., González-Olalla, J.M. & Medina-Sánchez, J.M. 2022. New Insights for the Renewed Phytoplankton-Bacteria Coupling Concept: the Role of the Trophic Web. Microbial  Ecology.
  • González-Olalla, J.M., Medina-Sánchez, J.M. & Carrillo, P. 2022. Fluctuation at High Temperature Combined with Nutrients Alters the Thermal Dependence of Phytoplankton. Microbial Ecololgy 83, 555–567 (2022).
  • Cabrerizo M.J., Medina-Sánchez, J.M., González-Olalla, J.M., Sánchez-Gómez, D. & Carrillo, P. 2022. Microbial plankton responses to multiple environmental drivers in marine ecosystems with different phosphorus limitation degrees. Science of The Total Environment, Volume 816, 151491
  • Godoy, V., Calero, M., González-Olalla, J.M., Martín-Lara M.A., Olea, N., Ruiz-Gutierrez, A. & Villar-Argaiz, M. 2022. The human connection: First evidence of microplastics in remote high mountain lakes of Sierra Nevada, Spain. Environmental Pollution, Volume 311, 119922
  • Manuel Villar-Argaiz, Juan Manuel Medina-Sánchez, Bopaiah A Biddanda (2022) National parks in Spain are failing to protect wetlands. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.
  • Ramos-Rodríguez, E.; Pérez-Martínez, C.; Conde-Porcuna, J.M. A Non-Stressful Temperature Rise and Greater Food Availability Could Increase Tolerance to Calcium Limitation of Daphnia cf. pulex (sensu Hebert, 1995) Populations in Cold Soft-Water Lakes. Biology 2022, 11, 1539.
  • Biddanda, B. A., M. Villar-Argaiz, and J. M. Medina-Sánchez (2022), Protecting the mountain water towers of Spain’s Sierra Nevada, Eos, 103,
  • Peralta-Maraver I., Rutere C., Horn MA., Reche I, Behrends V., Reiss J., Robertson AL. Intermediate Levels of Predation and Nutrient Enrichment Enhance the Activity of Ibuprofen‐Degrading Bacteria. Microbial Ecology.
  • Peralta-Maraver I., Robertson A. Ecology of the Hyporheic Zone. In: Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, Second Edition vol 3 (Tockner K. ed), 363-367. 10.1016/B978-0-12-819166-8.00086-4
  • Juan-Ovejero, R., Castro, J., & Querejeta, J.I. (2022). Low acclimation potential compromises the performance of water-stressed pine saplings under Mediterranean xeric conditions. Science of The Total Environment, 831, 154797.
  • Zamora, R.; Barea-Azcón, J.M.; Pérez-Luque, A.J.; García, D.; Aspízua, R. y Cano-Manuel, F.J. (2022). Los enebrales de la alta montaña de Sierra Nevada: conservación y restauración. Consejería de Agricultura, Ganadería, Pesca y Desarrollo Sostenible (Junta de Andalucía)-Universidad de Granada. 89 pp.
  • Batanero, G.L., Green, A.J., Amat, J.A., Vittecoq, M., Suttle C.A.,Reche I.(2022) Patterns of microbial abundance and heterotrophic activity along nitrogen and salinity gradients in coastal wetlands. Aquat Sci 84, 22
  • Alruiz, J. M., Peralta-Maraver, I., Bozinovic, F., Santos, M., & Rezende, E. L. (2022). Thermal tolerance in Drosophila: repercussions for distribution, community coexistence and responses to climate change. Journal of Animal Ecology, 00:1–13.


  • Conde-Porcuna, J. M., Veiga, J., Moreno, E., Jiménez, L., Ramos-Rodríguez, E. & Pérez-Martínez, C. (2021) Phylogeny and spatiotemporal genetic patterns in the Daphnia pulex complex from Sierra Nevada lakes (Spain): first record of North American D. pulex in a European high mountain lake. Journal of Plankton Research 43 (3): 380–395
  • Donis, D., Mantzouki, E., McGinnis, D. F., Vachon, D., Gallego, I., Grossart, H. P., ... Pérez-Martínez, C., …& Ibelings, B.W.. (2021). Stratification strength and light climate explain variation in chlorophyll-a at the continental scale in a European multilake survey in a heatwave summer. Limnology and Oceanography.
  • Leverkus, A.B. et al., 2021. Restoring oak forests through direct seeding or planting: Protocol for a continental-scale experiment. PLoS ONE 16: e0259552  
  • Juan-Ovejero et al. (author position 3/5) 2021. Decadal effect of post-fire management treatments on soil carbon and nutrient concentrations in a burnt Mediterranean forest. For. Eco. Manage. 498: 119570
  • Gustafsson L et al. (author position 3/6) 2021. Disturbance interval modulates the starting point for vegetation succession. Ecology 102: e03439 doi:
  • Leverkus A.B., et al., 2021. Resilience impacts of a secondary disturbance: Meta-analysis of salvage logging effects on tree regeneration. Journal of Ecology 109:3224–3232
  • Leverkus. A.B., Navarro, F.B. 2021. One size fits some (serie EcoPics). Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 19: 333
  • Leverkus A.B. et al., 2021. Seeding or planting to revegetate the world’s degraded land: Systematic review and experimentation to address methodological issues. Restoration Ecology 29:e13372
  • Martínez-Baroja et al.  2021. Caching territoriality and site preferences by a scatter-hoarder drive the spatial pattern of seed dispersal and affect seedling emergence. J. Ecol. 109: 2342-2353
  • Gustafsson, L., Granath, G., Nohrstedt, H.Ö., Leverkus, A.B., Johansson, V. (2021) Burn severity and soil chemistry are weak drivers of early vegetation succession following a boreal mega-fire in a production forest landscape. Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e12966
  • Brahney J., Weathers K.C., Reche I. (2021). Dust and Fog Effects on Inland Waters. Encyclopedia of Inland Waters, Second Edition

  • León-Palmero, E., Reche, I., & Morales-Baquero, R. (2021). El uso del suelo en las cuencas de captación condiciona la calidad del agua en embalses del sudeste peninsular ibérico. Ingeniería del agua, 25(3), 205-213.

  • Burian, A., Pinn, D., Peralta-Maraver, I., Sweet, M., Mauvisseau, Q., Eyice, O., ... & Kratina, P. (2021). Predation increases multiple components of microbial diversity in activated sludge communities. The ISME journal, 1-9.

  • Villar-Argaiz, M.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2021. Divergent nucleic acid allocation in juvenile insects of different metamorphosis modes. Scientific Reports: 11, 10313 (2021).

  • Seibold S., Rammer W., Hothorn T, Seidl R., Ulyshen M.D., Lorz J., Cadotte M.W., Lindenmayer D.B., Adhikari Y.P., Aragón R., Bae S., Baldrian P., Varandi H.B., Barlow J., Bässler C., Beauchêne J., Berenguer E., Bergamin R.S., Birkemoe T., Boros G., Brandl R., Brustel H., Burton P.J., Cakpo-Tossou Y.T., Castro J., Cateau E., Cobb T.P., Farwig N., Fernández R.D., Firn J., Gan K.S., González G., Gossner M.M., Habel J.C., Hébert C., Heibl C., Heikkala O., Hemp A., Hemp C., Hjältén J., Hotes S., Kouki J., Lachat T., Liu J., Liu Y., Luo Y.-H., Macandog D.M., Martina P.E., Mukul S.A., Nachin B., Nisbet K., O’Halloran J., Oxbrough A., Pandey J.N., Pavlícek T., Pawson S.M., Rakotondranary J.S., Ramanamanjato J.-B., Rossi L., Schmidl J., Schulze M., Seaton S., Stone M.J., Stork N.E., Suran B., Sverdrup-Thygeson A., Thorn S., Thyagarajan G., Wardlaw T.J., Weisser W.W., Yoon S., Zhang N., Müller J. (2021). The contribution of insects to global forest deadwood decomposition. Nature 597: 77-81 (doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03740-8)

  • Castro J, Morales-Rueda F, Navarro FB, Löf M, Vacchiano G, Alcaraz-Segura D (2021). Precision restoration: a necessary approach to foster forest recovery in the 21st century. Restoration Ecology (doi: 10.1111/rec.13421). Publicación (pdf)

  • Martínez-Baroja L., Pérez-Camacho L., Villar-Salvador P., Rebollo S., Leverkus A.B., Pesendorfer M., Molina-Morales M., Castro J., Rey-Benayas J. (2021). Caching territoriality and site preferences by a scatter-hoarder drives the spatial pattern of seed dispersal and affect seedling emergence. Journal of Ecology (doi: 10.1111/1365-2745.13642)

  • Leverkus A.B., Lázaro-González A., Andivia E., Castro J., Jiménez M.N., Navarro F.B. (2021). Seeding or planting to revegetate the world’s degraded land: systematic review and experimentation to address methodological issues. Restoration Ecology 29, No. 4, e13372 (doi: 10.1111/rec.13372)

  • Juan-Ovejero R., Molinas-González C., Leverkus A.B., Martín-Peinado F.J., Castro J. (2021). Decadal effect of post-fire management treatments on soil carbon and nutrient concentrations in a burnt Mediterranean forest. Forest Ecology and Management 498, 119570 (doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2021.119570) Publicación (pdf)

  • Tikkanen OP, Kilpeläinen J, Mellado A, Hämäläinen A, Hódar JA, Jaroszewicz B, Luoto M, Repo T, Rigling A, Wang A, Li MH, Lehto T. Freezing tolerance of seeds can explain differences in the distribution of two widespread mistletoe subspecies in Europe. Forest Ecology and Management 482: 118806. DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118806.

  • Hódar JA, Cayuela L, Heras D, Pérez-Luque AJ, Torres-Muros L. Expansion of elevational range in a forest pest: Can parasitoids track their hosts? Ecosphere 12(4): e03476. DOI 10.1002/ecs2.3476.

  • Pérez-Luque, A.J., Peinó-Calero, E., Rodríguez-Brito, A., Esteban-Parra, M.J., Merino-Ceballos, M., Guerrero-Alonso, P.D., Moreno-LLorca, R., Ros-Candeira, A., Zamora, R. 2021. ClimaNevada: Base de datos climática del Observatorio de Cambio Global de Sierra Nevada. Ecosistemas 30(1): 2155.

  • Zamora, R., Pérez-Luque, A.J., Guerrero-Alonso, P.D., Moreno-LLorca, R., Merino-Ceballos, M., Ros-Candeira, A. 2021. Uniendo macro y microclima en paisajes de montaña: una aproximación conceptual e instrumental. Ecosistemas 30(1): 2166.

  • González-Olalla JM, Medina-Sánchez JM, Norici A, Carrillo P. Regulation of Phagotrophy by Prey, Low Nutrients, and Low Light in the Mixotrophic Haptophyte Isochrysis galbana. Microbial Ecology. 2021 Mar. DOI: 10.1007/s00248-021-01723-w.

  • Biddanda B.A., Dila D. K., Weinke, A. D., Mancuso J. L., Villar-Argaiz, M., Medina-Sánchez, J. M., González-Olalla, J. M.& Carrillo, P. 2021. Housekeeping in the hydrosphere: Microbial cooking, cleaning and control under stress. Life 11(2), 152; doi:10.3390/life11020152

  • Leverkus A.B. et al., 2021. Environmental policies to cope with novel disturbance regimes –steps to address a world scientists’ warning to humanity”. Environmental Research Letters 16: 021003.

  • Leverkus, A.B., Crawley, M.J. (2020) Temporal variation in effect sizes in a long-term, split-plot field experiment. Ecology 101:e03009

  • Álvarez-Manzaneda, I., F. Guerrero, L. Cruz-Pizarro, M. Rendón & I. de Vicente. Magnetic particles as new adsorbents for the reduction of phosphate inputs from a wastewater treatment plant to a Mediterranean Ramsar wetland (Southern Spain). Chemosphere, Volume 270, May 2021, 128640.

  • Funes, A., I. Álvarez-Manzaneda, A. del Arco, J. de Vicente & I. de Vicente. Evaluating the effect of CFH-12® and Phoslock® on phosphorus dynamics during anoxia and resuspension in shallow eutrophic lakes. Environmental Pollution, en prensa

  • Álvarez-Manzaneda, I., N. Laza, F. B. Navarro, E. M. Suárez- Rey, M. L. Segura & I. de Vicente. Assessing the viability of recovered Phosphorus from eutrophicated aquatic ecosystems as a liquid fertilizer. Journal of Environmental Management, en prensa

  • Peralta-Maraver, I., & Rezende, E. L. (2021). Heat tolerance in ectotherms scales predictably with body size. Nature Climate Change, 11(1), 58-63.

  • López-Rodríguez, M. J., Moreno, I. P., Peralta-Maraver, I., Pérez-Martínez, C., & de Figueroa, J. M. T. (2021). Experimental evaluation of biodiversity response to dispersal barriers and patch primary producer biomass in Mediterranean streams. Aquatic Sciences, 83(1), 1-10.

  • Peralta-Maraver, I., Stubbington, R., Arnon, S., Kratina, P., Krause, S., de Mello Cionek, V., ... & Robertson, A. L. (2021). The riverine bioreactor: an integrative perspective on biological decomposition of organic matter across riverine habitats. Science of The Total Environment, 145494. Publicación (pdf)

  • Ana del Arco, Inmaculada Álvarez-Manzaneda, Ana Funes, Carmen Pérez-Martínez, Inmaculada de Vicente(2021). Assessing the toxic effects of magnetic particles used for lake restoration on phytoplankton: A community-based approach. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 207 111288 Publicación (pdf)


  • Leverkus, A.B., Crawley, M.J. (2020) Temporal variation in effect sizes in a long-term, split-plot field experiment. Ecology 101:e03009

  • Peralta-Maraver, I.; López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Roberston, A. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2020. Anthropogenic flow intermittency shapes food web topology and community delineation in Mediterranean rivers. International Journal of Hydrobiology, 105:74–84.

  • Molinas-Morales M., Castro J., Albaladejo G. y Parejo D. (2020). Precise cache detection by olfaction in a scatter-hoarder bird. Animal Behaviour 167: 185-191 (10.1016/j.anbehav.2020.07.002).

  • Georgiev K.B., Chao A., Castro J., Chen Y.-H., Choi C.-Y., Fontaine J.B., Hutto R.L., Lee E.-J., Müller J., Rost J., Zmihorski M. y Thorn S. (2020). Salvage logging changes the taxonomic, phylogenetic and functional sucessional trajectories of forest bird communities. Journal of Applied Ecology 57: 1103-1112 (doi: 10.1111/1365-2664.13599).

  • Salazar-Tortosa D., Castro J., Saladin B., Zimmermann N.E., y Rubio de Casas (2020).Arid environments select for larger seeds in pines (Pinus spp). Evolutionary Ecology 34: 11-26 (

  • Gómez de Dios MA, Barranco P, Hódar JA, Yeste A, Santa M, Paracuellos M, Rodríguez-Luque F. Rodríguez-Lozano B, Tarifa R. 2020. Nuevas citas de insectos en las albuferas de Adra (Almería, España), y otros datos de interés para el sur de la península ibérica (Arthropoda, Insecta). Boletín de la Asociación Española de Entomología 44:231-237.

  • Lázaro-González A, Hódar JA, Zamora R. 2020. Ecological assembly rules on arthropod community inhabiting mistletoes. Ecological Entomology 45:1088-1098. DOI: 10.1111/een.12887.

  • Zamora R, Lázaro-González A, Hódar JA. 2020. Secondary foundation species foster novel plant-animal interactions in the forest canopy: evidence from mistletoe. Insect Conservation and Diversity 13:470-479. DOI: 10.1111/icad.12428.

  • Piwosz, K., Vrdoljak, A., Frenken, T., González-Olalla, J.M., Šantic´, D., R. Michael McKay, R.M., Spilling, K., Guttman,L., Znachor, P., Mujakic´, I., Fecskeová, L.K. Zoccarato, L., Hanusová, M., A. Pessina, A. Tom Reich, T., Grossart, l H-P. Koblížek, M.2020. Light and primary production shape bacterial activity and community composition of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in a microcosm experiment. mSphere ·DOI: 10.1128/mSphere.00354-20

  • Villar-Argaiz, M., López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. Body P content increases over ontogeny in hemimetabolous macroinvertebrates in a Mediterranean high mountain stream. Aquat Ecol 54, 1185–1200 (2020).

  • Cabrerizo, M.J., Helbling, E.W., Villafañe, V.E. et al. Multiple interacting environmental drivers reduce the impact of solar UVR on primary productivity in Mediterranean lakes. Sci Rep 10, 19812 (2020).

  • Leverkus, A.B., Gustafsson, L., Lindenmayer, D.B., Castro, J., Rey Benayas, J.M., Ranius, T. & Thorn, S. (2020) Salvage logging effects on regulating ecosystem services and fuel loads. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 18:391-400

  • Leverkus, A.B., Thorn, S., Lindenmayer, D.B., Pausas, J. (2020) Wildfire debate needs science, not politics. Science 370:416-17

  • Leverkus, A.B., Buma, B., Wagenbrenner, J., Lingua, E., Marzano, R., Burton, P., Thorn, S. (2020) Tamm review: Does salvage logging mitigate subsequent forest disturbances? Forest Ecology and Management 481:118721

  • Thorn, S., Chao, A., Georgiev, K.B., Müller, J., Bässler, C., Campbell, J.L., Castro, J., Chen, Y.-H., Choi, C.-Y., Cobb, T.P., Donato, D.C., Durska, E., Macdonald, E., Feldhaar, H., Fontaine, J.B., Fornwalt, P.J., María, R., Hernández, H., Hutto, R.L., Koivula, M., Lee, E.-J., Lindenmayer, D., Mikusiński, G., Obrist, M.K., Perlík, M., Rost, J., Waldron, K., Wermelinger, B., Weiß, I., Żmihorski, M., Leverkus, A.B. (2020) Estimating retention benchmarks for salvage logging to protect biodiversity. Nature Communications 11:4762

  • Thorn, S., Seibold, S., Leverkus, A.B., Michler, T., Müller, J., Noss, R.F., Stork, N., Vogel, S., Lindenmayer, D.B. (2020). The living dead –acknowledging life after tree death to stop forest degradation. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18:505-512

  • Leverkus, A.B., Rey Benayas, J.M., Solís, P., Sierra, J.M. (2020) Enabling conditions for the implementation and conservation outcomes of a private nature reserve. Ecological Solutions and Evidence 1:e12019

  • Ripple, W.J.; C. Wolf; T.M. Newsome; P. Barnard; W.R. Moomaw; [...]; I. de Vicente; [...]; 11,256 scientist signatories from 153 countries. World scientist's warning of a climate emergency. BioScience, 70: 8-12

  • Pérez-Martínez, C., Rühland, K. M., Smol, J. P., Jones, V. J., & Conde-Porcuna, J. M. (2020). Long-term ecological changes in Mediterranean mountain lakes linked to recent climate change and Saharan dust deposition revealed by diatom analyses. Science of The Total Environment, 138519.

  • García-Alix, A., Toney, J. L., Jiménez-Moreno, G., Pérez-Martínez, C., Jiménez, L., Rodrigo-Gámiz, M., Anderson, R. S., Camuera, J., Jiménez-Espejo, F. J., Peña-Angulo, D. & Ramos-Román, M. J. (2020) Extreme warming rates affecting alpine areas in SW Europe deduced from algal lipids, Climate of the Past 16, 245–263.

  • León-Palmero, E., Contreras-Ruiz,A., Sierra, A., Morales-Baquero,R., Reche, I. (2020) Dissolved CH4 coupled to photosynthetic picoeukaryotes in oxic waters and to cumulative chlorophyll a in anoxic waters of reservoirs. Biogeosciences, 17, 3223–3245, 2020

  • Reche I. Perfectti F. (2020) Promoting Individual and Collective Creativity in Science Students. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.

  • Ruiz‐González, C., Mestre, M., Estrada, M., Sebastián, M., Salazar, G., Agustí, S.,Moreno-Ostos, E., Reche, I., Álvarez-Salgado X.A., Morán, X.A.G.,Duarte, C. M., Sala, M.M. & Gasol J.M. (2020). Major imprint of surface plankton on deep ocean prokaryotic structure and activity. Molecular Ecology.

  • Eloísa Ramos-Rodríguez, Emilio Moreno, José María Conde-Porcuna. Intraspecific variation in sensitivity to food availability and temperature-induced phenotypic plasticity in the rotifer Keratella cochlearis. Journal of Experimental Biology 2020 223: jeb209676 doi: 10.1242/jeb.209676

  • León-Palmero, E., Morales-Baquero, R., & Reche, I. (2020). Greenhouse gas fluxes from reservoirs determined by watershed lithology, morphometry, and anthropogenic pressure. Environmental Research Letters 15: 044012

  • Pérez-Martínez, C., Conde-Porcuna, J.M., Moreno-Linares, E., Ramos-Rodríguez, E. & Jiménez, L. (2020). Cladoceran assemblage distribution in shallow alpine lakes of Sierra Nevada (Spain) and its relationship with environmental variables. Aquatic Sciences. 82. 10.1007/s00027-019-0677-5

  • Ramos-Rodríguez, E., Moreno, E. & Conde-Porcuna J.M. (2020). Intraspecific variation in sensitivity to food availability and temperature-induced phenotypic plasticity in the rotifer Keratella cochlearis. Journal of Experimental Biology. doi: 10.1242/jeb.209676

  • Guerrero-Jiménez, G., Ramos–Rodríguez, E., Silva-Briano, M. et al. Analysis of the morphological structure of diapausing propagules as a potential tool for the identification of rotifer and cladoceran species. Hydrobiologia 847, 243–266 (2020)

  • Castellano-Hinojosa, A., Charteris, A.F., Müller, C., Jansen-Willems, A., González-López, Jesús., Bedmar, E.J., Carrillo, Presentació., Cárdenas, L.M., Occurrence and15N-quantification of simultaneous nitrification and denitrification in N-fertilised soils incubated under oxygen-limiting conditions, Soil Biology and Biochemistry (2020), doi:

  • Durán-Romero, C., Medina-Sánchez, J.M. & Carrillo, P. Uncoupled phytoplankton-bacterioplankton relationship by multiple drivers interacting at different temporal scales in a high-mountain Mediterranean lake. Sci Rep 10, 350 (2020).

  • Leverkus, A.B., Crawley, M.J. (2020) Temporal variation in effect sizes in a long-term, split-plot field experiment. Ecology (en prensa). Doi: 10.1002/ecy.3009

  • M. J. Cabrerizo, M. I. Álvarez-Manzaneda, E. León-Palmero, G. Guerrero-Jiménez, L. N. de Senerpont Domis, S. Teurlincx, L. M. González-Olalla. 2020. Warming and CO2 effects under oligotrophication on temperate phytoplankton communities. Water Research, 173: 115579.


  • Hurtado-Borrero, Y.M.; Tamaris-Turizo, C.E.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2019. Nymphal feeding habits of two Anacroneuria species (Plecoptera, Perlidae) from Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Colombia. Journal of Limnology, 78(1): 40-46.

  • López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Márquez Muñoz, C.; Ripoll-Martín, E. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2019. Effect of shifts in habitats and flow regime associated to water diversion for agriculture on the macroinvertebrate community of a small watershed. Aquatic Ecology, 53: 483-495.

  • Matías-Resina L.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Abdelaziz, M. 2019. Conservación de interacciones ecológicas. 285-305. En: Lorite, J. & Peñas, J. (eds.). Biología de la conservación de plantas en Sierra Nevada. Principios y retos para su preservación. Editorial Universidad de Granada, Granada.

  • Sánchez-Tocino, L.; de la Linde Rubio, A.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2019. Health status of the Paramuricea clavata (Risso, 1826) colonies (Anthozoa, Alcyonacea) in the Chafarinas Islands (Mediterranean Sea). Animal Biodiversity and Conservation, 42(2): 253-256.

  • Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2019. Trophic ecology of Plecoptera (Insecta): a review. The European Zoological Journal, 86(1): 79-102.

  • Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2019. Drumming for love: mating behavior in Stoneflies. 117-137. En: Del-Claro K. and Guillermo, R. (eds). Aquatic Insects: Behavior and Ecology. Springer. ISBN: 978-3-030-16326-6

  • Salazar-Tortosa D., Saladin B., Zimmermann N.E., Castro J. y Rubio de Casas (2019). The evolution of seed dispersal is associated with environmental heterogeneity in Pinus. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 41: 125464 (doi:10.1016/j.ppees.2019.125464).

  • Löf M., Castro J., Engman M., Leverkus A.B., Madsen P., Reque J.A., Villalobos A. y Gardiner E.S. (2019). Tamm Review: Direct seeding to restore oak (Quercus spp.) forests and woodlands. Forest Ecology and Management 448:474-489 (doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2019.06.032).

  • Molina-Morales M., Albaladejo G. y Castro J. (2019). Cache marking under field conditions does not affect recovery rate in a scatter-hoarder corvid. Ardeola 66: 77-87 (doi: 10.13157/arla.66.1.2019.sc2).

  • Rivas-Ubach A, Peñuelas J, Hódar JA, Oravec M, Pasa-Tolic L, Urban O, Sardans J. 2019. We are what we eat: a stoichiometric and ecometabolomic study of caterpillars feeding on two pine subspecies of Pinus sylvestris. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20:59. DOI: 10.3390/ijms20010059.

  • Lázaro-González A, Hódar JA, Zamora R. 2019. Mistletoe vs. host pine: Does increased parasite load alter the host chemical profile? Journal of Chemical Ecology 45(1):95-105. DOI: 10.1007/s10886-018-1039-9.

  • Salman MHR, Bonsignore P, El Fels MAEA, Giomi F, Hódar JA, Laparie M, Marini L, Merel C, Zalucki M, Zamoum M, Battisti A. 2019. Winter temperature predicts prolonged diapause rate in pine processionary moth across its geographic range. PeerJ 7:e6530. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.6530.

  • Lázaro-González A, Hódar JA, Zamora R. 2019. Mistletoe generates non-trophic and trait-mediated indirect interactions through a shared host of herbivore consumers. Ecosphere 10(3): e02564. DOI:10.1002/ecs2.2564.

  • Ros-Candeira A, Pérez-Luque AJ, Suárez-Muñoz M, Bonet-García FJ, Hódar JA, Herrero J, Tanase M, Giménez de Azcárate F, Ortega-Díaz E. 2019. Dataset of occurrence and incidence of processionary moth in Andalusia (South Spain). ZooKeys 852:125-136. DOI: 10.3897/zookeys.852.28567.

  • Suárez-Muñoz M, Bonet-García FJ, Hódar JA, Herrero J, Tanase M, Torres-Muros L. 2019. INSTAR: An Agent-Based Model that integrates existing knowledge to simulate the population dynamics of a forest pest. Ecological Modelling 411:108764. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2019.108764.

  • Frago E, Wang H-L, Svensson GP, Marques JF, Hódar JA, Boettner J, Ciornei C, Dormont L, Elkinton J, Franzén M, Khrimian A, Marianelli L, Marziali L, Mas H, Pérez-Laorga E, Pérez-López J, Roques A, Simonca V, Anderbrant O. 2019. Common pheromone use among host-associated populations of a polyphagous moth displaying different adult phenologies. Entomologia generalis 39:295-306. DOI: 10.1127/entomologia/2019/0774.

  • Amarillo JM, Obregón R, Rodríguez F, Hódar JA. 2019. Nuevos datos en Andalucía del ascaláfido Puer maculatus (Olivier 1789) (Neuroptera, Ascalaphidae). Revista de la Sociedad Gaditana de Historia Natural 13:23-25.

  • Tierno de Figueroa J.M., M.J. López-Rodríguez, & M. Villar-Argaiz. 2019. Spatial and seasonal variability in the trophic role of aquatic insects: An assessment of dunctional feeding group applicability. Freshwater Biology 64: 954-966.

  • Publicación (pdf) Juan Manuel González-Olalla, Juan Manuel Medina-Sánchez and Presentación Carrillo (2019) Mixotrophic trade‐off under warming and UVR in a marine and a freshwater alga. J. Phycol. 55, 1028–1040. DOI: 10.1111/jpy.12865

  • Leverkus, A.B., Gustafsson, L., Lindenmayer, D.B., Castro, J., Rey Benayas, J.M., Ranius, T. & Thorn, S. (2019) Salvage logging effects on regulating ecosystem services and fuel loads. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment (en prensa).

  • Martínez-Baroja, L., Pérez-Camacho, L., Villar-Salvador, P., Rebollo, S., Quiles, P., Gómez-Sánchez, D., Molina-Morales, M., Leverkus, A.B., Castro, J. & Rey-Benayas, J.M. (2019) Massive and effective acorn dispersal into agroforestry systems by an overlooked vector, the Eurasian magpie (Pica pica). Ecosphere 10:e02989.

  • Molinas-González, C. R., Castro, J., González-Megías, A., Leverkus, A.B. (2019) Effects of post-fire deadwood management on soil macroinvertebrate communities. Forests 10:1046.

  • Thorn, S., Müller, J., Leverkus, A.B. (2019) Preventing future forest diebacks. Science 365:1388.

  • Rebollo, S., et al.(2019) Servicios de la avifauna (high mobile link species) en mosaicos agroforestales: regeneración forestal y regulación de plagas. Ecosistemas 28:32–41.

  • Leverkus, A.B., García Murillo, P., Jurado Doña, V., García Pausas, J. Wildfire: Opportunity for restoration? Science 363:134-135.

  • Thorn, S. Leverkus, A.B., Thorn, C.J., Beudert, B. (2019). Education and knowledge determine preference for bark beetle control measures in El Salvador. J. Environ. Manage 232:138-144.

  • Castro, J., Leverkus, A.B. (2019). Effect of herbaceous layer interference on the post-fire regeneration of a serotinous pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton) across two seedling ages. Forests 10:art74.

  • Pérez-Martínez, C., José M. Conde-Porcuna, Emilio Moreno, Eloísa Ramos-Rodríguez and Laura Jiménez (2019) Cladoceran assemblage distribution in shallow alpine lakes of Sierra Nevada (Spain) and its relationship with environmental variables. DOI: 10.1007/s00027-019-0677-

  • Burillo, J. P., Jiménez, L. & Pérez-Martínez, C. (2019) Identifying invasive Daphnia species by morphological analysis of postabdominal claws in Sierra Nevada alpine lakes. J. Paleolimnol 62: 121-135 doi:10.1007/s10933-019-00078-0

  • Sánchez-Castillo, P.,Carrillo, P., Pérez Martínez, C., Reche, I., de la Rosa, J., Linares Cuesta, E., Díaz González, PM (2019) Conocer y conservar las algas en Sierra Nevada: una necesidad científica y una herramienta de control ambiental. En Biología de la conservación de plantas en Sierra Nevada: Principios y retos para su preservación (pp. 41-52). Editorial Universidad de Granada. ISBN: 9788433865120

  • Moreno, E., Pérez-Martínez, C., & Conde-Porcuna, J. M. (2019). Dispersal of rotifers and cladocerans by waterbirds: seasonal changes and hatching success. Hydrobiologia, 834(1), 145-162.

  • Jiménez, L., Conde-Porcuna, J. M., Heiri, O., Anderson, R. S., Toney, J. L., García-Alix, A. & Pérez-Martínez, C. (2019) Ecosystem responses to climate-related changes in a Mediterranean alpine environment over the last ~180 years. Ecosystems 22: 563-577.

  • R. Morales-Baquero, C. Pérez-Martínez, E. Ramos-Rodríguez, P. Sánchez-Castillo, M. Villar-Argaiz, J.M. Conde-Porcuna. 2019. Zooplankton advective losses may affect chlorophyll-a concentrations in fishless high-mountain lakes. Limnetica, 38(1): 55-65 (2019). DOI: 10.23818/limn.38.12

  • M. J. Cabrerizo, J. M. Medina-Sánchez, M. Villar-Argaiz, P. Carrillo. 2019. Interplay between resistance and resilience governs the stability of a freshwater microbial food web under multiple stressors. Science of the Total Environment, 691: 908-918

  • Publicación (pdf) Araya, C.M., Cazorla, A., Reche, I.(2019) Detachment Procedure of Bacteria from Atmospheric Particles for Flow-cytometry Counting Bio-protocol. 9(12): e3273.

  • Publicación (pdf) Villar-Argaiz, M. (2019), Will the desert darken your door?, Eos, 100

  • Publicación (pdf) Ortega-Retuerta, E., Mazuecos, I. P., Reche, I., Gasol, J. M., Álvarez-Salgado, X. A., Álvarez, M., Montero M.F. & Arístegui, J. (2019) Transparent exopolymer particle (TEP) distribution and in situ prokaryotic generation across the deep Mediterranean Sea and nearby North East Atlantic Ocean. Progress in Oceanography 173: 180-191

  • Publicación (pdf) Triadó-Margarit, X., Caliz, J., Reche, I., & Casamayor, E. O. (2019). High similarity in bacterial bioaerosol compositions between the free troposphere and atmospheric depositions collected at high-elevation mountains. Atmospheric Environment 203: 79–86

  • Publicación (pdf) León-Palmero, E., Reche, I., & Morales-Baquero, R. (2019). Atenuación de luz en embalses del sur-este de la Península Ibérica. Ingeniería del agua, 23(1), 65-75.

  • Bopi Biddanda, Jasmine Mancuso, Rachel Ratliff, Katie Knapp, Tony Weinke and Manuel Villar-Argaiz (2019) Anthropocene: The Uncertain Age of Humans. A book review of “Anthropocene: A very short introduction” by Erle C. Ellis (2018) InterChange newsletter

  • M. J. Cabrerizo, J. M. González-Olalla, V. J. Hinojosa-López, F. J. Peralta-Cornejo, P. Carrillo. 2019. A shifting balance: Responses of marine mixotrophic algae to cooling and warming under UVR. New Phytologist, 221: 1317-1327

  • Publicación (pdf) Martínez–Pérez AM, Catalá TS, Nieto–Cid M, Otero J, Álvarez M, Emelianov M, Reche I, Álvarez–Salgado XA, Arístegui J (2019) Dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the open Mediterranean Sea. II: Basin–wide distribution and drivers of fluorescent DOM Progress in Oceanography 170: 93–106


  • de la Linde Rubio, A.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Sánchez-Tocino, L. 2018. Mass mortality of Eunicella sigularis (Esper, 1791) (Anthozoa: Octacorallia) in Chafarinas Islands (North Africa, Western Mediterranean Sea). Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía, 53(2): 285-290.

  • López-Rodríguez, N.; Luzón-Ortega, J.M.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2018. A trophic approach to the study of the coexistence of several macroinvertebrate predators in a seasonal stream. Vie et Milieu – Life and Environment, 68(4): 263-270.

  • López-Rodríguez, M.J., Martínez Megías, C., Salgado Charrao A.C., Cámara Castro, J.P. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2019. The effect of large predators on the decomposition rate and the macroinvertebrate colonization pattern of leaves in a Mediterranean stream. International Review of Hydrobiology, 2018, 103: 90-98.

  • Pérez Fernández, T.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2018. Primera cita de Protonemura meyeri (Pictet, 1842) (Plecoptera) en la Cueva de los Chorros (Albacete). Monografías Bioespeleológicas, 13: 11-12.

  • Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2018. Checklist de Fauna Ibérica. Orden Plecoptera (Arthropoda: Insecta) en la península ibérica e islas Baleares (edición 2018). En: Documentos Fauna Ibérica, 5. Ramos, M.A. & Sánchez Ruiz, M. (Eds.). Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales, CSIC. Madrid. 2018.2 (sn) + 15 pp.

  • Yus- Ramos, R.; Alba- Tercedor, J.; Baena- Ruiz, M.; Castro- Torres, L.;Derka, T.; González, A.; López- Rodríguez, M.J.; Luzón- Ortega, J,M,; Monserrat-Montoya, V.; Pérez-Onteniente, A.; Prunier, F.; Ripoll- Rodríguez, J.; Sáinz-Bariáin, M.; Tamajón- Gómez, R.; Tierno-Figueroa, J.M.; Tinaut- Ranera, A.; Torres- Alba, J.S.; Zamora-Muñoz, C. 2018. Fauna de Invertebrados (1). Vol. 1: 1-375. En: Yus-Ramos (Coord.), Historia Natural de las Sierras Tejeda y Almijara y de los Acantilados de Maro, Tomo 13. CEDER de la Axarquía-GENA, La Viñuela (Málaga).

  • Salazar-Tortosa D., Castro J., Villar-Salvador P., Viñegla B., Matías L., Michelsen A., de Casas R.R. y Querejeta I. (2018). The “isohydric trap”: a proposed feed-back between water shortage, stomatal regulation and nutrient acquisition drives differential growth and survival of European pines under climatic dryness. Global Change Biology 24: 4069-4083 (doi: 10.1111/gcb.14311).

  • Publicación (pdf) Salazar-Tortosa D., Castro J. de Casas R.R., Viñegla B., Sánchez-Cañete E.P. y Villar-Salvador P. (2018). Gas exchange at whole plant level shows that a less conservative water use is linked to a higher performance in three ecologically distinct pine species. Environmental Research Letters 13 (2018):045004 (doi: 10.1088/1748-9326/aab18f ).

  • Hódar JA, Lázaro-González A, Zamora R. 2018. Beneath the mistletoe: parasitized trees host a more diverse herbaceous vegetation and are more visited by rabbits. Annals of Forest Science 75:77. DOI: 10.1007/s13595-018-0761-3.

  • Lázaro-González A, Hódar JA. 2018. Revisión bibliográfica de la distribución de Lasius cinereus Seifert, 1992 (Hymenoptera, Formicidae) y primera cita para Andalucía (España). Boletín de la Asociación Española de Entomología 42:181-185.

  • Doblas-Miranda E, Attorre F, Azevedo J, Bele I, Enríquez-Alcalde E, Freitas H, Garavaglia V, Hódar JA, Iritas Ö, Karaaslan Y, Khater C, Koutsias N, Lahlou Mehdi, Malkinson D, Mansour S, Pettenella D, Picard N, Pino J, Vieira J, Vitale M. 2018. Drivers of degradation and other threats. Pp. 72-89 in FAO and Plan Bleu. State of Mediterranean Forests 2018. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome and Plan Bleu, Marseille.

  • Leverkus, A.B., Thorn, S., Gustafsson, L. & Lindenmayer, D.B. (2018). Salvage logging in the world’s forests: Interactions between natural disturbance and logging need recognition. Glob. Ecol. Biogeogr. 27(10): 1140-1154.

  • Leverkus, A.B., et al. (21 autores). (2018). Salvage logging effects on regulating and supporting ecosystem services – A systematic map. Can. J. For. Res. 48(9): 983-1000.

  • Müller J, Noss R, Thorn S, Bässler C, Leverkus AB, Lindenmayer D. 2018. Increasing disturbance demands new policies to conserve intact forest. Cons. Lett. e12449.

  • Thorn, S. et al. 2018. Impacts of salvage logging on biodiversity – a meta-analysis. J. Appl. Ecol. 55:279-289.

  • Conde-Porcuna, J.M., C. Pérez-Martínez and E. Moreno (2018) Variations in the hatching response of rotifers to salinity and waterbird ingestion. Journal of Plankton Research 40: 326–341.

  • Rieradevall, M., Penélope González-Sampériz, Carmen Pérez-Martínez, Pol Tarrats , María Leunda, Josu Aranbarri, Graciela Gil-Romera, Narcís Prat (2018) Evaluación y seguimiento del cambio global en dos lagos de alta montaña (Enol y Marboré) de la red española de parques naturales: indicadores biológicos (CLAM 2). In: Proyectos de investigación en Parques Nacionales: 2012-2015, 307-25.

  • Pérez-Martínez, C., P. Tarrats, G. Jiménez-Moreno,N. Prat& M. Rieradevall (2018) Evaluación y seguimiento del cambio global en la laguna de la Mosca (Sierra Nevada, Granada). Indicadores biológicos. In: Proyectos de investigación en Parques Nacionales: 2012-2015, 327-38.

  • Jiménez L., Rühland K.M., Jeziorski A., Smol J.P. and Pérez-Martínez C. (2018) Climate change and Saharan dustdrive recent cladoceran and primary production changes inremote alpine lakes of Sierra Nevada, Spain. Glob. Change Biol. 24:e139–e158.

  • E. Mantzouki [...] C. Pérez-Martínez, E. Ramos-Rodríguez [...] B.W. Ibelings. 2018. Temperature Effects Explain Continental Scale Distribution of Cyanobacterial Toxins. TOXINS, 10(4):156. doi:10.3390/toxins10040156

  • E. Mantzouki [...] C. Pérez-Martínez, E. Ramos-Rodríguez [...] B.W. Ibelings. 2018. A European Multi Lake Survey dataset of environmental variables, phytoplankton pigments and cyanotoxins. Scientific Data volume 5, Article number: 180226

  • Pavelka, M., Acosta M., Kiese,R., Altimir,N., Brümmer, C., Crill, P., Darenova, E. Fuß5, R., Gielen, B., Graf, A., Klemedtsson, L., Lohila, A., Longdoz, B., Lindroth, A., Nilsson, M., Maraňón-Jiménez, S., Merbold, L., M., Montagnani, L., Peich, M., Pihlatie, M., Pumpanen, J., Serrano-Ortiz,P., Silvennoinen, H., Skiba, U. Vestin, P., Weslien, P., Janous, D., Kutsch; W. (2018) Standardisation of chamber technique for CO2, N2O and CH4 fluxes measurements from terrestrial ecosystems, International Agrophysics, 32, 569-587

  • Beeck, M., Gielen, B., Merbold, L., Ayres, E., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Acosta, M., Pavelka, M., Montagnani L., Nilsson, M., Klemedtsson, L., Vincke, C., De Ligne, A., Moureaux C., Marañon-Jimenez, S., Saunders, M., Mereu, S. (2018) Soil-meteorological measurements at ICOS monitoring stations in terrestrial ecosystems, International Agrophysics, 32, 619-631

  • Franz, D., Acosta, M., Altimir, N., Arriga, N., Arrouays, D., Aubinet, M., Aurela, M., Ayres, E., López-Ballesteros, A., Barbaste, M., Berveiller, D., Biraud, S., Boukir, H., Brown, T., Brümmer, C., Buchmann, N., Burba, G., Carrara, A., Cescatti, A., Ceschia, E., Clement, R., Cremonese, E., Crill, P., Darenova, E., Dengel, S., D'Odorico, P., Filippa, G., Fleck, S., Fratini, G., Fuß, R., Gielen, B., Gogo, S., Grace, J., Graf, A., Grelle, A., Gross, P., Grünwald, T., Haapanala, S., Hehn, M., Heinesch, B., Heiskanen, J., Herbst, M., Herschlein, C., Hörtnagl, L., Hufkens, K., Ibrom, A., Jolivet, C., Joly, L., Jones, M., Kiese, R., Klemedtsson, L., Kljun, N., Klumpp, K., Kolari, P., Kolle, O., Kowalski, A. S., Kutsch, W., Laurila, T., de Ligne, A., Linder, S., Lindroth, A., Lohila, A., Longdoz, B., Mammarella, I., Manise, T., Marañón-Jiménez, S., Matteucci, G., Mauder, M., Meier, P., Merbold, L., Mereu, S., Metzger, S., Migliavacca, M., Mölder, M., Montagnani, L., Moureaux, C., Nelson, D., Nemitz, E., Nicolini, G., Nilsson, M. B., Op de Beeck, M., Osborne, B., Ottosson Löfvenius, M., Pavelka, M., Peichl, M., Peltola, O., Pihlatie, M., Pitacco, A., Pokorný, R., Pumpanen, J., Ratie, C., Rebmann, C., Roland, M., Sabbatini, S., Saby, N. P. A., Saunders, M., Schmid, H. P., Schrumpf, M., Sedlák, P., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Siebicke L., Sigut, L., Silvennoinen, H., Simioni, G., Skiba, U., Sonnentag, O., Soudani, K., Soulé, P., Steinbrecher, R., Tallec, T., Thimonier, A., Tuittila, E.-S., Tuovinen, J.-P., Vestin, P., Vincent, G., Vincke, C., Vitale, D., Waldner, P., Weslien, P., Wingate, L., Wohlfahrt, G., Zahniser, M., and Vesala, T. (2018) Towards long-term standardised carbon and greenhouse gas observations for monitoring Europe's terrestrial ecosystems: a review, International Agrophysics, 32, 439 - 455

  • Rebmann, C., Aubinet, M., Schmid, H. P., Arriga, N., Aurela, M., Burba, G., Clement, R., De Ligne, A., Fratini, G., Gielen, B., Grace, J., Graf, A., Gross, P., Haapanala, S., Herbst, M., Hörtnagl, L., Ibrom, A., Joly, L., Kljun, N., Kolle, O., Kowalski, A. S., Lindroth, A., Loustau, D., Mammarella, I., Mauder, M., Merbold, L., Metzger, S., Mölder, M., Montagnani, L., Papale, D., Pavelka, M., Peichl, M. Roland, M., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Siebicke L., Steinbrecher, R., Tuovinen, J.-P., Vesala, T., Wohlfahrt, G., and Franz, D. (2018) ICOS eddy covariance flux-station setup: a review, International Agrophysics, 32, 471 - 494

  • Carrara, A., Kolari, P., Beeck, M., Arriga, N., Berveiller, D., Dengel, S.,Ibrom, A., Merbold, L. Rebmann, C., Sabbatini, S., Serrano-Ortíz, P., Biraud, S., (2018) Radiation measurements at ICOS ecosystem stations, International Agrophysics, 32, 589-605

  • Lopez, C.J.R., Sánchez-Cañete, E.P., Serrano-Ortiz, P., López-Ballesteros, A., Domingo, F., Kowalski, A.S., Oyonarte, C. From microhabitat to ecosystem: identifying the biophysical factors controlling soil CO2 dynamics in a karst shrubland. European Journal of Soil Science 69, 1018-1029

  • Meza, F.J., Montes, C., Bravo-Martínez, F., Serrano-Ortiz, P. & Kowalski, A.S. (2018) Soil water content effects on net ecosystem CO2 exchange and actual evapotranspiration in a Mediterranean semiarid savanna of Central Chile. Scientific Reports 8(1), 8570

  • Xing, L., Jingfeng, X., Binbin, H., M., A.A., Jason, B., R., D.A., Carmen, E., Y., H.D., Alisa, K., Ivan, M., M., N.S., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Camilo, R.S.A., V., R.A. & Andrej, V. (2018) Solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence is strongly correlated with terrestrial photosynthesis for a wide variety of biomes: First global analysis based on OCO‐2 and flux tower observations. Global Change Biology 24(9), 3990-4008

  • López-Ballesteros, A., Oyonarte, C., Kowalski, A.S., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Sánchez-Cañete, E.P., Moya, M.R. & Domingo, F. (2018) Can land degradation drive differences in the C exchange of two similar semiarid ecosystems? Biogeosciences 15(1), 263-278

  • Vargas, R., Sánchez-Cañete, E.P., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Curiel Yuste, J., Domingo, F., López-Ballesteros, A., Oyonarte, C. (2018) Hot-moments of CO2 eflux in a water-limited grassland. Soil Systems, 2(3), 47

  • Publicación (pdf) Sadeghi-Nassaj SM, Batanero GL, Mazuecos I.P., Alonso C, Reche I.(2018) Sea cucumbers reduce nitrogen, bacteria and transparent exopolymer particles in Anemonia sulcata aquaculture tanks Aquaculture Research DOI: 10.1111/are.13836

  • M. S. Valiñas, V. E. Villafañe, M. J. Cabrerizo, C. Durán-Romero, E. W. Helbling. 2018. Global change effects on plankton community structure and trophic interactions in a Patagonian freshwater eutrophic system. Hydrobiologia, 816: 61-77

  • Juan Manuel González-Olalla, Juan Manuel Medina-Sánchez, Ismael L. Lozano, Manuel Villar-Argaiz & Presentación Carrillo (2018) Climate-driven shifts in algal-bacterial interaction of high-mountain lakes in two years spanning a decade. Scientific Reports 8: 10278 DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-28543-2

  • Funes, A., Martínez, F.J., Álvarez-Manzaneda, I., Conde-Porcuna, J.M., de Vicente, J., Guerrero, F., de Vicente, I. (2018) Determining major factors controlling phosphorus removal by promising adsorbents used for lake restoration: A linear mixed model approach. Water Research 141, 377-386

  • Publicación (pdf) M. Villar-Argaiz, E. G. Balseiro, B. E. Modenutti, M. S. Souza, F. J. Bullejos, J. M. Medina-Sánchez, P. Carrillo (2018) Resource versus consumer regulation of phytoplankton: testing the role of UVR in a Southern and Northern hemisphere lake. Hydrobiologia 816:107–120

  • Publicación (pdf) Manuel Villar-Argaiz a, Marco J. Cabrerizo b, Juan Manuel González-Olalla, Macarena S. Valiñas, Sanja Raji, Presentación Carrillo (2018) Growth impacts of Saharan dust, mineral nutrients, and CO2 on a planktonic herbivore in southern Mediterranean lakes. Science of the Total Environment 639 (2018) 118–128

  • Publicación (pdf) Catalá T, Martínez-Pérez AM, Nieto-Cid M, Álvarez M, Otero J, Emelianov M, Reche I, Arístegui J, Álvarez-Salgado XA (2018) Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) in the open Mediterranean Sea. I. Basin–wide distribution and drivers of chromophoric DOM. Progress in Oceanography 165: 35–51

  • León-Palmero E, Joglar V, Alvarez PA, Martín-Platero A, Llamas I, Reche I. (2018) Diversity and antimicrobial potential in sea anemone and holothurian microbiomes Plos One 13(5): e0196178.

  • Fuchs, E., Funes, A., Saar, K., Reitzel, K., Jensen, H.S., 2018. Evaluation of dried amorphous ferric hydroxide CFH-12® as agent for binding bioavailable phosphorus in lake sediments. These authors equally contributed to the publication. Science of the Total Environment 628-629: 990-996.

  • Cabrerizo Marco J., P. Carrillo, V.E. Villafañe, J.M. Medina-Sánchez, E. W. Helbling (2018) Increased nutrients from aeolian-dust and riverine origin decrease the CO2-sink capacity of coastal South Atlantic waters under UVR exposure. Limnol & Oceanogr., , 63:1191-1203

  • Publicación (pdf) Villar-Argaiz, M., Medina-Sánchez1 J.M., Biddanda B.A. and P. Carrillo (2018) Predominant non-additive effects of multiple stressors on autotroph C:N:P ratios propagate in freshwater and marine food webs. Frontier in Microbiology 9: 69 DOI /10.3389/fmicb.2018.00069

  • Sadeghi-Nassaj SM, Catalá TS, Álvarez PA, Reche I. (2018) Sea cucumbers reduce chromophoric dissolved organic matter in aquaculture tanks. PeerJ 6:e4344; DOI 10.7717/peerj.4344

  • Reche I., D’Orta G., Mladenov N., Winget DM, Suttle C. (2018) Deposition rates of viruses and bacteria above the atmospheric boundary layer. The ISME Journal

  • P. Bermejo, E. W. Helbling, C. Durán-Romero, M. J. Cabrerizo, V. E. Villafañe. 2018. Abiotic control of phytoplankton blooms in temperate coastal marine ecosystems: A case study in the South Atlantic Ocean. Science of the Total Environment, 612: 894-902

  • del Arco, A., G. Parra and I. de Vicente. 2018. Going deeper into phosphorus adsorbents for lake restoration: Combined effects of magnetic particles, intraspecific competition and hábitat heterogeneity pressure on Daphnia magna. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 148: 513–519


  • Peralta-Maraver, I.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2017. Structure, dynamics and stability of a Mediterranean river food web. Marine and Freshwater Research, 68(3): 484-495.

  • Quevedo-Ortiz, G.; Fernández-Calero, J.M.; Luzón-Ortega, J.M.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2017. Life cycles and nymphal feeding of Isoperla morenica Tierno de Figueroa and Luzón-Ortega, 2011 and Brachyptera vera cordubensis Berthélemy and Baena, 1984 (Plecoptera: Perlodidae and Taeniopterygidae) in a Mediterranean stream (Spain). Aquatic Insects, 38(4): 219-229.

  • Doblas-Miranda E, Alonso R, Arnan X, Bermejo V, Brotons L, de las Heras J, Estiarte M, Hódar JA, Llorens P, Lloret F, Lopez-Serrano FR, Martínez-Vilalta J, Moya D, Peñuelas J, Pino J, Rodrigo A, Roura-Pascual N, Valladares F, Vila M, Zamora R y Retana J. 2017. A review of the combination among global change factors in forests, shrublands and pastures of the Mediterranean Region: beyond drought effects. Global and Planetary Change 148:42-54. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2016.11.012.

  • Torres-Muros L, Hódar JA, Zamora R. 2017. Effect of habitat type and soil moisture on pupal stage of a Mediterranean forest pest (Thaumetopoea pityocampa). Agricultural and Forest Entomology 19:130-138. DOI: 10.1111/afe.12188.

  • Lázaro-González A, Hódar JA, Zamora R. 2017. Do the arthropod communities on a parasitic plant and its hosts differ? European Journal of Entomology. 114:215-221. DOI: 10.14411/eje.2017.026.

  • Rivas-Ubach A, Sardans J, Hódar JA, Garcia-Porta J, Guenther A, Pasa-Tolic L, Oravec M, Urban O, Peñuelas J. 2017. Close and distant: contrasting the metabolomes of two subspecies of Scots pine under the effects of summer drought and folivory. Ecology and Evolution 7(21): 8976–8988. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.3343.

  • Leverkus, A.B., Jaramillo-López, P.F., Brower, L.P., Lindenmayer, D.B., Williams, E.H. 2017. Mexico’s logging threatens butterflies. Science 358(6366):1008.

  • Sánchez-España, J.,M. P. Mata , J. Vegas , M. Morellón, J. A. Rodríguez,Á. Salazar, I.Yusta, A. Chaos, C. Pérez-Martínez, A. Navaset (2017) Anthropogenic and climatic factors enhancing hypolimnetic anoxia in a temperate mountain lake. Journal of Hydrology 555:832-850;

  • López-Ballesteros, A., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Kowalski, A.S., Sánchez-Cañete, E.P., Scott, R.L. & Domingo, F. (2017) Subterranean ventilation of allochthonous CO2 governs net CO2 exchange in a semiarid Mediterranean grassland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 234–235, 115-126

  • Chamizo, S., Serrano-Ortiz, P., López-Ballesteros, A., Sánchez-Cañete, E.P., Vicente-Vicente, J.L. & Kowalski, A.S. (2017) Net ecosystem CO2 exchange in an irrigated olive orchard of SE Spain: Influence of weed cover. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 239, 51-64

  • Funes, A., de Vicente, J., de Vicente, I., 2017. Synthesis and characterization of magnetic chitosan microspheres as low-density and low-biotoxicity adsorbents for lake restoration. Chemosphere 171: 571-579.

  • Moreno, E., J. M. Conde-Porcuna & A. Gómez. 2017. Barcoding rotifer biodiversity in Mediterranean ponds using diapausing egg Banks. Ecology and Evolution 7: 4855-4867.

  • Vannucchi, P.E., Peralta-Maraver, I., Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2017. Dynamic of the macroinvertebrate community and food web of a Mediterranean stream. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 32 (1): 223–239.

  • Sanz, A., López-Rodríguez, M.J., García-Mesa, S., Trenzado, C.E., Ferrer, R.M. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2017. Are antioxidant capacity and oxidative damage related to biological and autoecological characteristics in aquatic insects? Journal of Limnology 76(1): 170-181.

  • Piersanti, S., Rebora, M., López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa. J. M. 2017. A comparison between the adult antennal sensilla of the cavernicolous stonefly Protonemura gevi and other epigean Protonemura species (Plecoptera: Nemouridae) in a biological context. Annales de la Société entomologique de France, 53(1): 47-54.

  • López-Rodríguez, M.J., Delgado-Juan, P., Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2017. Nymphal biology of Capnioneura gelesae Berthélemy & Baena, 1984 (Plecoptera, Capniidae) in temporary streams of Sierra Morena (Southern Spain). Limnetica, 36(1): 45-53.

  • Publicación (pdf) Castellano-Hinojosa A, Correa-Galeote D, Carrillo P, Bedmar EJ and Medina-Sánchez JM (2017) Denitrification and Biodiversity of Denitrifiers in a High-Mountain Mediterranean Lake. Front. Microbiol. 8:1911. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.01911

  • Publicación (pdf) Carmen Rojo, Guillermo Herrera, Juan Manuel Medina-Sánchez, Manuel Villar-Argaiz, Cristina Durán, Presentación Carrillo (2017) Are the small-sized plankton communities of oligotrophic ecosystems resilient to UVR and P pulses?. Freshwater Science. 2017. 36(4):000–000. DOI: 10.1086/694737

  • Publicación (pdf) M. Villar-Argaiz, E. G. Balseiro. B. E. Modenutti, M. S. Souza, F. J. Bullejos, J. M. Medina-Sánchez, P. Carrillo (2017) Resource versus consumer regulation of phytoplankton: testing the role of UVR in a Southern and Northern hemisphere lake. Hydrobiologia. DOI 10.1007/s10750-017-3251-y

  • Publicación (pdf) P. Carrillo, J. M. Medina-Sánchez, M. Villar-Argaiz, F. J. Bullejos, C. Durán, M. Bastidas-Navarro, M. S. Souza, E. G. Balseiro & B. E. Modenutti (2017) Vulnerability of mixotrophic algae to nutrient pulses and UVR in an oligotrophic Southern and Northern Hemisphere lake. Scientific Reports | 7: 6333 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-06279-9

  • Publicación (pdf) González-Olalla, J. M., J. M. Medina-Sánchez, M. J. Cabrerizo, M. Villar-Argáiz, P. M. Sánchez-Castillo, and P. Carrillo (2017), Contrasting effect of Saharan dust and UVR on autotrophic picoplankton in nearshore versus offshore waters of Mediterranean Sea, J. Geophys. Res. Biogeosci., 122, doi:10.1002/2017JG003834.

  • Álvarez-Manzaneda, I. and I. de Vicente. 2017. Assessment of toxic effects of magnetic particles used for lake restoration on Chlorella sp. and on Brachionus calyciflorus. Chemosphere 187: 347-356

  • Sánchez-España, J. M. Pilar Mata, Juana Vegas, Mario Morellón, Juan Antonio Rodríguez, Ángel Salazar, Iñaki Yusta, Aida Chaos, Carmen Pérez-Martínez, Ana Navas, et al (2017). Anthropogenic and climatic factors enhancing hypolimnetic anoxia in a temperate mountain lake. Journal of Hydrology

  • Publicación (pdf) Jiménez L, Rühland KM, Jeziorski A, Smol JP, Pérez-Martínez C. (2017) Climate change and Saharan dust drive recent cladoceran and primary production changes in remote alpine lakes of Sierra Nevada, Spain. Global Change Biology 2017;00:1–20.

  • Publicación (pdf) Leverkus A.B., Carrión M., Molina-Morales M. y Castro J. (2017). Effectiveness of diesel as a mammal repellent for direct seeding of acorns. Forests 8, 276; doi:10.3390/f8080276.

  • Publicación (pdf) Hernández-Hernández R., Castro J. Del Arco-Aguilar M., Fernández-López A.B. y González-Mancebo J.M (2017). Post-fire salvage logging imposes a new disturbance that retards succession: the case of bryophyte communities in a Macaronesian laurel forest. Forests 8, 252; doi:10.3390/f8070252.

  • Gema L. Batanero, Elizabeth León-Palmero, Linlin Li, Andy J. Green, Manuel Rendón-Martos, Curtis A. Suttle & Isabel Reche. Flamingos and drought as drivers of nutrients and microbial dynamics in a saline lake Scientific Reports 7: 12173 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-12462-9

  • Publicación (pdf) Martínez-Pérez AM, Nieto-Cid M, Osterholz H, Catalá TS, Reche I, Dietmar T, Álvarez-Salgado XA. (2017) Linking optical and molecular signatures of dissolved organic matter in the Mediterranean Sea Scientific Reports | 7: 3436 | DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-03735-4

  • Publicación (pdf) Molinas-González C.R., Castro J. y Leverkus A.B. (2017). Deadwood decay in a burnt Mediterranean pine reforestation. Forests 8, 158 (doi:10.3390/f8050158).

  • Rafael Rubio de Casas, Charles G. Willis, William D. Pearse, Carol C. Baskin, Jerry M. Baskin and Jeannine Cavender-Bare (2017). Global biogeography of seed dormancy is determined by seasonality and seedsize: a case study in the legumes. New Phytologist, doi: 10.1111/nph.14498

  • Publicación (pdf) Iuculano F., Mazuecos I.P., Reche I., Agustí S. (2017) Prochlorococcus as a possible source for Transparent Exopolymer Particles (TEP) Frontiers in Microbiology DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00709

  • Thorn S., Bässler C., Brandl R., Burton P.J., Cahall R., Campbell J.L., Castro J. , Choi C.-Y.., Cobb T., Donato D.C., Durska E., Fontaine J.B., Gauthier S., Hebert C., Hothorn T., Hutto R.L., Lee E.-J., Leverkus A.B., Lindenmayer D.B., Obrist M.K., Rost J., Seibold S., Seild R., Thom D., Waldron K., Wermelinger B., Winter B., Zmihorski M. y Müller J. (2017). Impacts of salvage logging on biodiversity –a meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Ecology (en prensa).

  • Zamora, R., Pérez-Luque, A. J., Bonet, F. J., Barea-Azcón, J. M., Aspizua, R., Sánchez-Gutiérrez, F. J., Cano-Manuel, F. J., Ramos-Losada, B. and Henares-Civantos, I. (2017), Global Change Impact in the Sierra Nevada Long-Term Ecological Research Site (Southern Spain). Bull Ecol Soc Am, 98: 157–164. doi:10.1002/bes2.1308.

  • Publicación (pdf) Molinas-González C.R., Leverkus A.B., Marañón-Jiménez S., Castro J. (2017). Fall rate of burnt pines across an elevational gradient in a Mediterranean mountain. European Journal of Forest Research, DOI: 10.1007/s10342-017-1040-9

  • Publicación (pdf) Castro J., Molina-Morales M., Leverkus A.B., Martínez-Baroja L., Pérez-Camacho L., Villar-Salvador P., Rebollo S. y Rey-Benayas J.M. (2017). Effective nut dispersal by magpies (Pica pica L.) in a Mediterranean agroecosystem. Oecologia, DOI 10.1007/s00442-017-3848-x

  • Publicación (pdf) Juan Manuel Medina-Sánchez, Guillermo Herrera, Cristina Durán,·Manuel Villar-Argaiz, Presentación Carrillo (2017). Optode use to evaluate microbial planktonic respiration in oligotrophic ecosystems as an indicator of environmental stress. Aquatic Sciences DOI 10.1007/s00027-016-0515-y

  • Publicación (pdf) Sergio Velasco Ayuso, Juan Manuel Medina-Sánchez, René Guénon, Presentación Carrillo (2017). Ecoenzyme activity ratios reveal interactive effects of nutrient inputs and UVR in a Mediterranean high-mountain lake. Biogeochemistry 132:71–85 (DOI 10.1007/s10533-016-0288-3)

  • Publicación (pdf) Eloísa Ramos-Rodríguez, Carmen Pérez-Martínez, José M. Conde-Porcuna (2017). Strict stoichiometric homeostasis of Cryptomonas pyrenoidifera (Cryptophyceae) in relation to N:P supply ratios. Journal of Limnology 76(1): 182-189 (DOI: 10.4081/jlimnol.2016.1487)

  • Publicación (pdf) I. Álvarez-Manzaneda, E. Ramos-Rodríguez, M.J. López-Rodríguez, G. Parrac, Funes, I. de Vicente (2017). Acute and chronic effects of magnetic microparticles potentially usedin lake restoration on Daphnia magna and Chironomus sp. Journal of Hazardous Materials 322 (2017) 437–444.

  • Publicación (pdf) Matías L., Castro J., Villar-Salvador P., Quero J.L. y Jump A.S. (2017). Differential impact of hotter drought on seedling performance of five ecologically distinct pine species. Plant Ecology 218: 201-212.

  • Publicación (pdf) Cabrerizo, M.J., Carrillo, P., Villafañe, V.E., Helbling, E.W., 2017. Differential impacts of global change variables on coastal South Atlantic phytoplankton: Role of seasonal variations. Marine Environmental Research 125, 63-72.

  • Publicación (pdf) Cabrerizo, M.J., Medina-Sánchez, J.M., Dorado-García, I., Villar-Argaiz, M., Carrillo, P., 2017. Rising nutrient-pulse frequency and high UVR strengthen microbial interactions. Scientific Reports 7, 43615.

  • V. E. Villafañe, M. J. Cabrerizo, G. S. Erzinger, P. Bermejo, S. M. Strauch, M. S. Valiñas, E. W. Helbling. (2017). Photosynthesis and growth of temperate and sub-tropical estuarine phytoplankton in a scenario of nutrient enrichment under solar ultraviolet radiation exposure. Estuaries and Coasts, 40: 842-855


  • Abolafia, J.; Garcia, L.L.; Hernando, C.; López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Mauriès, J.-P.; Pérez, T.; Peris-Felipo, F.J.; Prieto, C.E.; Ribera, C.; Subías, L.S.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & Tinaut, A. 2016. Invertebrados de interés en cuevas y simas de la Sierra de Segura (Jaén, Andalucía, España). Actas EspeleoMeeting Ciudad de Villacarrillo, 2016: 105-111.

  • López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2016. Biología, historia evolutiva y conservación del singular plecóptero troglobio Protonemura gevi. Actas EspeleoMeeting Ciudad de Villacarrillo, 2016: 16-20.

  • Rivas-Ubach A, Sardans J, Hódar JA, Garcia-Porta J, Guenther A, Oravec M, Urban O, Peñuelas J. 2016. Similar local but different systemic metabolomic responses of close related pine subspecies to folivory by caterpillars of the processionary moth. Plant Biology 18:484-494. DOI: 10.1111/plb.12422.

  • Herrero A, Almaraz P, Zamora R, Castro J, Hódar JA. 2016. Time-varying effects of climate and herbivory on tree sapling growth at distribution limits. Journal of Ecology 104:430-442. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12527.

  • Hódar JA, Cassel-Lundhagen A, Battisti A, Larsson S. 2016. A little further south: host use and genetics of Thaumetopoea pinivora (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) at the southern edge of its distribution. European Journal of Entomology 113:200-206. DOI 10.14411/eje.2016.024.

  • Rivas-Ubach A, Hódar JA, Sardans J, Kyle J, Kim YM, Oravec M, Urban O, Guenther A, Peñuelas J. 2016. Are the metabolomic responses to folivory of closely related plant species linked to macroevolutionary and plant-folivore coevolutionary processes? Ecology and Evolution 6:4372-4386. DOI 10.1002/ece3.2206.

  • Pérez-Martínez, C. (2016). Analysis of the paleolimnological indicators in the lakes of Sierra Nevada. Pp.: 53-55. In: Zamora, R., Pérez-Luque, A.J., Bonet,F.J., Barea-Azcón, J.M. and Aspizua, R. (ed). 2016. Global ChangeImpacts in Sierra Nevada: ChallengesforConservation. Consejería de MedioAmbiente y Ordenación del Territorio. Junta de Andalucía.

  • Hódar, J.A., C. Pérez-Martínez, A. E. Morales, Eugenio Martín-Cuenca and Enrique Iáñez-Pareja (2016) Correct your own exam. Exercises for university students to develop writing skills in biology. ERPA 2016,26, 01079. doi: 10.1051/shsconf/20162601079

  • Serrano-Ortiz, P., Sánchez-Cañete, E.P., Olmo, F.J., Metzger, S., Pérez-Priego, O., Carrara, A., Alados-Arboledas, L. & Kowalski, A.S. (2016) Surface-Parallel Sensor Orientation for Assessing Energy Balance Components on Mountain Slopes. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 158(3), 489-499

  • Sánchez-Cañete, E.P., Oyonarte, C., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Curiel Yuste, J., Pérez-Priego, O., Domingo, F. & Kowalski, A.S. (2016) Winds induce CO2 exchange with the atmosphere and vadose zone transport in a karstic ecosystem. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 121(8), 2049-2063

  • López-Ballesteros, A., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Sánchez-Cañete, E.P., Oyonarte, C., Kowalski, A.S., Pérez-Priego, Ó. & Domingo, F. (2016) Enhancement of the net CO2 release of a semiarid grassland in SE Spain by rain pulses. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 121(1), 52-66

  • Funes, A., del Arco, A., Álvarez-Manzaneda, I., de Vicente, J., de Vicente, I., 2016. A microcosm experiment to determine the consequences of magnetic microparticles application on water quality and sediment phosphorus pools. Science of the Total Environment 579: 245–253.

  • Funes, A., de Vicente, J., Cruz-Pizarro, L., Álvarez-Manzaneda, I., de Vicente, I., 2016. Magnetic microparticles as a new tool for lake restoration: A microcosm experiment for evaluating the impact on phosphorus fluxes and sedimentary phosphorus pools. Water Research 89: 366–374.

  • Tramontana, G, M. Altaf Arain, G. Camps-Valls, A. Cescatti, K. Ichii, M. Jung, G. Kiely, L. Merbold, D. Papale, B. Raduly, M. Reichstein, C. Schwalm, P. Serrano-Ortiz, S. Sickert and S. Wolf. Predicting carbon dioxide and energy fluxes across global FLUXNET sites with regression algorithms. Biogeosciences. 13, pp. 4291 - 4313. 2016.

  • Manko, P., López-Rodríguez, M.J., Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., Hrivniak, L., Papyan, L., Harutyunyan, M. & Oboňa, J. 2016. Nymphal feeding habits of Perla pallida Guérin-Méneville, 1838 (Plecoptera, Perlidae) from Armenia. Biologia, 71(3): 328–333.

  • Peralta-Maraver, I., López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2016. Structure, dynamics and stability of a Mediterranean river food web. Marine and freshwater research, 68: 484-495.

  • Fenoglio, S., Bonada, N., Guareschi, S., López-Rodríguez, M.J., Millán, A. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2016. Freshwater ecosystems and aquatic insects: a paradox in biological invasions. Biology Letters, 12: 20151075.

  • Antorán-Pilar, E., López-Rodríguez, M.J., Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2016. Faunística y fenología de los plecópteros (Insecta: Plecoptera) de arroyos mediterráneos de Sierra Morena Occidental. Zoologica baetica, 27: 25-38.

  • Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2016. Study of stonefly taxa (Insecta: Plecoptera) inhabiting a saline stream (Arroyo Salado) in Southern Spain. Zoosymposia, 11: 156–163.

  • Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2016. Actualización del conocimiento de los plecópteros (Plecoptera) de las Sierras de Almijara, Tejeda y Alhama. Boletín de la Asociación Española de Entomología, 40 (1-2): 19-41.

  • Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., López-Rodríguez, M.J., Bo, T., Cammarata, M. & Fenoglio, S. 2016. Life cycle and nymphal feeding of three high mountain Alpine macroinvertebrate species (Plecoptera and Ephemeroptera). Biology of Inland Waters, Supplement 3, 51-60.

  • Publicación (pdf) Moreno, E., C. Pérez-Martínez and J. M. Conde-Porcuna (2016) Zooplankton dormant propagule dispersal by wind and rain near two aquatic systems. Limnetica 35 (2): 323-336

  • Publicación (pdf) Morales-Baquero, R. and Pérez-Martínez, C. (2016). Saharan versus local influence on atmospheric aerosol deposition in the Southern Iberian Peninsula: significance for N and P inputs. Global Biogeochem. Cycles, 30, doi:10.1002/2015GB005254.

  • Publicación (pdf) Bhattachan, A., I. Reche, and P. D'Odorico (2016), Soluble ferrous iron (Fe (II)) enrichment in airborne dust, J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121, doi:10.1002/2016JD025025.

  • Publicación (pdf) Catalá, T. S., I. Reche, C. L. Ramón, À. López-Sanz, M. Álvarez, E. Calvo, and X. A. Álvarez-Salgado (2016), Chromophoric signatures of microbial by-products in the dark ocean, Geophys. Res. Lett., 43, 7639–7648, doi:10.1002/2016GL069878.

  • Publicación (pdf) Catalá TS, X. A. Alvarez-Salgado, J. Otero,F. Iuculano, B. Companys, B. Horstkotte, C. Romera-Castillo, M. Nieto-Cid, M. Latasa, X. A. G. Morán, J. M. Gasol, C. Marrasé, C. A. Stedmon, I. Reche (2016). Drivers of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the global epipelagic ocean. Limnology and Oceanography DOI: 10.1002/lno.10281

  • Publicación (pdf) Leverkus A.B., Rey-Benayas J.M. y Castro J. (2016). Shifting demographic conflicts across recruitment cohorts in a dynamic post-disturbance landscape. Ecology 97: 2628-2639.

  • Publicación (pdf) Herrero A., Almaraz P., Zamora R., Castro J. y Hódar J.A. (2016). From the individual to the landscape and back: long-term impact of climate and herbivory on tree sapling growth at distribution limits. Journal of Ecology 104: 430-442.

  • Publicación (pdf) Cabrerizo, M.J., Medina-Sánchez, J.M., Villar-Argaiz, M., González Olalla, J.M. & Carrillo, P. (2016) Saharan dust inputs and high UVR levels jointly alter the metabolic balance of marine oligotrophic ecosystems. Scientific reports | 6:35892 | DOI: 10.1038/srep35892

  • Publicación (pdf) Villar-Argaiz, M, Medina-Sánchez, J.M. & P. Carrillo. (2016) Microbial carbon production and transfer across trophic levels is affected by solar UVA and nutrients. Hydrobiologia DOI 10.1007/s10750-016-2755-1




  • Hódar JA, Torres-Muros L, Zamora R, Pérez-Luque AJ, Senhadji K. 2015. No evidence of induced defence after defoliation in three pine species against an expanding pest, the pine processionary moth. Forest Ecology and Management 356:166-172. DOI 10.1016/j.foreco.2015.07.22.

  • Benavides R, Escudero A, Coll L, Ferrandis P, Gouriveau F, Hódar JA, Ogaya R, Rabasa, SG, Granda E, Santamaría, BP, Martínez-Vilalta J, Zamora R, Espelta, J., Peñuelas J, Valladares F. 2015. Generalized early-recruitment demographic compensation challenges global warming impacts on Mediterranean mountain trees. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 17:369-378. DOI 10.1016/j.ppees.2015.06.004.

  • Battisti A, Avcı M, Avtzis DN, Ben Jamaa ML, Berardi L, Berretima W, Branco M, Chakali G, El Alaoui El Fels MA, Frèrot B, Hódar JA, Ionescu-Malancus I, Ipekdal K, Larsson S, Manole T, Mendel Z, Meurisse N, Mirchev P, Nemer N, Paiva MR, Pino J, Protasov A, Rahim N, Rousselet J, Santos H, Sauvard H, Schopf A, Simonato M, Yart A, Zamoum M. 2015. Natural history of the processionary moths (Thaumetopoea spp.): new insights in relation to climate change. Thaumetopoea pityocampa. Págs. 15-80 en: Roques A (ed.) Processionary moths and climate change: an update. Springer-Quae.

  • Roques A. Rousselet J, Avcı M, Avtzis DN, Basso A, Battisti A, Ben Jamaa ML, Bensidi A, Berardi L, Berretima W, Branco M, Chakali G, Cota E, Dautbasic M, Delb H, El Alaoui El Fels MA, El Mercht S, El Mokhefi M, Forster B, Garcia J, Georgiev G, Glavendekic MM, Goussard F, Halbig P, Henke L, Hernández R, Hódar JA, Ipekdal K, Jurc M, Klimetzek D, Laparie M, Larsson S, Mateus E, Matosevic D, Meier F, Mendel Z, Meurisse N, Mihajlovic L, Mirchev P, Nasceski S, Nussbaumer C, Paiva MR, Papazova I, Pino J, Podlesnik J, Poirot J, Protasov A, Rahim N, Sánchez Peña G, Santos H, Sauvard H, Schopf A, Simonato M, Tsankov G, Wagenhoff E, Yart A, Zamora R, Zamoum M, Robinet C. 2015. Climate warming and past and present distribution of the processionary moths (Thaumetopoea spp.) in Europe, Asia Minor and North Africa. Págs. 81-162 en: Roques A (ed.) Processionary moths and climate change: an update. Springer-Quae.

  • Jactel H, Barbaro L, Battisti A, Bosc A, Branco M, Brockerhoff E, Castagneyrol B, Dulaurent AM, Hódar JA, Jacquet JS, Mateus E, Paiva MR, Roques A, Samalens JC, Santos H, Schlyter F. 2015. Insect-tree interactions in Thaumetopoea pityocampa. Págs. 265-310 en: Roques A (ed.) Processionary moths and climate change: an update. Springer-Quae.

  • Publicación (pdf) Hódar JA, Aspizua R, Bollullos C, Zamora R. 2015. Dinámica poblacional de la procesionaria del pino: respuestas a los cambios en el clima y en el manejo forestal. Págs. 159-161 en: Zamora R, Pérez Luque AJ, Bonet FJ, Barea-Azcón JM, Aspizua R (eds.) La huella del Cambio Global en Sierra Nevada: retos para la conservación. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio. Junta de Andalucía.

  • Publicación (pdf) Hódar JA. 2015. Incidencia de la procesionaria del pino como consecuencia del cambio climático: previsiones y posibles soluciones. Págs. 295-302 en: Herrero A, Zavala MA (eds.) Los Bosques y la Biodiversidad frente al Cambio Climático: Impactos, Vulnerabilidad y Adaptación en España. Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente, Madrid.

  • Serrano-Ortiz, P., Were, A., Reverter, B.R., Villagarcía, L., Domingo, F., Dolman, A.J. & Kowalski, A.S. (2015) Seasonality of net carbon exchanges of Mediterranean ecosystems across an altitudinal gradient. Journal of Arid Environments 115(0), 1-9

  • Pérez-Priego, O., López-Ballesteros, A., Sánchez-Cañete, E., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Kutzbach, L., Domingo, F., Eugster, W. & Kowalski, A. (2015) Analysing uncertainties in the calculation of fluxes using whole-plant chambers: random and systematic errors. Plant and Soil, 1-16

  • López-Ballesteros, A., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Sánchez-Cañete, E.P., Oyonarte, C., Kowalski, A.S., Pérez-Priego, Ó. & Domingo, F. (2015) Rain pulses enhance the net CO2 release of a semi-arid grassland in SE Spain. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, n/a-n/a

  • Jiang, B., Zhang, Y., Liang, S., Wohlfahrt, G., Arain, A., Cescatti, A., Georgiadis, T., Jia, K., Kiely, G., Lund, M., Montagnani, L., Magliulo, V., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Oechel, W., Vaccari, F.P., Yao, Y. & Zhang, X. (2015) Empirical estimation of daytime net radiation from shortwave radiation and ancillary information. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 211–212, 23-36

  • Fenoglio, S., Bo, T., Cammarata, M., López-Rodríguez, M. J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2015. Seasonal variation of allochthonous and autochthonous energy inputs in an Alpine stream. Journal of Limnology, 74(2): 272-277.

  • Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., López-Rodríguez, M.J., Peralta-Maraver, I. & Fochetti, R. 2015. Life cycle, nymphal feeding and secondary production of Dinocras cephalotes (Plecoptera) in a Mediterranean river. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 51(3): 259-265.

  • Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & M.J. López-Rodríguez. 2015. Clase Insecta. Orden Plecoptera. IDE@ - SEA, 43: 1–14. Fecha de consulta: 30-06-2015.

  • Pérez-Martínez, C (2015). Análisis de indicadores paleolimnológicos en las lagunas de Sierra Nevada. In: Zamora, R., A. J. Pérez-Luque, F. J. Bonet, J. M. Barea-Azcón y R. Aspizua. (editores). La huella del cambio global en Sierra Nevada: Retos para la conservación. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio. Junta de Andalucía. 208 pp.

  • Publicación (pdf) Jiménez, L., Romero-Viana, L., Conde-Porcuna, JM and Pérez-Martínez, C. (2015). Sedimentary photosynthetic pigments as indicators of climate and watershed perturbations in an alpine lake in southern Spain. Limnetica 34 (2): 439-454.

  • Publicación (pdf) Gallego, I, C. Pérez-Martínez, P. M. Sánchez-Castillo, M. Juan, F. Fuentes-Rodríguez & J. J Casas (2015). Physical, chemical and management-related drivers of submerged macrophyte occurrence in Mediterranean farm ponds. Hydrobiologia . DOI 10.1007/s10750-015-2352-8.

  • Publicación (pdf) Peñalver, P., León, D., Casas, J.J., Fuentes-Rodríguez, F., Gallego, I, Juan, M., Pérez-Martínez, C., Sánchez, P. y Toja, J. (2015) Las balsas agrícolas en Andalucía: una oportunidad para enlazar desarrollo y conservación en climas mediterráneos. Chronica naturae , 5: 57-67.

  • Publicación (pdf) Irene Dorado-García, Jari Syväranta, Shawn P. Devlin, Juan Manuel Medina-Sánchez, Roger I. Jones (2015). Experimental assessment of a possible microbial priming effect in a humic boreal lake. Aquatic Sciences DOI 10.1007/s00027-015-0425-4

  • Publicación (pdf) Leverkus A.B., Gustafsson L., Rey-Benayas J.M. y Castro J. (2015). Does post-disturbance salvage logging affect the provision of ecosystem services? A systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence 4:16 (DOI 10.1186/S13750-015-0042-7).

  • Castro J. y Leverkus A.B. (2015). El Seed-Shelter: un dispositivo eficaz para sembrar bellotas. Quercus 358: 36-42.

  • Publicación (pdf) Leverkus A.B., Castro J., Delgado-Capel M.J., Molinas-González C., Pulgar M., Marañón-Jiménez S., Delgado-Huertas A. y Querejeta J.I. (2015). Restoring for the present or restoring for the future: enhanced performance of two sympatric oaks (Quercus ilex and Quercus pyrenaica) above the current forest limit. Restoration Ecology 23: 936-946.

  • Publicación (pdf) Leverkus A.B., Rojo M. y Castro J. (2015). Habitat complexity and individual acorn protectors enhance the post-fire restoration of oak forests via seed sowing. Ecological Engineering 83: 276-280.

  • Publicación (pdf) Castro J., Leverkus A.B. y Fuster F. (2015). A new device to foster oak forest restoration via seed sowing. New Forests 46: 919-929

  • V. E. Villafañe, Valiñas, M.S., Cabrerizo, M. J. & E. W. Helbling. (2015). Physio-ecological responses of Patagonian coastal marine phytoplankton in a scenario of global change: Role of acidification, nutrients and solar UVR. Marine Chemistry, 177: 411-420

  • Publicación (pdf) Cristina Durán, Juan Manuel Medina-Sánchez, Guillermo Herrera, Presentación Carrillo. (2015) Changes in the phytoplankton-bacteria coupling triggered by joint action of UVR, nutrients, and warming in Mediterranean high-mountain lakes. Limnology and Oceanography. 61: 413–429, doi: 10.1002/lno.10204

  • Publicación (pdf) Carrillo P, Medina-Sánchez JM, Herrera G, Durán C, Segovia M, Cortés D, et al. (2015) Interactive Effect of UVR and Phosphorus on the Coastal Phytoplankton Community of the Western Mediterranean Sea: Unravelling Eco-Physiological Mechanisms. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0142987. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0142987

  • Publicación (pdf) P. Carrillo, J. M. Medina-Sánchez, C. Durán, G. Herrera, V. E. Villafañe, and E. W. Helbling. (2015) Synergistic effects of UVR and simulated stratification on commensalistic phytoplankton–bacteria relationship in two optically contrasting oligotrophic Mediterranean lakes. Biogeosciences, 12, 697–712. doi:10.5194/bg-12-697-2015

  • Publicación (pdf) Zamora, R., Pérez-Luque, A.J., Bonet, F.J., Barea-Azcón, J.M. y Aspizua, R. (editores). 2015. La huella del cambio global en Sierra Nevada: Retos para la conservación. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación del Territorio. Junta de Andalucía. 208 pp.

  • T. S. Catalá, I. Reche, M. Álvarez, S. Khatiwala, E. F. Guallart, V. M. Benítez-Barrios, A. Fuentes-Lema, C. Romera-Castillo, M. Nieto-Cid, C. Pelejero, E. Fraile-Nuez, E. Ortega-Retuerta, C. Marrasé, and X. A. Álvarez-Salgado (2015). Water mass age and aging driving chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the dark global ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles DOI 10.1002/2014GB005048

  • Publicación (pdf) Teresa S. Catalá, Isabel Reche, Antonio Fuentes-Lema, Cristina Romera-Castillo, Mar Nieto-Cid, Eva Ortega-Retuerta, Eva Calvo, Marta Á lvarez, Celia Marrase, Colin A. Stedmon & X. Anton Álvarez-Salgado (2015). Turnover time of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in the dark global ocean. Nature comms| 6:5986 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms6986 |

  • Publicación (pdf) Mazuecos IP, Arístegui J , Vázquez-Domínguez E, Ortega-Retuerta E, .Gasol JM , Reche I (2015). Temperature control of microbial respiration and growth efficiency in the mesopelagic zone of the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans. Deep-Sea Research I 95: 131–138.


  • Serrano-Ortiz, P., Oyonarte, C., Pérez-Priego, O., Reverter, B.R., Sánchez-Cañete, E.P., Were, A., Uclés, O., Morillas, L. & Domingo, F. (2014) Ecological functioning in grass–shrub Mediterranean ecosystems measured by eddy covariance. Oecologia 175, 1005–1017

  • Funes, A., de Vicente, J., Cruz-Pizarro, L., de Vicente, I., 2014. The influence of pH on manganese removal by magnetic microparticles in solution. Water Research 53: 110–122.

  • Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2014. First record of the drumming signals of stoneflies Capnopsis Morton, 1896 and Protonemura Kempny, 1898 genera (Plecoptera, Capniidae and Nemouridae). Entomological Science, 17(3): 302-308.

  • Ruiz-Ruano, F.J., M. Camacho, J.P., Cabrero, J., López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2014. Peripatric origin of the only cave-restricted stonefly species known (Insecta: Plecoptera). Arthropod Systematics and Phylogeny, 72(1): 3-10.

  • Bo, T., Cammarata, M., López-Rodríguez, M.J., Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., Baltieri, M., Varese, P. & Fenoglio, S. 2014. The influence of water quality and macroinvertebrate colonization in the breakdown process of native and exotic leaf types in sub-alpine stream. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 29(2): 159-169. (Editor’s choice article)

  • Sanz, A., Trenzado, C.E., López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2014. Physiological strategies contributing to the coexistence of two predatory species of stoneflies: Dinocras cephalotes (Curtis 1827) and Perla bipunctata Pictet, 1833. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 175: 131-134.

  • Bo, T., Cammarata, M., López-Rodríguez, M.J., Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & Fenoglio, S. 2014. Leaf litter decomposition and invertebrate colonization in alpine environments above the tree line: an experimental study. Polish Journal of Ecology, 62(2): 217-225.

  • Publicación (pdf) Gallego, Irene, Thomas A. Davidson, Erik Jeppesen, Carmen Pérez-Martínez, Francisca Fuentes-Rodríguez, Melchor Juan, and J. Jesús Casas. 2014. Disturbance from Pond Management Obscures Local and Regional Drivers of Assemblages of Primary Producers. Freshwater Biology 59 (7) (July 21): 1406–1422.

  • Publicación (pdf) José M. Conde-Porcuna, Eloísa Ramos-Rodríguez, Carmen Pérez-Martínez (2014). In situ production of empty ephippia and resting eggs by an obligate parthenogenetic Daphnia population. Journal of Plankton Research 36(1): 157–169.

  • Publicación (pdf) Doblas-Miranda E., Martínez-Vilalta J., Lloret F., Álvarez A., Ávila A., Bonet F.J., Brotons L., Castro J. , Curiel-Yuste J., Díaz M., Ferrandis P., García-Hurtado E., Iriondo J.M., Keenan T.F., Latron J., Llusià J., Loepfe L., Mayol M., Moré G., Moya D., Peñuelas J., Pons X., Poyatos R., Sardans J., Sus O., Vallejo V.R., Vayreda J. y Retana J. (2014). Reassessing global change research priorities in mediterranean terrestrial ecosystems: how far have we come and where do we go from here? Global Ecology and Biogeography 24: 25-43

  • Leverkus A.B., Castro J. y Rey-Benayas J.M. (2014). Regeneración post-incendio de la encina en pinares de repoblación mediterráneos. Ecosistemas 23(2): 48-54.

  • Díaz-Miguel M., Castro J. y García P.A. (2014). Seed germination after freezing in high-mountain plant species: implications for ski-run restoration. Phyton 83:423-429.

  • Publicación (pdf) Aponte C., Matías L., González-Rodríguez V., Castro J., García L.V., Villar R. y Marañón T. (2014). Soil nutrients and microbial biomass in three contrasting Mediterranean forests. Plant and Soil 380: 57-72.

  • Publicación (pdf) Marco J. Cabrerizo, Presentación Carrillo, Virginia E. Villafañe, E. Walter Helbling (2014). Current and predicted global change impacts of UVR, temperature and nutrient inputs on photosynthesis and respiration of key marine phytoplankton groups Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 461: 371–380

  • Publicación (pdf) C. Durán, J. M. Medina-Sánchez, G. Herrera, M. Villar-Argaiz, V. E. Villafañe, E. W. Helbling, and P. Carrillo (2014). Direct and indirect effects of vertical mixing, nutrients and ultraviolet radiation on the bacterioplankton metabolism in high-mountain lakes from southern Europe Biogeosciences Discuss, 11, 7291–7325. doi:10.5194/bgd-11: 7291-2014

  • Publicación (pdf) J. M. Mercado, C. Sobrino, P. J. Neale, M. Segovia, A. Reul, A. L. Amorim, P. Carrillo, P. Claquin, M. J. Cabrerizo, P. León, M. R. Lorenzo, J. M. Medina-Sánchez, V. Montecino, C. Napoleon, O. Prasil, S. Putzeys, S. Salles, L. Yebra (2014) Effect of CO2, nutrients and light on coastal plankton. II. Metabolic rates. Aquat Biol, Vol. 22: 43–57. doi: 10.3354/ab00606. doi: 10.3354/ab00606


  • Bullejos, F.J., P. Carrillo, E. Gorokhova, J.M. Medina-Sánchez, E.G. Balseiro, and M. Villar-Argaiz. 2014. Shifts in food quality for hervivorous consumer growth: multiple golden means in the life history. Ecology 95: 1272-1284

  • Publicación (pdf) Bullejos FJ, Carrillo P, Gorokhova E, Medina-Sánchez JM, Villar-Argaiz M (2014) Nucleic Acid Content in Crustacean Zooplankton: Bridging Metabolic and Stoichiometric Predictions. PLoS ONE 9(1): e86493. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0086493

  • Publicación (pdf) Fadini, R. F., Mellado, A. and Ghizoni, L. P. (2014). A Host Creates an Enemy-free Space for Mistletoes by Reducing Seed Predation Caused by a Woodboring Beetle: A Hypothesis. Biotropica, 46: 260–263. doi: 10.1111/btp.12107

  • Publicación (pdf) Mellado, A., Zamora, R. (2014). Generalist birds govern the seed dispersal of a parasitic plant with strong recruitment constraints. Oecologia, 176: 139–147. DOI 10.1007/s00442-014-3013-8

  • Publicación (pdf) Hannes Peter, Paul Hörtnagl, Isabel Reche and Ruben Sommaruga (2014) Bacterial diversity and composition during rain events with and without Saharan dust influence reaching a high mountain lake in the Alps Environmental Microbiology Reports doi:10.1111/1758-2229.12175

  • Publicación (pdf) Arístegui J., Duarte CM, Reche I, Gómez-Pincheti JL (2014) Krill excretion boosts microbial activity in the Southern Ocean PLoS ONE, 9(2): e89391. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0089391

  • J.M. Conde-Porcuna, Valdés-Cano J. and C. Pérez-Martínez. In situ production of empty ephippia and resting eggs by Daphnia: relationships with photoperiod and food conditions. Journal of Plankton Research, 36: 157-169

  • Publicación (pdf) Leverkus A.B., Lorite J., Navarro F.B., Sánchez-Cañete E.P. y Castro J. (2014). Post-fire salvage logging alters species composition and reduces cover, richness, and diversity in Mediterranean plant communities. Journal of Environmental Management 133: 323-331.


  • Achotegui-Castells A, Llusia J, Hódar JA, Peñuelas J. 2013. Needle terpene concentrations and emissions of two coexisting subspecies of Scots pine attacked by the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa). Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 35:3047-3058. DOI 10.1007/s11738-013-1337-3.

  • Hódar JA. 2013. Expansión de patógenos por cambios en el clima y el uso del suelo: efectos de la procesionaria del pino en el paisaje. En: Doblas-Miranda, E. (Editor). Conservar Aprovechando. Cómo integrar el cambio global en la gestión de los montes españoles, págs. 124-127. CREAF, Barcelona.

  • Stoy, P., Mauder, M., Foken, T., Marcolla, B., Boegh, E., Ibrom, A., Arain, A., Arneth, A., Aurela, M., Bernhofer, C., Cescatti, A., Dellwik, E., Duce, P., Gianelle, D., van Gorsel, E., Kiely, G., Knohl, A., Margolis, H., McCaughey, H., Merbold, L., Montagnani, L., Papale, D., Reichstein, M., Saunders, M., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Sottocornola, M., Spano, D., Vaccari, F. & Varlagin, A. (2013) A data-driven analysis of energy balance closure across FLUXNET research sites: The role of landscape-scale heterogeneity. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 171-172, 137-152

  • Sanchez-Cañete, E.P., Kowalski, A.S., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Perez-Priego, O. & Domingo, F. (2013) Deep CO 2 soil inhalation / exhalation induced by synoptic pressure changes and atmospheric tides in a carbonated semiarid steppe. Biogeosciences 10, 6591-6600, doi:10.5194/bg-10-6591-2013

  • Roland, M., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Kowalski, A.S., Goddéris, Y., Sanchez-Cañete, E.P., Ciais, P., Domingo, F., Cuezva, S., Sanchez-Moral, S., Longdoz, B., Yakir, D., Van Grieken, R., Schott, J., Cardell, C. & Janssens, I.A. (2013) Atmospheric turbulence triggers pronounced diel pattern in karst carbonate geochemistry. Biogeosciences 10, 509-517

  • Pérez-Priego, O., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Sánchez-Cañete, E.P., Domingo, F. & Kowalski, A.S. (2013) Isolating the effect of subterranean ventilation on CO2 emissions from drylands to the atmosphere. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 180, 194-202

  • Morillas, L., Leuning, R., Villagarcía, L., García, M., Serrano-Ortiz, P. & Domingo, F. (2013) Improving evapotranspiration estimates in Mediterranean drylands: The role of soil evaporation. Water Resources Research 49, 1-15

  • Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., López-Rodríguez, M.J., Fenoglio, S., Sánchez-Castillo, P. & Fochetti, R. 2013. Freshwater biodiversity in the rivers of the Mediterranean Basin. Hydrobiologia (Special Issue), 719: 137-186.

  • Bo, T, Cammarata, M., López-Rodríguez, M. J., Tierno de Figueroa, J. M. & Fenoglio, S. 2013. Nymphal biology of Ephoron virgo (Olivier, 1791) (Ephemeroptera, Polymitarcyidae) in an Apenninic river (NW Italy). Entomological Science, 16(3): 352-354.

  • Sanz, A., Trenzado, C.E., Botello Castro, H., López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2013. Relationship between the brain and liver oxidative state and maximum lifespan potential of different fish species. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 165: 358-364.

  • Vannucchi, P.E., López-Rodríguez, M.J., Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & Gaino, E. 2013. Structure and dynamics of a trophic web in a Mediterranean seasonal stream. Journal of Limnology, 72(3): 606-615.

  • Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2013. Description of the male drumming signals of Besdolus bicolor (Navás, 1909) (Plecoptera, Perlodidae). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 49(3): 242-243.

  • Luzón-Ortega, J.M., López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2013. Contribution to the knowledge of the stoneflies from Spain (Insecta, Plecoptera). Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología, 37(3-4): 225-275.

  • Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2013. Los Plecópteros (Insecta, Plecoptera) subterráneos de Jaén. Pp. 138-139. En: T. Pérez Fernández & A. Pérez Ruiz. Los Invertebrados de Hábitats Substerráneos de Jaén. Investigación subterránea y catálogo. Grupo de Espeleología de Villacarrillo (G.E.V.).

  • Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Luzón-Ortega, J.M. 2013. Los plecópteros (Insecta, Plecoptera) de Sierra Nevada. Pp. 127-138. En: F. Ruano, J.M. Tierno de Figueroa & A. Tinaut (eds.). Los Insectos de Sierra Nevada. 200 Años de Historia. Asociación Española de Entomología.

  • Publicación (pdf) Gallego, Irene, JJ Casas, and F Fuentes-Rodríguez. 2013. Culture of Spirogyra africana from Farm Ponds for Long-Term Experiments and Stock Maintenance. Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement Base 17 (3): 423–430.

  • Emergence pattern and hatching cues of Daphnia pulicaria in an alpine lake. C. Pérez-Martínez, Jiménez, L., Moreno E. and J.M. Conde-Porcuna. Hydrobiologia 707: 47-57.

  • Effectiveness of chlorination and three different culture media on growth rate and rhizoid production in Spirogyra Africana. Gallego, I., Casas, J.J., Juan, M., Fuentes-Rodríguez, F., Sánchez-Castillo, P., Pérez-Martínez, C. BASE17: 423-430

  • Efecto del manejo de la madera quemada sobre la restauración y regeneración post-incendio: implicaciones para la gestión y para el conjunto del ecosistema. Castro J., Leverkus A.B., Marañón-Jiménez S., Serrano-Ortiz P., Sánchez-Cañete E.P., Reverter B.R., Guzmán-Álvarez J.R., Kowalski A.S. 2013. (6CFE01-242). In: Actas del 6º Congreso Forestal Español, Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales. ISBN: 978-84-937964-9-5.

  • La saca de la madera quemada perjudica la regeneración natural y asistida de especies forestales en el Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada. Castro J., Leverkus A.B. 2013. In: Martínez Ruiz C., Lario Leza F.J., Fernández Santos B. (Eds.) Avances en la restauración de sistemas forestales. Técnicas de implantación. SECF-AEET. I.S.B.N.: 978-84-937964-6-4. Madrid, pp. 27- 34.

  • Efecto del manejo de la madera quemada y la profundidad de siembra de bellotas sobre el éxito de reforestación con encina de áreas incendiadas. Leverkus A.B., Castro J., Puerta-Piñero C., Rey-Benayas J.M. 2013. In: Martínez Ruiz C., Lario Leza F.J., Fernández Santos B. (Eds.) Avances en la restauración de sistemas forestales. Técnicas de implantación. SECF-AEET. I.S.B.N.: 978-84-937964-6-4. Madrid, pp. 35- 40.

  • Publicación (pdf) Maximum in the Middle: Nonlinear Response of Microbial Plankton to Ultraviolet Radiation and Phosphorus. Medina-Sánchez JM, Delgado-Molina JA, Bratbak G, Bullejos FJ, Villar-Argaiz M, et al. (2013) PLoS ONE 8(4): e60223. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060223

  • Publicación (pdf) Interactive effects of vertical mixing, nutrients and ultraviolet radiation: in situ photosynthetic responses of phytoplankton from high mountain lakes in Southern Europe. E.W. Helbling, P. Carrillo, J. M. Medina-Sánchez, C. Durán, G. Herrera, M. Villar-Argaiz, and V. E. Villafañe. (2013) Biogeosciences, 10, 1037-1050, doi:10.5194/bg-10-1037-2013

  • Publicación (pdf) Positive trends between salinity and chromophoric and fluorescent dissolved organic matter in a seasonally inverse estuary. Catalá TS, Mladenov N, Echevarría F., and Reche I. (2013). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 133: 206-216

  • Publicación (pdf) Effect of decomposing burnt wood on soil fertility and nutrient availability in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Marañón-Jiménez S. y Castro J. (2013). Biogeochemistry 112: 519-535.

  • Publicación (pdf) Suitability of the management of habitat complexity, acorn burial depth, and a chemical repellent for post-fire reforestation of oaks. Leverkus A.B., Castro J., Puerta-Piñero C. y Rey-Benayas J.M. (2013). Ecological Engineering 53: 15-22.

  • Publicación (pdf) Charred wood remaining after a wildfire as a reservoir of macro- and micronutrients in a Mediterranean pine forest. Marañón-Jiménez S., Castro J., Fernández-Ondoño E. y Zamora R. (2013). International Journal of Wildland Fire 22: 681-695.

  • Publicación (pdf) Postfire burnt-wood management affects plant damage by ungulate herbivores. Castro J. (2013). International Journal of Forestry Research, art. 965461 LINK

  • Publicación (pdf) Growth and stable isotope signals associated with drought related mortality in two coexisting pine species. Herrero A., Castro J., Zamora R. y Delgado A. (2013). Oecologia (doi: 10.1007/s00442-013-2707-7).

  • Publicación (pdf) Post-fire wood management alters water stress, growth, and performance of pine regeneration in a Mediterranean ecosystem. Marañón-Jiménez S., Castro J., Querejeta J.I., Fernández-Ondoño E. y Allen C.D. (2013). Forest Ecolgy and Management 308:231-239 LINK

  • Direct and indirect effects of climate on demography and early growth of Pinus sylvestris: changing roles of biotic and abiotic factors at the rear edge: changing roles of biotic and abiotic factors. Benavides, R., Rabasa, S.G., Granda, E., Escudero, A., Hódar, J.A., Martínez-Vilalta, J., Rincón, A.M., Zamora, R. y Valladares, F. (2013). PLoS One 8(3): e59824.

  • Timing and intensity of bush-crickets predation on egg batches of pine processionary moth: no evidence of population control. Hódar, J.A., Torres-Muros L. y Senhadji K. (2013). Agricultural and Forest Entomology 13:204-211.

  • Disparity in elevational shifts of European trees in response to recent climate warming. Rabasa, S., Granda, E., Benavides, R.l., Kunstler, G., Espelta, J., Ogaya, R., Peñuelas, J., Scherer-Lorenzen, M., Gil, W., Grodzki, W., Ambrozy, S., Bergh, J., Hódar, J.A., Zamora, R. y Valladares, F. (2013). Global Change Biology (en prensa).

  • Publicación (pdf) Chemical signature of Saharan dust on dry and wet atmospheric deposition in the south-western Mediterranean region. Rafael Morales Baquero, Elvira Pulido-Villena and Isabel Reche. (2013) Tellus B 65, 18720


  • Scott, R.L., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Domingo, F., Hamerlynck, E.P. & Kowalski, A.S. (2012) Commonalities of carbon dioxide exchange in semiarid regions with monsoon and Mediterranean climates. Journal of Arid Environments 84, 71-79

  • Sanchez-Cañete, E.P., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Domingo, F. & Kowalski, A.S. (2012) Cave ventilation is influenced by variations in the CO2 -dependent virtual temperature. International Journal of Speleology 42(1), 1-8

  • Rey, A., Belelli-Marchesini, L., Were, A., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Etiope, G., Papale, D., Domingo, F. & Pegoraro, E. (2012) Wind as a main driver of the net ecosystem carbon balance of a semiarid Mediterranean steppe in the South East of Spain. Global Change Biology 18, 539-554

  • Cuezva, S., Fernandez-Cortes, A., Porca, E., Pasic, L., Jurado, V., Hernandez-Marine, M., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Hermosin, B., Cañaveras, J.C., Sanchez-Moral, S. & Saiz-Jimenez, C. (2012) The biogeochemical role of Actinobacteria in Altamira Cave, Spain. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 81, 281-290

  • Bo, T., Fenoglio, S., López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2012. Trophic behaviour of the dragonfly Cordulegaster boltoni (Insecta, Odonata) in small creeks of Rocchetta Tanaro Natural Park (NW Italy, Piemonte). Entomologica fennica, 22: 255–261.

  • López-Rodríguez, M.J., Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., Bo, T., Mogni, A. & Fenoglio, S. 2012. Living apart together: on the biology of two sympatric Leuctra species (Plecoptera, Leuctridae) in an Apenninic stream (Italy). International Review of Hydrobiology, 97(2): 117–123.

  • López-Rodríguez, M.J., Trenzado, C.E., Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & Sanz, A. 2012. Digestive enzyme activity and trophic behavior in two predator aquatic insects (Plecoptera, Perlidae). A comparative study. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology, 162: 31–35.

  • López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2012. Life in the dark: on the biology of the cavernicolous stonefly Protonemura gevi (Insecta, Plecoptera). The American Naturalist, 180(5): 684-691.

  • Luzón-Ortega, J.M., López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2012. Description of the drumming signal of Eoperla ochracea (Kolbe, 1885) (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Aquatic Insects, 34(1): 19-22.

  • López-Rodríguez, M.J., Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2012. On the biology of two high mountain populations of stoneflies (Plecoptera, Perlodidae) in southern Iberian Peninsula. Limnetica, 31(2): 205-212.

  • López-Rodríguez, M.J., Peralta-Maraver, I., Gaetani, B., Sainz-Cantero, C.E., Fochetti, R. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2012. Diversity patterns and food web structure in a Mediterranean intermittent stream. International Review of Hydrobiology, 97(6): 485-496.

  • Murányi, D., Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2012. On the trophic role of Leuctra cf. signifera (Plecoptera, Leuctridae) in a small stream in Mara valley (East Carpathians, Romania). Illiesia, 8(15): 147-151.

  • Peralta-Maraver, I., López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2012. Life history of two aquatic insects in the Cacín stream (SE Spain): Leuctra geniculata (Plecoptera) and Serratella ignita (Ephemeroptera) . Zoologica baetica, 23: 57-68.

  • Farm ponds as potential complementary habitats to natural wetlands in a mediterranean region. Casas, J.J., J. Toja, P. Peñalver, M. Juan, D. León, F. Fuentes-Rodriguez, I. Gallego, E. Fenoy, C. Pérez-Martínez, P. Sánchez, S. Bonachela and M. A. Elorrieta. Wetlands 32: 161-174

  • Taxonomic or ecological approaches? Searching for phytoplankton surrogates in the determination of richness and assemblage composition in ponds. Gallego, I., T.A. Davidson, E. Jeppesen, C. Pérez-Martínez, P.Sánchez-Castillo, M. Juan, F. Fuentes-Rodríguez, D. León, P. Peñalver, J. Toja and J. J.Casas. Ecological Indicators 18: 575-585

  • Efectos del cambio climático en los ecosistemas acuáticos y terrestres de alta montaña de Sierra Nevada: Análisis del registro fósil en los sedimentos. C. Pérez-Martínez, L. Jiménez, J.M. Conde-Porcuna, E. Moreno, E. Ramos-Rodríguez, O. Heiri, G. Jiménez-Moreno y S. R. Anderson . Proyectos de Investigación en Parques Nacionales: 2008-2011. Páginas 71-93

  • Cambio climático y plagas: algo más que el clima. Hódar, J.A., Zamora, R. y Cayuela, L. (2012). Ecosistemas 21:73-78.

  • Climate change and the incidence of a forest pest in Mediterranean ecosystems: can the North Atlantic Oscillation be used as a predictor? Hódar, J.A., Zamora, R. y Cayuela, L. (2012). Climatic Change 113:699-711.

  • Noise, what noise? Raising awareness of auditory health among future primary-school teachers. (Jiménez-Tejada, M.P., Hódar, J.A., González-García, F. 2012). Teaching and Teacher Education 28: 1083-1090.

  • Interacción planta-herbívoro y dinámica poblacional de la procesionaria del pino en el Parque Nacional de Sierra Nevada en el marco del cambio global. Hódar, J.A., Torres-Muros, L., Senhadji, K., Cayuela, L., Zamora, R. (2012). En: Proyectos de investigación en Parques Nacionales: 2008-2011, págs. 387-406. Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales. EGRAFSA, Madrid.

  • Publicación (pdf) Contribution of dust inputs to dissolved organic carbon and water transparency in Mediterranean reservoirs. I. de Vicente, E. Ortega-Retuerta, R. Morales-Baquero and I. Reche. (2012). Biogeosciences 9, 5049–5060

  • Publicación (pdf) Post-fire salvage logging alters a key plant-animal interaction for forest regeneration. Castro J. Puerta-Piñero C., Leverkus A.B, Moreno-Rueda G. y Sánchez-Miranda A. (2012). Ecosphere 3(10): art90.

  • Disentangling food quantity and quality effects in zooplankton response to p-enrichment and uv radiation. Villar-Argaiz, M.; Bullejos, F.J.; Medina-Sánchez, J.M.; Ramos-Rodríguez, E.; Delgado-Molina, J.A. y Carrillo P. 2012. Limnology and Oceanography 57: 235-250.

  • Mixotrophic phytoplankton is enhanced by UV radiation in a low altitude, P-limited Mediterranean lake. Rojo C.; Guillermo H.; Rodrigo M.A.; Ortíz-Llorente MJ. y Carrillo P. 2012. Hydrobiologia 698: 97-110.

  • Effects of ultraviolet radiation and nutrients on the structure–function of phytoplankton in a high mountain lake. Korbee N.; Carrillo P.; Teresa Mata M.; Rosillo S.; Medina-Sánchez J.M. y Figueroa F.L. 2012. Photochemical &Photobiological Sciences 11: 1087-1098.

  • Interactive effects of vertical mixing, nutrients and ultraviolet radiation: in situ photosynthetic responses of phytoplankton from high mountain lakes of Southern Europe. Helbling E.W.; Carrillo P.; Medina-Sánchez J.M.; Durán C.; Herrera G.; Villar-Argaiz M. y Villafañe V.E. 2012. Biogeosciences Discuss 9: 9791-9827.

  • Publicación (pdf) Post-fire salvage logging increases restoration costs in a Mediterranean mountain ecosystem. Leverkus A.B., Puerta-Piñero C., Guzmán J.R., Navarro J. y Castro J. (2012). New Forest 43: 601-613.

  • Publicación (pdf) Evidence for plant traits driving specific drought resistance. A community field experiment. Matías L., Quero J.L., Zamora R. y Castro J. (2012). Environmental Experimental Botany 81: 55-61.

  • Publicación (pdf) Sporadic rainy events are more critical than increasing of drought intensity for woody species recruitment in a Mediterranean community Matías L., Zamora R. y Castro J. (2012). Oecologia (en prensa; doi: 10.1007/s00442-011-2234-3).

  • Publicación (pdf) Effect of simulated climate-change on soil respiration in a Mediterranean-type ecosystem: rainfall and habitat-type are more important than temperature or the soil carbon pool. Matías L., Castro J. y Zamora R. (2012). Ecosystems 15: 299-310.

  • Publicación (pdf) Limits of pine forest distribution at the treeline: herbivory matters. A. Herrero, R. Zamora, J. Castro, J.A. Hódar. (2012) Plant Ecology 213: 459-461.

  • Publicación (pdf) Farm ponds as potential complementary habitats to natural wetlands in a mediterranean region. Casas, J.J., Julia Toja, Patricio Peñalver, Melchor Juan, David León, Francisca Fuentes-Rodriguez, Irene Gallego, Encarnación Fenoy, Carmen Pérez-Martínez, Pedro Sánchez, Santiago Bonachela and Mª Antonia Elorrieta (2012) Wetland DOI 10.1007/s13157-011-0265-5


  • Sanchez-Cañete, E.P., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Kowalski, A.S., Oyonarte, C. & Domingo, F. (2011)Subterranean CO2 ventilation and its role in the net ecosystem carbon balance of a karstic shrubland. Geophysical Research Letters 38, L09802, doi:10.1029/2011GL047077

  • Reverter, B.R., Carrara, A., Fernández, A., Gimeno, C., Sanz, M.J., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Sánchez-Cañete, E.P., Were, A., Domingo, F., Resco, V., Burba, G.G. & Kowalski, A.S. (2011) Adjustment of annual NEE and ET for the open-path IRGA self-heating correction: Magnitude and approximation over a range of climate. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 151, 1856-1861

  • Domingo, F., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Were, A., Villagarcía, L., García, M., Ramírez, D.A., Kowalski, A.S., Moro, M.J., Rey, A. & Oyonarte, C. (2011) Carbon and water balances in semiarid ecosystems in SE Spain. Journal of Arid Environments 75, 1271-1281

  • Cuezva, S., Fernandez-Cortes, A., Benavente, D., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Kowalski, A.S. & Sanchez-Moral, S. (2011) Short-term CO2(g) exchange between a shallow karstic cavity and the external atmosphere during summer: Role of the surface soil layer. Atmospheric Environment 45, 1418-1427

  • Alcalá, F.J., Catón, Y., Contreras, S., Were, A., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Puigdefábregas, J., Sole-Benet, A., Custodio, E. & Domingo, F. (2011) Diffuse and concentrated recharge evaluation using physical and tracer techniques: results from a semiarid carbonate massif aquifer in southeastern Spain. Environmental Earth Sciences 62, 541-557

  • Is insecticide spraying a viable and cost-efficient management practice to control pine processionary moth in Mediterranean woodlands? Cayuela, L., Hódar, J.A. y Zamora, R. (2011). Forest Ecology and Management 261:1732-1737.

  • Setting up High Gradient Magnetic Separation for combating eutrophication of inland waters. Merino-Martos, A., J. de Vicente, L. Cruz-Pizarro & I. de Vicente. 2011. Journal of Hazardous Material, 186: 2068-2074.

  • Publicación (pdf) Changed cycling of P, N, Si, and DOC in Danish Lake Nordborg after aluminum treatment. Egemose, E., I. de Vicente, K. Reitzel, M. R. Flindt, F. Ø. Andersen, T. L. Lauridsen, M. Søndergaard, E. Jeppesen & H. S. Jensen. 2011. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 68: 1-15.

  • Publicación (pdf) Chemical interferences when using High Gradient Magnetic Separation for phosphate removal: consequences for lake restoration. de Vicente, I., A. Merino-Martos, F. Guerrero, V. Amores & J. de Vicente. 2011. Journal of Hazardous Material, 192: 995-1001.

  • Publicación (pdf) Artificial ponds in a Mediterranean region (Andalusia, southern Spain): Agricultural and environmental issues. Casas, JJ., Julia Toja, Santiago Bonachela, Francisca Fuentes, Irene Gallego, Melchor Juan, David León, Patricio Peñalver, Carmen Pérez-Martínez and Pedro Sánchez (2011) Water and Environmental Journal 25: 308-317.

  • Publicación (pdf) Ephippial and subitaneous egg abortion: relevance for an obligate parthenogenetic Daphnia population. Conde-Porcuna J.M., Valdés-Cano, J, S. Romo and C. Pérez-Martínez (2011) Journal of Limnology 70(1): 69-75.

  • Publicación (pdf) Postglacial history of alpine vegetation, fire, and climate from Laguna de Río Seco, Sierra Nevada, Southern Spain. Anderson, S. , Jiménez-Moreno, G., Carrión, J.S. and C. Pérez-Martínez (2011) Quaternary Science Review 30:1615-1629.

  • Publicación (pdf) Trophic interactions in an arid ecosystem: from decomposers to top-predators. González-Megías, A., Sánchez-Piñero, F. y Hódar, J.A. 2011. Journal of Arid Environments 75: 1333-1341.

  • Publicación (pdf) Intraspecific and interspecific variation in drumming signals in the genus Capnioneura (Plecoptera: Capniidae). Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2011. Aquatic Insects, 33(4): 335-341.

  • Publicación (pdf) Feeding habits of Padogobius bonelli (Bonaparte, 1846) (Osteichthyes, Gobiidae): the importance of fish dimensions and hydrological conditions. Bo, T.; Cammarata, M.; Candiotto, A.; Fenoglio, S.; López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & Malacarne, G. 2011. Italian Journal of Zoology, 78(3): 390-397.

  • Publicación (pdf) On the identity of Isoperla curtata (Plecoptera: Perlodidae): behavioural and molecular approaches show the existence of two separate species. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; Gaetani, B.; Luzón-Ortega, J.M.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Fochetti, R. 2011. Zootaxa, 3000: 49-58.

  • Publicación (pdf) Digestive enzyme activities of two stonefly species (Insecta, Plecoptera) and its ecological implications. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; Trenzado, C.E.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Sanz, A. 2011. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 160: 426-430.

  • Publicación (pdf) The unusual life history of a southern Iberian Peninsula population of Torleya major (Klapálek) (Ephemeroptera: Ephemerellidae). López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & Alba-Tercedor, J. 2011. Insect Science, 18: 583–589.

  • Publicación (pdf) Macroinvertebrate colonization of two different tree species leaf packs (native vs. introduced) in a Mediterranean stream. Peralta-Maraver, I.; López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Fenoglio, S.; Bo, T.; Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2011. Journal of Freshwater Ecology: DOI:

  • Publicación (pdf) Systematics and biogeography of the genus Besdolus Ricker, 1952: molecules do not match morphology (Insecta, Plecoptera) Fochetti, R.; Gaetani, B.; Fenoglio, S.; Bo, T.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2011. Zootaxa, 3067: 49–58.

  • Capniidae. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2011. Pp. 84. En: J. Oscoz, D. Galicia & R. Miranda. Identification guide of freshwater macroinvertebrates of Spain. Springer, Dordrecht.

  • Chloroperlidae. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2011. Pp. 84-85. En: J. Oscoz, D. Galicia & R. Miranda. Identification guide of freshwater macroinvertebrates of Spain. Springer, Dordrecht.

  • Leuctridae. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2011. Pp. 85. En: J. Oscoz, D. Galicia & R. Miranda. Identification guide of freshwater macroinvertebrates of Spain. Springer, Dordrecht.

  • Nemouridae. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2011. Pp. 85-86. En: J. Oscoz, D. Galicia & R. Miranda. Identification guide of freshwater macroinvertebrates of Spain. Springer, Dordrecht.

  • Perlodidae. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2011. Pp. 86-87. En: J. Oscoz, D. Galicia & R. Miranda. Identification guide of freshwater macroinvertebrates of Spain. Springer, Dordrecht.

  • Taeniopterygidae. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2011. Pp. 87. En: J. Oscoz, D. Galicia & R. Miranda. Identification guide of freshwater macroinvertebrates of Spain. Springer, Dordrecht.

  • Publicación (pdf) Fitness consequences of centrality in mutualistic individual-based networks. Gómez, J.M., F. Perfectti 2011. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. B online first

  • Publicación (pdf) Characterization of microsatellite loci in Erysimum mediohispanicum (Brassicaceae) and cross-amplification in related species. Muñoz-Pajares, A.J., M. B. Herrador, M. Abdelaziz, F. X. Pico, T. F. Sharbel, J. M. Gómez, F. Perfectti 2011. American Journal of Botany 98: e287-e289.

  • Publicación (pdf) Using complementary techniques to distinguish cryptic species: a new Erysimum (Brassicaceae) species from North Africa. Abdelaziz, M., J. Lorite, A. J. Muñoz-Pajares, B. Herrador, F. Perfectti, J.M. Gómez 2011. American Journal of Botany 98:1049-1060.

  • Publicación (pdf) Introduced Brassica nigra populations exhibit greater growth and herbivore resistance but less tolerance than native populations in the native range. Oduor, A., R. Lankau, S. Strauss, J.M. Gómez 2011. New Phytologist 191: 536-544.

  • Publicación (pdf) Where do monomorphic sexual systems fit in the evolution of dioecy? Insights from the largest family of Angiosperms. Torices, R., M. Méndez, J. M. Gómez 2011. New Phytologist 190:238-248.

  • Publicación (pdf) The functional value of mutualistic plant-pollinator networks. Gómez, J. M., F. Perfectti, P. Jordano 2011. PLoS One 6(1): e16143.

  • Publicación (pdf) Pollen quality limitation in the Iberian endangered genus Pseudomisopates (Antirrhinaceae). Amat, E., P. Vargas, J.M. Gómez 2011. Plant Ecology 212: 1069-1070.

  • Publicación (pdf) Are we miss-interpreting seed predation in palms? Brancalion, P.H.S., R, Ribeiro Rodrigues, J. M. Gomez 2011. Biotropica 42: 12-14.

  • Publicación (pdf) Spatio-temporal change in the relationship between habitat heterogeneity and species diversity. González-Megías A, J.M. Gómez, F. Sánchez-Piñero 2011. Acta Oecologica 37: 179-186.

  • Publicación (pdf) Phenotypic selection on floral scent: trade-off between attraction and deterrence? Schiestl, F.P., F.K Huber, J. M. Gomez 2011. Evolutionary Ecology 25: 237-248.

  • Publicación (pdf) Pinus halepensis Mill. crown development and fruiting declined with repeated drought in Mediterranean France. F. Girard, M. Vennetier, F. Guibal, C. Corona, S. Ouarmim, A. Herrero. (2011). European Journal of Forest Research. doi 10.1007/s10342-011-0565-6

  • Publicación (pdf) Post-fire salvage logging reduces carbon sequestration in Mediterranean coniferous forest. P. Serrano-Ortiz, S. Marañón-Jiménez, B.R. Reverter, E.P. Sánchez-Cañete, J. Castro, R. Zamora, A.S. Kowalski. Forest Ecology and Management 262 (2011) 2287–2296

  • Publicación (pdf) Effects of resource availability on plant recruitment at community level: an integrated analysis using structural equation modelling. Matías, L., Gómez-Aparicio, L., Zamora, R., Castro, J. 2011. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 13: 277-285

  • Publicación (pdf) Long-Term Coexistence of Rotifer Cryptic Species. Montero-Pau J., E. Ramos-Rodríguez, M. Serra and A. Gómez. 2011. PLoS ONE 6(6): e21530. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0021530

  • Publicación (pdf) Dust inputs and bacteria influence dissolved organic matter in clear alpine lakes. Mladenov N., R. Sommaruga, R. Morales-Baquero, I. Laurion, L. Camarero, M.C. Diéguez, A. Camacho, A. Delgado , O. Torres , Z. Chen , M. Felip, I. Reche . (2011) Nature communications 2:405 | DOI: 10.1038/ncomms1411

  • Publicación (pdf) Repercussions of Simulated Climate Change on the Diversity of Woody-Recruit Bank in a Mediterranean-type Ecosystem. Matías, L., Zamora, R., Castro, J. 2011. Ecosystems 14: 672-682

  • Publicación (pdf) Linking stochasticity to determinism of woody plant recruitment in a mosaic landscape: A spatially explicit approach. José L. Quero, Asier Herrero, Regino Zamora. Basic and Applied Ecology 12 (2011) 161–171

  • Publicación (pdf) Post-fire soil respiration in relation to burnt wood management in a Mediterranean mountain ecosystem. S. Marañón-Jiménez, J. Castro, A.S. Kowalski, P. Serrano-Ortiz, B.R. Reverter, E.P. Sánchez-Cañete, R. Zamora. Forest Ecology and Management 261 (2011) 1436–1447

  • Publicación (pdf) Soil-nutrient availability under a global-change scenario in a Mediterranean mountain ecosystem. Matías L., Castro J. and Zamora R. Global Change Biology 17 (2011) 1646-1657

  • Publicación (pdf) Applications of optical spectroscopy and stable isotope analyses to organic aerosol source discrimination in an urban area. Mladenov N, L. Alados-Arboledas, F.J. Olmo, H. Lyamani, A. Delgado, A. Molina, I. Reche (2011) . Atmospheric Environment

  • Publicación (pdf) pH Change Induces Shifts in the Size and Light Absorption of Dissolved Organic Matter. Pace M.L., Reche I., Cole J.J., Fernández-Barbero A., Mazuecos I.P., Prairie Y.T. (2011). Biogeochemistry

  • Publicación (pdf) Salvage logging versus the use of burnt wood as a nurse object to promote post-fire tree seedling establishment. Castro J, Allen C.D., Molina-Morales M., Marañón-Jiménez S., Sánchez-Miranda A. and Zamora R.(2011). Restoration Ecology 19:537-544




  • Were, A., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Moreno de Jong, C., Villagarcía, L., Domingo, F. & Kowalski, A.S. (2010) Ventilation of subterranean CO2 and Eddy covariance incongruities over carbonate ecosystems. Biogeosciences 7, 859-867

  • Serrano-Ortiz, P., Roland, M., Sánchez-Moral, S., Janssens, I.A., Domingo, F., Goddéris, Y. & Kowalski, A.S. (2010) Hidden, abiotic CO2 flows and gaseous reservoirs in the terrestrial carbon cycle: Review and perspectives. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150, 321-329

  • Reverter, B.R., Sanchez-Cañete, E.P., Resco, V., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Oyonarte, C. & Kowalski, A.S. (2010) Analyzing the major drivers of NEE in a Mediterranean alpine shrubland. Biogeosciences 7, 2601-2611

  • Resco, V., Querejeta, J.I., Ogle, K., Voltas, J., Sebastia, M.T., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Linares, J.C., Moreno-Gutierrez, C., Herrero, A., Carreira, J.A., Torres-Cañabete, P. & Valladares, F. (2010) Stable isotope views on ecosystem function: challenging or challenged? Biology Letters 17, 287-289

  • Catón, Y., Villagarcía, L., Moro, M.J., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Were, A., Alcalá, F.J., Kowalski, A.S., Sole-Benet, A., Lázaro, R. & Domingo, F. (2010) Temporal dynamics of soil water balance components in a karst range in southeastern Spain: estimation of potential recharge. Hydrological Sciences Journal 55(5), 737-753

  • Stoichiometric dietary constraints influence the response of copepods to ultraviolet radiation-induced oxidative stress. Souza, M.S.; Modenutti, B.E.; Carrillo, P.; Villar-Argaiz, M; Medina-Sanchez, J.M.; Bullejos, F.J. y Balseiro E.G. 2010. Limnology and Oceanography 55(3): 1024-1032.

  • Roles of phosphorus and ultraviolet radiation in the strength of phytoplankton-zooplankton coupling in a mediterranean high mountain lake. Bullejos, F.J.; Medina-Sánchez, J.M.; Villar-Argaiz, M. y Carrillo P. 2010. Limnology and Oceanography 55: 2549-2562.

  • Patterns of resource limitation of bacteria along a trophic gradient in mediterranean inland waters. Medina-Sánchez, J.M.; Carrillo, P; Delgado-Molina, J.A.; Bullejos, F.J. y Villar-Argaiz M. 2010. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 74: 554-565.

  • Publicación (pdf) On the use of magnetic nano and microparticles for lake restoration. de Vicente, I., A. Merino-Martos, L. Cruz-Pizarro & J. de Vicente. 2010. Journal of Hazardous Material, 181:375-381.

  • Transparent exopolymer particles in inland waters of two contrasting biomes. de Vicente, I., E. Ortega-Retuerta, I.P-Mazuecos, M.L. Pace, J.J. Cole & I. Reche. 2010. Aquatic Sciences, 72: 443-453

  • Publicación (pdf) Chemical composition of wetland sediments as an integrator of trophic state. de Vicente, I., F. Guerrero & L. Cruz-Pizarro. 2010. Aquatic Ecosystems Health & Management, 13 (1): 99-103.

  • Publicación (pdf) Contrasting factors controlling microbial respiratory activity in the sediment of two adjacent Mediterranean wetlands. de Vicente, I., V. Amores, F. Guerrero & L. Cruz-Pizarro. 2010. Naturwissenschaften, 97: 627-635.

  • Water level fluctuations may decrease phosphate adsorption capacity of the sediment in oligotrophic high mountain lakes. de Vicente, I., F.Ø. Andersen, H.C. Bruun, L. Cruz-Pizarro & H.S. Jensen. 2010. Hydrobiologia, 651: 253-264.

  • Publicación (pdf) Settling and resuspended particles: A source or a sink of phosphate in two contrasting oligotrophic high mountain lakes? de Vicente, I. , F. Guerrero, F. Jiménez-Gómez & L. Cruz-Pizarro. 2010. Comptes rendus Geoscience, 342: 46-52.

  • Publicación (pdf) Sediment resuspension in two adjacent shallow coastal lakes: controlling factors and consequences on phosphate dynamics. de Vicente, I., L. Cruz-Pizarro & F. J. Rueda. 2010. Aquatic Sciences, 72: 21-31.

  • Publicación (pdf) Stable isotope views on ecosystem function: challenging or challenged? V. Resco, J. I. Querejeta, K. Ogle, J. Voltas, M.T. Sebastia, P. Serrano-Ortiz, J.C. Linares, C. Moreno-Gutierrez, A. Herrero, J.A. Carreira, P. Torres-Cañabate, F. Valladares. (2010). Biology Letters 6: 287-289

  • Publicación (pdf) Seed Dispersal Patterns by Large Frugivorous Mammals in a Degraded Mosaic Landscape. L. Matías, R. Zamora, I. Mendoza & J.A. Hódar. (2010) Restoration Ecology Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 619–627

  • Publicación (pdf) Observations of chromophoric dissolved and detrital organic matter distribution using remote sensing in the Southern Ocean: Validation, dynamics and regulation. Ortega-Retuerta E., Siegel D.A., Nelson N.B., Duarte C.M., Reche I. (2010) Journal of Marine Systems

  • Publicación (pdf) Variation in transparent exopolymer particles in relation to biological and chemical factors in two contrasting lake districts. de Vicente I., Ortega-Retuerta E., Mazuecos I.P., Pace M.L., Cole J.J, Reche I. (2010) Aquatic Sciences

  • Publicación (pdf) Positive adjacency effects mediated by seed disperser birds in pine plantations. Zamora, R., J.A. Hodar, L. Matías & I. Mendoza. Ecological Applications 20(4) 2010: 1053-1060.

  • Publicación (pdf) Species-specific responses of tree saplings to herbivory in contrasting light environments: an experimental approach. Baraza, E., R. Zamora & J.A. Hódar. (2010) Ecoscience 17 (2): 156-165

  • Publicación (pdf) Management of burnt wood after fire affects post-dispersal acorn predation. Puerta-Piñero C., Sánchez-Miranda A., Leverkus A. y Castro J. (2010). Forest Ecology and Management 260: 345-352.

  • Publicación (pdf) A global overview of drought and heat-induced tree mortality reveals emerging climate change risk for forest. Allen C.D., Macalady A.K., Chenchouni H., Bachelet D, McDowell N., Vennetier M., Kitzberger T., Rigling A., Breshears D.D., (Ted) Hogg E.H., Gonzales P., Fensham R., Zhang Z., Castro J., Demidova N., Lim J.-H., Allard G., Running S.W., Semerci A y Cobb N. (2010). Forest Ecology and Management 259: 660-684.

  • Differences in the diversity and composition of the pollinator assemblage of two co-flowering congeneric alpine wallflowers, Erysimum nevadense and E. baeticum. Ortigosa, A.L., J.M. Gómez 2010. Flora 205: 266-275.

  • Publicación (pdf) Significance of bacterial activity for the distribution and dynamics of transparent exopolymer particles in the Mediterranean Sea. Ortega-Retuerta E.,Duarte C.M., Reche I. (2010) Microbial Ecology

  • Publicación (pdf) Distribution and photoreactivity of chromophoric dissolved organic matter in the Antarctic Peninsula (Southern Ocean) Ortega-Retuerta E., Reche I.,Pulido-Villena E., Agustí S., Duarte C.M. (2010) Marine Chemistry

  • Publicación (pdf) Relationships between spectroscopic properties of high altitude organic aerosols and sun photometry from ground-based remote sensing. Mladenov N, Reche I, Olmo FJ, Lyamani H, Alados-Arboledas L (2010) JGR-Biogeosciences

  • Exotic vertebrate and invertebrate herbivores differ in their impacts on native and exotic plants: a meta-analysis. Oduor AMO, Gomez JM, Strauss SY. 2010. BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS 12 (2): 407-419

  • Spatial patterns of acorn dispersal by rodents: do acorn crop size and ungulate presence matter? Puerta-Pinero C, Gomez JM, Schupp EW. 2010. OIKOS 119 (1): 179-187

  • Publicación (pdf) Experimental test of postfire management in pine forests: impact of salvage logging versus partial cutting and nonintervention on bird-species assemblages. Castro J., Moreno-Rueda G. y Hódar J.A. (2010). Conservation Biology 24: 810-819 (doi: 10.1111/j.1523-1739.2009.01382.x).

  • Publicación (pdf) Vulnerable taxa of European Plecoptera (Insecta) in the context of climate change. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Lorenz, A.; Graf, W.; Schmidt-Kloiber, A. & Hering, D. 2010. Biodiversity and Conservation, 19: 1269-1277

  • Publicación (pdf) Comparative study of the nymphal biology of two coexisting species of mayflies (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in a Mediterranean stream in southern Europe. López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & Alba-Tercedor, J. 2010. International Review of Hydrobiology, 95: 58-71

  • Publicación (pdf) Protonemura gevi sp. n., a cavernicolous new species of stonefly (Insecta: Plecoptera). Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2010. Zootaxa, 2365: 48-54

  • Publicación (pdf) Nymphal trophic behaviour of two Nemouridae species (Insecta, Plecoptera) in the Curone creek (northern Apennines, Italy). López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Bo, T.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & Fenoglio, S. 2010. Entomological Science, 13: 288-292.

  • Publicación (pdf) Do predators condition the distribution of prey within micro habitats? An experiment with stoneflies (Plecoptera). Bo, T.; Fenoglio, S.; López-Rodríguez, M.J., Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., Grenna, M. & Cucco, M. 2010. International Review of Hydrobiology, 95(3): 285-295

  • Publicación (pdf) Feeding habits of Padogobius bonelli (Osteichthyes, Gobiidae) in the Curone creek (NW Italy): territoriality influences diet? Bo, T.; López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Fenoglio, S.; Cammarata, M. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2010. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 25(3): 367-371

  • Publicación (pdf) Study of the antioxidant defence in four species of Perloidea (Insecta, Plecoptera). Sanz, A.; Trenzado, C.; López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Furné, M. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2010. Zoological Science, 27(12): 952-958

  • Publicación (pdf) Life cycle and nymphal feeding of Besdolus ravizzarum Zwick and Weinzierl, 1995 (Plecoptera: Perlodidae), a threatened stonefly. Fenoglio, S.; Bo, T.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2010. Insect Science, 17: 149–153

  • Publicación (pdf) Inventario de la fauna cavernícola de la Cueva del Nacimiento del Arroyo de San Blas (Siles, Jaén, España). Propuesta de conservación y gestión. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Baena, M. & Pérez, T. 2010. Monografías bioespeleológicas, 5: 1-8

  • Publicación (pdf) Nymphal diet of two Perlidae species (Insecta: Plecoptera) in southern Apennines (Calabria, Italy). Gallo, L.; Lucadamo, L.; López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; Bo, T. & Fenoglio, S. 2010. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 46: 363-366.

  • Publicación (pdf) Estrategias vitales de las moscas de las piedras en ambientes temporales. López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2010. Quercus, 289: 26-33.

  • Publicación (pdf) Amenazas a la conservación de las moscas de las piedras (plecópteros) en los ríos andaluces. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Luzón-Ortega, J.M. 2010. AEMS-Ríos con Vida, 85: 31-34.

  • Publicación (pdf) Un plecóptero endémico de la Cueva del Nacimiento del Arroyo de San Blas: Protonemura gevi. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Pérez Fernández, T. 2010. Pp. 120-125. En: Historia de las Exploraciones y Catálogo de Cavidades. Siles (Jaén). Ed. Grupo de Espeleología de Villacarrillo (G.E.V.).

  • Publicación (pdf) Nemoura rifensis. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2010. Pp.: 1212-1215. En: J.R. Verdú, C. Numa & E. Galante. Atlas y Libro Rojo de los Invertebrados de España (Especies Vulnerables). Dirección General de Biodiversidad, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino, Madrid.

  • Publicación (pdf) Leuctra bidula. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2010. Pp.: 1207-1211. En: J.R. Verdú, C. Numa & E. Galante. Atlas y Libro Rojo de los Invertebrados de España (Especies Vulnerables). Dirección General de Biodiversidad, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino, Madrid.

  • Publicación (pdf) Protonemura gevi. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2010. Pp.: 1216-1219. En: J.R. Verdú, C. Numa & E. Galante. Atlas y Libro Rojo de los Invertebrados de España (Especies Vulnerables). Dirección General de Biodiversidad, Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, Medio Rural y Marino, Madrid.


  • Serrano-Ortiz, P., Domingo, F., Cazorla, A., Were, A., Cuezva, S., Villagarcía, L., Alados-Arboledas, L. & Kowalski, A.S. (2009) Interannual CO2 exchange of a sparse Mediterranean shrubland on a carbonaceous substrate. Journal of Geophysical Research 114 G04015, doi:10.1029/2009JG000983

  • El trabajo en las aulas con los conceptos de población y especie. Jiménez-Tejada, M. P.; González-García, F. y Hódar, J. A. 2009.UCMaule Revista académica 36:49-67.

  • Cambio climático y modificación de interacciones planta-animal. Hódar, J.A.; Zamora, R. y Obeso, J.R. 2009. En: Medel, R.; Aizen, M.A. y Zamora, R. (Editores). Ecología y evolucion de interacciones planta-animal, págs. 287-299. Editorial Universitaria, Santiago de Chile.

  • Publicación (pdf) Hydraulic adjustment of Scots pine across Europe. J. Martinez-Vilalta, H. Cochard, M. Mencuccini, F. Sterck, A. Herrero, J.F.J. Korhonen, P. Llorens, E. Nikinmaa, A. Nole, R. Poyatos, F. Ripullone, U. Sass-Klaassen, R. Zweifel. (2009). New Phytologist 184: 353-364

  • Publicación (pdf) A seeding experiment for testing tree-community recruitment under variable environments: implications for forest regeneration and conservation in Mediterranean habitats. Mendoza I., Zamora R. y Castro J. (2009). Biological Conservation 149: 1491-1499.

  • Interacciones Planta Animal y Biodiversidad: Conservación y Restauración. Medel, R., M. Aizen & R. Zamora (2009). Servicio Publicaciones, Universidad de Chile. Santiago de Chile.

  • Publicación (pdf) Tree community dinamics under variable succesional and climatic scenarios: implicatins for conservation and resstoration in mediterranean habitats. Mendoza,I , R. Zamora & J. Castro (2009). Biological Conservation 142: 1491-1499.

  • Publicación (pdf) Are pine plantations valid tools for restoring Mediterranean forests? An assessment along abiotic and biotic gradients. Gómez-Aparicio, L. M. Zavala, F.J. Bonet & R. Zamora (2009). Ecological Applications 19 (8): 2124-2141.

  • Publicación (pdf) Consistent pattern of habitat and species selection by post-dispersal seed predation in a Mediterranean mosaic landscape. Matías, L., Mendoza, I.& R. Zamora (2009). Plant Ecology (203: 137-147).

  • Publicación (pdf) Recruitment limitation of forest communities in a degraded Mediterranean landscape. Mendoza, I., R. Zamora, L Gómez-Aparicio & L. Matias (2009). Journal of Vegetation Science 20:367-376.

  • Publicación (pdf) Species, Site and seasonal variation in leaf chemistry Diversity of Woody mediterranean plants. Baraza, E., J.A. Hódar & R. Zamora (2009). Revue d´Ecologie 64:1-10.

  • Publicación (pdf) Effects of Ultraviolet B radiation on (not so) Transparent Exopolymer Particles. Ortega-Retuerta E., Passow U., Duarte C.M. Reche I., (2009) Biogeosciences

  • Publicación (pdf) Alpine lake optical properties as sentinels of dust deposition and global change. Mladenov N, López-Ramos J, McKnight DM, Reche I (2009) Limnology and Oceanography

  • Publicación (pdf) Contribution of transparent exopolymer particles to carbon sinking flux in an oligotrophic reservoi. de Vicente I, Ortega-Retuerta E, Romera O, Morales-Baquero R, Reche I (2009) Biogeochemistry

  • Publicación (pdf) Uncoupled distributions of transparent exopolymer particles (TEP) and dissolved carbohydrates in the Southern Ocean. Ortega-Retuerta E, Reche I, Pulido-Villena E, Agustí S, Duarte CM (2009) Marine Chemistry

  • Publicación (pdf) Biogeneration of chromophoric dissolved organic matter by bacteria and krill in the Southern Ocean. Ortega-Retuerta E, Frazer TK, Duarte CM, Ruiz-Halpern S, Tovar-Sánchez A, Arrieta JM, Reche I (2009) Limnology and Oceanography

  • Publicación (pdf) Viability and potential for immigration of airborne bacteria from Africa that reach high mountain lakes in Europe. Hervàs A, Camarero L, Reche I, Casamayor EO. (2009) Environmental Microbiology

  • Publicación (pdf) Effects of Saharan dust inputs on bacterial activity and composition in Mediterranean lakes and reservoirs. Reche I, Ortega-Retuerta E, Romera O, Pulido-Villena E; Morales-Baquero R and Casamayor EO. (2009) Limnology and Oceanography

  • Local adaptation and maladaptation to pollinators in a generalist geographic mosaic. Gomez JM, Abdelaziz M, Camacho JPM, et al. 2009 ECOLOGY LETTERS 12 (7): 672-682


  • The functional consequences of diversity in plant-pollinator interactions. Perfectti F, Gomez JM, Bosch J. 2009. OIKOS 118 (9): 1430-1440

  • A geographic selection mosaic in a generalized plant-pollinator-herbivore system. Gómez JM, Perfectti F, Bosch J, Camacho JPM. 2009. Ecological Monographs 79: 245-264.

  • Especies claves en el funcionamiento de las redes tróficas pelágicas de ecosistemas de alta montaña: estrategias adaptativas. Carrillo, P., M. Villar-Argaiz, J.M. Medina-Sánchez, J.A. Delgado-Molina, F.J. Bullejos, S. Rosillo, C. Durán, F.L. Figueroa, N. Korbee. Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente. Madrid. 2009

  • The effects of UV radiation on photosynthesis estimated as chlorophyll fluorescence in Zygnemopsis decussata (Chlorophyta) growing in a high mountain lake (Sierra Nevada, Southern Spain). Figueroa L.F., N. Korbee, P. Carrillo, J.M. Medina-Sánchez, M. Mata, J. Bonomi, P.M. Sánchez-Castillo. Journal of Limnology. 2009, 68 (2): 206-216

  • Interactive effects of phosphorus-loads and ambient ultraviolet radiation on algal community in a high mountain lake Delgado-Molina J.A., P. Carrillo, J.M. Medina-Sánchez, M. Villar-Argaiz, F.J. Bullejos. Journal Plankton Research. 2009, 31(6):619–634

  • UV radiation and nutrients interactively influence to the biochemical composition of phytoplankton . Villar-Argaiz, M., J.M. Medina-Sánchez, F.J Bullejos, J.A Delgado-Molina, O. Ruíz Pérez, J.C. Navarro, P.Carrillo. Freshwater Biology. 2009, 54:1233–1245

  • Induced algal community changes by UV radiation and nutrients inputs: a long-term experimental study in lake La Caldera (Sierra Nevada, Spain) Delgado-Molina J.A., Medina-Sánchez J.M., Villar-Argaiz M., Búllelos F.J., Carrillo P. Verhandlungen der Internationale Vereinigung für Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie. 2009, 30 (6): 919–922

  • Publicación (pdf) Life history of a population of Protonemura intricata (Ris, 1902) (Insecta, Plecoptera) in a constant temperature stream in Central Europe. Kozáĉeková, Z.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Beracko, P. & Derka, T. 2009. International Review of Hydrobiology, 94(1): 57-66

  • Publicación (pdf) First record of the male mating call in the genus Tyrrhenoleuctra Consiglio (Plecoptera, Leuctridae). López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2009. Entomological News, 120(2): 224-226

  • Publicación (pdf) Life history of two burrowing aquatic insects in Southern Europe: Leuctra geniculata (Insecta: Plecoptera) and Ephemera danica (Insecta: Ephemeroptera). López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & Alba-Tercedor, J. 2009. Aquatic Insects, 31(2): 99-110

  • Publicación (pdf) Preimaginal feeding habits of Isoperla carbonaria Aubert, 1953 (Plecoptera, Perlodidae). Fenoglio, S., Bo, T., López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & Malacarne, G. 2009. Aquatic Insects, 31: 401-407

  • Publicación (pdf) Potential impact of climate change on aquatic insects: A sensitivity analysis for European caddisflies (Trichoptera) based on distribution patterns and ecological preferences. Hering, D., Schmidt-Kloiber, A., Murphy, J., Lücke, S., Zamora-Muñoz, C., López-Rodríguez, M.J., Huber, T. & Graf, W. 2009. Aquatic Sciences, 71: 3-14

  • Publicación (pdf) Phenology of adult Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Curone stream (Northern Apennines, Italy). Bo, T., Fenoglio, S., López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2009. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 24: 279-283

  • Publicación (pdf) The life history of Serratella ignita (Poda, 1761) (Insecta: Ephemeroptera) in a temporary and permanent Mediterranean stream. López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & Alba-Tercedor, J. 2009. Aquatic Sciences, 71: 179-188

  • Publicación (pdf) Life strategies of 3 Perlodidae species (Plecoptera) in a Mediterranean seasonal stream in southern Europe. López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; Fenoglio, S.; Bo, T. & Alba-Tercedor, J. 2009. Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 28(3): 611-625

  • Publicación (pdf) Life history, feeding and secondary production of two Nemouroidea species (Plecoptera, Insecta) in a temporary stream of Southern Iberian Peninsula. López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & Alba-Tercedor, J. 2009. Fundamental and Applied Limnology (Archiv für Hydrobiologie), 175(2): 161-170

  • Publicación (pdf) First record of the male drumming call of the genus Capnioneura Ris, 1905 (Plecoptera, Capniidae). Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2009. Entomological Science, 12: 359-362

  • Publicación (pdf) Reproducción de la Salamandra [Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758)] en la Cueva del Nacimiento del Arroyo de San Blas (Siles, Jaén). Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Peralta-Maraver, I. 2009. Espeleo, 21 (Bio-Espeleo): 52-53

  • Publicación (pdf) Life cycle of three stonefly species (Plecoptera) from an Apenninic stream (Italy), with the description of the Nemoura hesperiae nymph. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; Bo, T.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. &Fenoglio, S. 2009. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 45(3): 339-343

  • Publicación (pdf) Allometric vs isometric growth in European stoneflies (Insecta, Plecoptera). Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Bo, T.; & Fenoglio, S. 2009. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 24(4): 581-585

  • Distribution and Ecological Preferences of European Freshwater Organisms. Graf, W., Lorenz, A., Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., Lücke, S., López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Murphy, J. 2009.Volume 2. Plecoptera. Schmidt-Kloiber, A. & Hering, D. (Series editors). Pensoft Publishers, Sofia/Moscow. ISBN 978-954-642-479-2

  • Distribution and Ecological Preferences of European Freshwater Organisms. Buffagni, A., Cazzola, M., López-Rodríguez, M.J., Alba-Tercedor, J. & Armanini, D.G. 2009. Volume 3. Ephemeroptera. Schmidt-Kloiber, A. & Hering, D. (Series editors). Pensoft Publishers, Sofia/Moscow. ISBN 978-954-642-508-9

  • Estudios sobre el comportamiento reproductivo y la alimentación adulta en Plecópteros. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2009. 2.5. Pp.: 132-140. En: H. Dopazo & A. Navarro (eds.). Adaptación y Evolución, 150 años después del origen de las Especies. Sociedad Española de Biología Evolutiva (SESBE).

  • Diversidad de polinizadores, generalización ecológica y conservación de plantasGómez, J.M. & F. Perfectti 2009. En: Medel et al. (eds). Interacciones ecológicas y conservación de ecosistemas. CYTED, Santiago de Chile.


  • Serrano-Ortiz, P., Kowalski, A.S., Domingo, F., Ruiz, B. & Alados-Arboledas, L. (2008) Consequences of uncertainties in CO2 density for estimating net ecosystem CO2 exchange by open-path eddy covariance. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 126, 209-218

  • Kowalski, A.S., Serrano-Ortiz, P., Janssens, I.A., Sánchez-Moral, S., Cuezva, S., Domingo, F. & Alados-Arboledas, L. (2008) Can flux tower research neglect geochemical CO2 exchange? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 148(6-7), 1045-1054

  • Implications of seston settling on phosphorus dynamics in three reservoirs of contrasting trophic state. I. de Vicente, F. Rueda, L. Cruz-Pizarro, R. Morales-Baquero. 2008. Fundamental and Applied Limnology,Archiv für Hydrobiologie,Vol. 170/4: 263–272

  • Publicación (pdf) Response of waterbirds to the alternation of clear and turbid water phases in two shallow mediterranean lakes. Moreno-Ostos, E., M. Paracuellos, I. de Vicente, J. C. Nevado & L. Cruz-Pizarro. 2008. Aquatic Ecology, 42: 701-706

  • Publicación (pdf) Wild boars (Sus scrofa) affect the recruitment rate and spatial distribution of holm oak (Quercus ilex). Gómez, J.M. y Hódar, J.A. 2008. Forest Ecology and Management 256: 1384-1389.

  • El aprendizaje del concepto biológico de población: cómo pueden las ciencias sociales y las matemáticas colaborar con la didáctica de la biología. Jiménez-Tejada, M.P., González-García, F. y Hódar, J.A. 2008. Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales 22:103-114.

  • Erodius proximus Solier, 1834. Paracuellos, M.; Sánchez-Piñero, F.; Hódar, J.A. y Nevado, J.C. 2008. En: Barea, J.M.; Ballesteros, E. y Moreno, D. (coords.) Libro Rojo de los Invertebrados Amenazados de Andalucía, págs. 1011-1014. Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Dirección General de Gestión del Medio Natural, Junta de Andalucía. Sevilla.

  • Zophosis punctata Brullé, 1832 ssp. alborana Baudi, 1883. Paracuellos, M.; Sánchez-Piñero, F.; Hódar, J.A. y Nevado, J.C. 2008. En: Barea, J.M.; Ballesteros, E. y Moreno, D. (coords.) Libro Rojo de los Invertebrados Amenazados de Andalucía , págs. 1015-1019. Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Dirección General de Gestión del Medio Natural, Junta de Andalucía. Sevilla.

  • Plant-herbivore interaction: beyond a binary vision. Baraza, E.; Zamora, R.; Hódar, J.A. y Gómez, J.M. 2008. En: Pugnaire, F.I. y Valladares, F. (eds.). Handbook of functional plant ecology, 2nd ed., págs. 481-514. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton.

  • El efecto del cambio global en las interacciones planta-animal. Hódar, J.A.; Zamora, R. y Peñuelas, J. 2008. En: Valladares, F. (ed.) Ecología del bosque mediterráneo en un mundo cambiante 2ª ed., págs. 463-480. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, EGRAF, S.A., Madrid.

  • Publicación (pdf) Shade and herbivory induce fluctuating asymmetry in a Mediterranean oak. Puerta-Piñero, C., J.M. Gómez & J.A. Hódar 2008. International Journal of Plant Science. 169 (5): 631-635

  • Publicación (pdf) Evidence that the negative relationship between seed mass and RGR is not a physiological effect but a trait linked to species identity: a within family analysis in Scots pine. Castro J., Reich P., Sánchez-Miranda A. y Guerrero J.D. (2008). Tree Physiology 28: 1077-1082.

  • Publicación (pdf) Biomass allocation and growth responses of scoth pine saplings to simulated herbivory depend on plant age and Light availability. Hódar, J.A., R. Zamora, J. Castro, J.M. Gómez & D. García (2008). Plant Ecology 197: 229-238.

  • Publicación (pdf) Facilitation of tree saplings by nurse plants: microhabitat amelioration or protection against herbivores. Gómez-Aparicio, L. R. Zamora, J. Castro & J.A. Hódar (2008). Journal of Vegetation Science 19: 161-172.

  • Publicación (pdf) Shifts in the regeneration niche of an endangered tree (Acer opalus ssp. granatense) during ontogeny. Quero, J.L., L. Gómez-Aparicio, R. Zamora & F.T. Maestre (2008). Basic and Applied Ecology 9: 635-644.

  • Publicación (pdf) Oak seedling survival and growth along resource gradients in Mediterranean forests: implications for regeneration under current and future environmental scenarios. Gómez-Aparicio, L., I.M. Pérez-Ramos, I. Mendoza, J.L. Quero, L. Matías, J. Castro, R. Zamora & T. Marañón (2008). Oikos 117: 1683-1699.

  • Publicación (pdf) Relating leaf photosynthetic rate to whole plant growth: drought and shade effects on seedlings of four Quercus speciies. Quero, J.L., R.Villar, T. Marañón, R. Zamora, D.Vega & L. Sack. (2008). Functional Plant Biology 35: 725-737.

  • Publicación (pdf) Respuesta plástica de Quercus a la luz y al agua. Quero, J.L., R.Villar, T. Marañón, R. Zamora & D.Vega (2008). Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 81: 373-385.

  • Publicación (pdf) Consequences of plant chemical diversity on domestic goat food preference in Mediterranean forests. Baraza, E., J.A. Hódar & R. Zamora (2008). Acta Oecologica 35: 117-127.

  • Publicación (pdf) Spatiotemporal drivers of dissolved organic matter in high alpine lakes: role of Saharan dust inputs and bacterial activity. Mladenov N, Pulido-Villena E, Morales-Baquero R, Ortega-Retuerta E, Sommaruga R, and Reche I. (2008) JGR-Biogeosciences

  • Publicación (pdf) Exploring the relationship between active bacterioplankton and phytoplankton in the Southern Ocean. Ortega-Retuerta E, Reche I, Pulido-Villena E, Agustí S and Duarte CM (2008). Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 52: 99–106.

  • Publicación (pdf) Evidence of an atmospheric forcing on bacterioplankton and phytoplankton dynamics in a high mountain lake. Pulido-Villena E., Reche I., Morales-Baquero R. (2008). Aquatic Sciences 70: 1 – 9

  • Ungulates affect the recruitment rate and spatial distribution of a Mediterranean oak. Gómez, J.M. & J. Hódar 2008. Forest Ecology and Management. 256 (6): 1384-1389

  • Factors determining beetle richness and composition along an altitudinal gradients in the high-mountains of the Sierra Nevada National Park. González-Megías, A., J.M. Gómez and F. Sánchez-Piñero. 2008. Ecoscience. 15 (4): 429-441

  • Publicación (pdf) Spatial variation in selection on corolla shape in a generalist plant is promoted by the preference patterns of its local pollinators. Gómez JM, Bosch J, Perfectti F, Fernández JD, Abdelaziz M, Camacho JPM. 2008. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B 275: 2241-2249.

  • Factors affecting phosphate adsorption to aluminum in lake water: Implications for lake restoration. de Vicente, I., H.S. Jensen & F. Andersen. The Science of the Total Environment. 2008, 389: 29-36

  • Implication of settling process on phosphorus dynamic in three contrasting reservoirs. de Vicente, I., F. Rueda, L. Cruz-Pizarro & R. Morales-Baquero. Fundamental and Applied Limnology (Archiv für Hydrobiologie). 2008. 170(4):263-272

  • Phosphorus inputs unmask negative effects of UV radiation on algae in a high mountain lake.. Carrillo, P., J.M. Medina-Sánchez, M. Villar-Argaiz, J.A. Delgado-Molina, F.J. Bullejos. Global Change Biology. 2008. 14:423-439

  • Does microorganism stoichiometry predict microbial food web interactions after a phosphorus pulse?. Carrillo, P., J.M. Medina-Sánchez, M. Villar-Argaiz. Microbial Ecology. 2008, 56(2):350-363

  • Impact of UV radiation and nutrients on the elemental composition of zooplankton in a Mediterranean high mountain lake. Bullejos F.J., M. Villar-Argaiz, J.M. Medina-Sánchez, J.A. Delgado-Molina, P. Carrillo. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol. 2008, 30(4): 623–626

  • Is biochemical resource quality for herbivorous consumers enhanced by the manipulation of light and nutrient regimes? Villar-Argaiz, M., J.M. Medina-Sánchez, F.J. Bullejos, J.A. Delgado-Molina, P. Carrillo. Verh. Int. Ver. Limnol. 2008, 30(4):577-580

  • Publicación (pdf) Shade and herbivory induce fluctuating asymmetry in a Mediterranean oak. Puerta-Piñero, C., J.M. Gómez & J.A. Hódar 2008. International Journal of Plant Science. 169 (5): 631-635

  • Publicación (pdf) Sequential conflicting selection due to multispecific interactions triggers evolutionary trade-offs in a monocarpic herb. Gómez J.M. 2008. Evolution 62: 668-679.

  • Effectiveness of rodents as local seed dispersers of Holm oaks. Gómez J.M., C Puerta-Piñero & EW Schupp 2008. Oecologia 155: 529-537.

  • Publicación (pdf) Association between floral traits and reward in Erysimum mediohispanicum (Brassicaceae). Gómez, J.M., Bosch J., Perfectti F., Fernández J.D., Abdelaziz M. & Camacho J.P.M. 2008. Annals of Botany 101: 1413-1420.

  • Publicación (pdf) Feeding habits of two Capniidae (Plecoptera) species from Southern Iberian Peninsula. López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2008. Journal of Entomological Science, 43(1): 141-142.

  • Publicación (pdf) Trophic behaviour of two Perlidae species (Insecta, Plecoptera) in a Southern Spain river. Bo, T., Fenoglio, S., López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2008. International Review of Hydrobiology, 93(2): 167-174.

  • Publicación (pdf) A comparison between local emergence patterns of Perla grandis and Perla marginata (Plecoptera, Perlidae). Fenoglio, S., Bo, T., Tierno de Figueroa, J.M., López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Malacarne, G. 2008. Hydrobiologia, 607(1): 11-16.

  • Publicación (pdf) Life history and larval feeding of some species of Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera (Insecta) in the Sierra Nevada (Southern Iberian Peninsula). López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & Alba-Tercedor, J. 2008. Hydrobiologia, 610(1): 277-295.

  • Publicación (pdf) Nymphal biology of Brachyptera risi (Morton, 1896) (Plecoptera, Taeniopterygidae) in a North Apennine stream (Italy).Fenoglio, S.; Bo, T.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2008. Entomologica Fennica, 19: 228-231.

  • Publicación (pdf) Description of the nymph of Isoperla curtata Navás, 1924 (Insecta, Plecoptera). López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & Alba-Tercedor, J. 2008. Zoologica baetica, 19: 85-88.

  • Distribution and Ecological Preferences of European Freshwater Organisms. Graf, W., Murphy, J., Dahl, J., Zamora-Muñoz, C. & Lopez-Rodriguez, M.J. 2008. Volume 1. Trichoptera. Schmidt-Kloiber, A. & Hering, D. (Series editors). Pensoft Publishers, Sofia/Moscow. ISBN 978-954-642-441-9


  • Vicca, S., Serrano-Ortiz, P., De Boeck, H.J., Lemmens, C.M.H.M., Nijs, I., Ceulemans, R., Kowalski, A.S. & Janssens, I.A. (2007) Effects of climate warming and declining species richness in grassland model ecosystems: acclimation of CO2 fluxes. Biogeosciences 4, 27-36

  • Serrano-Ortiz, P., Kowalski, A.S., Domingo, F., Rey, A., Pegoraro, E., Villagarcía, L. & Alados-Arboledas, L. (2007) Variations in daytime net carbon and water exchange in a montane shrubland ecosystem in southeast Spain. Photosynthetica 45(1), 30-35

  • Kowalski, A.S. & Serrano-Ortiz, P. (2007) On the relationship between the eddy covariance, the turbulent flux, and surface exchange for a trace gas such as CO2. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 124, 129–141

  • Publicación (pdf) El Plancton de las lagunas de Sierra Nevada: Necesidad de estudios transdisciplinares. Fátima García-Jurado, Francisco Guerrero, Andréa Galotti, Gema Parra, Luis Cruz-Pizarro, Inmaculada de Vicente, Francisco Rueda, Victoria Amores, Juan Lucena, Valeriano Rodríguez, Pablo León, Enrique Moreno-Ostos, Begoña Bautista, José Mª Blanco, Laura Zabala, Juan Diego Gilbert & Francisco Jiménez-Gómez. M+A. Revista Electrónic@ de Medioambiente 2007, 4: 1-10

  • Publicación (pdf) Interannual and between-site variability in the occurrence of the clear water phase in two Mediterranean shallow lakes. Moreno-Ostos, E., S.L. Rodrigues da Silva, I. de Vicente & L. Cruz-Pizarro. 2007. Aquatic Ecology, 41(2): 285-297

  • Publicación (pdf) Patterns of seed germination in Mediterranean mountain: study on 37 endemic or rare species from Sierra Nevada, SE Spain. Lorite J., Ruiz-Girela M. y Castro J. (2007). Candollea 62:5-16.

  • Publicación (pdf) Effects of dissolved organic matter photoproducts and mineral nutrient supply on bacterial growth in Mediterranean inland waters. Ortega-Retuerta E., Pulido-Villena E., Reche I. (2007). Microbial Ecology 54: 161-169.

  • Publicación (pdf) Does ecosystem size determine aquatic bacterial richness? Reply. Reche I, Pulido-Villena E, Morales-Baquero R., Casamayor E.O. (2007). Ecology 88(1): 253-255.

  • Diversidad de polinizadores, generalización ecológica y conservación de plantas. Gómez, J.M. & F. Perfectti 2008. En: Medel et al. (eds). Interacciones ecológicas y conservación de ecosistemas. CYTED, Santiago de Chile.

  • Evaluar el Aprendizaje en la Licenciatura de Biología. Presentación Carrillo, Rocío Raya y Ana Teresa Romero. Evaluación de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en la Universidad y su Adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. 147-158. Editorial Universidad de Granada. Granada. 2007

  • Response of waterbirds to the alternation of clear and turbid water phases in two shallow mediterranean lakes. Moreno-Ostos, E., M. Paracuellos, I. de Vicente, J. C. Nevado & L. Cruz-Pizarro. Aquatic Ecology. 2007,10.1007/s10452-007-9141-z

  • Long term effect of ungulates on phytophagous insect. Gómez, J.M. & A. Gonzalez-Megías 2007. Ecological Entomology 32:229-234.

  • Publicación (pdf) Pollinator diversity affects plant reproduction and recruitment: the trade-off of generalization. Gómez J. M., Bosch J., Perfectti F., Fernández, J.D., & Abdelaziz M. 2007. Oecologia 153:597-605.

  • Dispersal-mediated selection on plant height in an autochorously-dispersed herb. Gómez, J. M. 2007. Plant Syst. Evol. 268: 119-130.

  • Species diversity patterns at different spatial and temporal scales. González-Megías, A., J.M. Gómez & F. Sánchez-Piñero 2007. Ecography 30: 31-41.

  • Spatiotemporal patterns of seed dispersal in a wind-dispersed Mediterranean tree (Acer opalus subsp. granatense): implications for regeneration. Gómez-Aparicio, L., J.M. Gómez & R. Zamora 2007. Ecography 30: 13-22

  • Irradiance and the performance of Quercus ilex seedlings in a heterogeneous environment. Puerta-Piñero, C., J.M. Gómez & F. Valladares 2007. Forest Ecology and Management 242: 462-469.

  • Ecological limits to plant phenotypic plasticity. Valladares F., Gianoli E. & J.M. Gómez 2007. New Phytologist 176: 749-763.

  • Trait-mediated indirect interactions, density-mediated indirect interactions and direct interactions between mammalian and insect herbivores. Gómez, JM & A González-Megías 2007. In: Ogushi, T., T. Craig, and P. Price (eds). Ecological Communities: Plant Mediation in Indirect Interaction Webs. Cambridge University Press

  • Plant-herbivore interactions: beyond a binary vision. Baraza, E., Zamora, R.; Hódar, J.A. & Gómez, J.M. 2007. En: Pugnaire, F.A. y Valladares, F. (eds.). Handbook of functional plant ecology, 2nd edition. Pp. 677-718. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York.

  • The power of species sorting: local factors drive bacterial community composition over a wide range of spatial scales. Van der Gucht, K., K. Cottenie, K. Muylaert,, N. Vloemans, S. Cousin, S. Declerck, E. Jeppesen, J.M. Conde-Porcuna, K. Schwenk, G. Zwart, H. Degans, W. Vyverman & L. De Meester. 2007. Proc Natl Acad Sci 104(51): 20404-20409.

  • Publicación (pdf) The adult diet of Xanthoperla apicalis (Newman, 1836) and Siphonoperla torrentium (Pictet, 1842) (Plecoptera, Chloroperlidae) in Danube basin (Slovakia). López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; Derka, T. & Krno, I. 2007. Biologia (Bratislava), 62(5): 607-609.

  • Publicación (pdf) The life cycle and nymphal feeding of Capnioneura petitpierreae Aubert, 1961 (Plecoptera, Capniidae). Navarro-Martínez, D.; López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2007. Illiesia, 3(8): 65-69.

  • Publicación (pdf) Prey selection of Perla grandis (Rambur, 1841) nymphs (Plecoptera: Perlidae) in Borbera stream (NW, Italy). Cammarata, M.; Fenoglio, S.; López-Rodríguez, M. J.; Bo, T. & Tierno de Figueroa, J. M. 2007. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 41: 271-274.

  • Publicación (pdf) Los ríos mediterráneos: su diversidad y conservación. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2007.Pp: 795-838. En: Barea Azcón, J.M.; Moleón Páiz, M.; Travesí Ydáñez, R.; Ballesteros Duperón, E.; Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. (eds.). Biodiversidad y conservación de fauna y flora en ambientes mediterráneos. Sociedad Granatense de Historia Natural, Granada.

  • Publicación (pdf) Nemoura rifensis Aubert, 1961 (Plecoptera: Nemouridae). Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2007. Pp: 1228-1230. En: Barea-Azcón, J.M.; Ballesteros-Duperón, E. & Moreno, D. (coords.). Libro Rojo de los Invertebrados Amenazados de Andalucía. 4 tomos. Consejería de Medio Ambiente. Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla.

  • Publicación (pdf) Marthamea selysii (Pictet, 1841) (Plecoptera: Perlidae). Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2007. Pp: 1231-1233. En: Barea-Azcón, J.M.; Ballesteros-Duperón, E. & Moreno, D. (coords.). Libro Rojo de los Invertebrados Amenazados de Andalucía. 4 tomos. Consejería de Medio Ambiente. Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla.

  • Publicación (pdf) Besdolus bicolor (Navás, 1909) (Plecoptera: Perlodidae). Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2007. Pp.: 1234-1236. En: Barea-Azcón, J.M.; Ballesteros-Duperón, E. & Moreno, D. (coords.). Libro Rojo de los Invertebrados Amenazados de Andalucía. 4 tomos. Consejería de Medio Ambiente. Junta de Andalucía, Sevilla.


  • Climate driven changes on phytoplankton-zooplankton coupling and nutrient availability in high mountain lakes of southern Europe. Morales Baquero, R.; Carrillo, P.; Barea-Arco, J.; Pérez-Martínez, C. y Villar-Argaiz M. 2006. Freshwater Biology 51: 989-998.

  • Solar radiation-nutrient interaction enhances the resource and predation algal control on bacterioplankton: a short-term experimental study. Medina-Sanchez, J.M.; Villar-Argaiz, M. y Carrillo P. 2006. Limnology and Oceanography 51: 913-924.

  • Near-infrared spectrometry (NIRS) for the analysis of seston carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus from diverse sources. Hood, J.M.; Brovold, S.; Sterner, R.W.; Villar-Argaiz, M. y Zimmer K.D. 2006. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 4: 96-104.

  • Complex interactions in microbial food webs: stoichiometric and functional approaches. Carrillo, P.; Medina-Sánchez, J.M.; Villar Argaiz, M.; Delgado-Molina, J.A. y Bullejos F.J. 2006. Limnética (invitación): The ecology of the Iberian inland waters: Homage to Ramón Margalef 25 (1-2): 189-204.

  • Sedimentary phosphate fractions related to calcite precipitation in an eutrophic hardwater lake (Lake Alserio, northern Italy)I. de Vicente, K. Cattaneo, L. Cruz-Pizarro, A. Brauer and P. Guilizzoni. 2006.Journal of Paleolimnology 35: 55–64

  • Publicación (pdf) Foraging mode of the Moorish gecko Tarentola mauritanica in an arid environment: inferences from abiotic setting, prey availability and dietary composition. Hódar, J.A.; Pleguezuelos, J.M.; Villafranca, C. y Fernández-Cardenete, J.R. 2006. Journal of Arid Environments 65:83-93.

  • Publicación (pdf) Diet composition and prey choice of the Southern Grey Shrike Lanius meridionalis L. in Southeastern Spain: the importance of vertebrates in the diet. Hódar, J.A. 2006. Ardeola 53:237-249.

  • Publicación (pdf) Life cycle and nymphal feeding of Rhabdiopteryx christinae Teischinger, 1975 (Plecoptera, Taeniopterygidae). López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2006. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 42(1): 57-61.

  • Publicación (pdf) Adult and nymphal feeding in the stonefly species Antarctoperla michaelseni and Limnoperla jaffueli from Central Chile (Plecoptera: Gripopterygidae). Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; Vera, A. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2006. Entomologia Generalis, 29(1): 39-45.

  • Publicación (pdf) Estudio de la dieta otoñal de la ninfa de Protonemura meyeri (Pictet, 1842) (Plecoptera, Nemouridae) en Río Blanco (Granada, España). López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2006. Acta Granatense, 4/5: 41-44.

  • Publicación (pdf) Mating balls in stoneflies (Insecta, Plecoptera). Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2006. Zoologica baetica, 17: 93-96.

  • Publicación (pdf) La comunicación intersexual mediante vibraciones en las moscas de las piedras (plecópteros). Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2006. Quercus, 239: 36-41.

  • Publicación (pdf) Interactions between plants, littter and microbes in cycling of nitrogen and phosphorus in the Arctic. Jonasson S., Castro J. and Michelsen A. (2006). Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38: 526-532.

  • Publicación (pdf) Efficiency of endozoochorous seed dispersal in six dry-fruited species (Cistaceae): from seed ingestion to early seedling establishment. Ramos M.E., Robles A.B. and Castro J. (2006). Plant Ecology 185: 97-106.

  • Publicación (pdf) Restoring Quercus pyrenaica forests. using pioneer shrubs as nurse plants. Castro J., Zamora R. and Hódar J.A. (2006). Applied Vegetation Science 9: 137-142.

  • Publicación (pdf) Short delay in timing of emergence determines establishment success of Pinus sylvetris seedlings. Castro J. (2006). Annals of Botany 98: 233-1240.


  • Publicación (pdf) Emerging Ecosystems: theoretical and management aspects of the new ecological order. Hobbs, R.J., S. Arico, J. Aronson, J.S. Baron, P. Bridgewater, V.A. Cramer, P.R. Epstein, J.J. Ewel, C. A. Klink, A.E. Lugo, D. Norton, D. Ojima, D. M. Richardson, E.W. Sanderson, F. Valladares, M. Vilá, R. Zamora & M. Zobel (2006). Global Ecology and Biogeography 15: 1-7.

  • Publicación (pdf) Conditional outcomes in plant-herbivore interactions: neighbours matters. Baraza, E., R. Zamora & J.A. Hódar (2006). Oikos 113: 148-156.

  • Publicación (pdf) Re-evaluating the importance of B-vitamins as regulators of phytoplankton dynamics in marine systems. Panzeca C., Tovar-Sánchez A., Agustí S., Reche I., Duarte C., Taylor G.T. & Sañudo-Wilhelmy S.A. (2006). EOS Transactions.

  • Publicación (pdf) Atmospheric deposition of calcium over Southwest Mediterranean region: impact on high mountain lakes. Pulido-Villena E, Reche I., Morales-Baquero R. (2006). Global Biogeochemical Cycles VOL. 20, GB2012.

  • Publicación (pdf) Significance of atmospheric deposition to freshwater ecosystems in the Southern Iberian Peninsula. Morales-Baquero, R., E. Pulido-Villena, O. Romera, E. Ortega-Retuerta, JM Conde-Porcuna, C. Pérez-Martínez & I. Reche (2006). Limnetica, 25(1-2): 171-180

  • Publicación (pdf) Atmospheric inputs of phosphorus and nitrogen to Southwest Mediterranean region: biogeochemical response of high mountain lakes. Morales-Baquero, R., E. Pulido-Villena, I. Reche (2006). Limnology and Oceanography 51 (2): 830-837.

  • Publicación (pdf) Natural selection on Erysimum mediohispanicum flower shape: Insights into the evolution of zygomorphy. Gómez JM, Perfectti F, & Camacho JPM. 2006. The American Naturalist 168: 531-545.

  • Publicación (pdf) Phenotypic gender in Hormathophylla spinosa (Brassicaceae), a perfect hermaphrodite with tetradynamous flowers, is variable. Méndez, M. & J.M. Gómez 2006. Plant Systematics and Evolution 262: 225-237.

  • Species-specific effects on topsoil development affect Quercus ilex seedling performance. Puerta-Piñero, C., J.M. Gómez & R. Zamora 2006. Acta Oecologica 28: 65-71.

  • Ecological factors promoting the evolution of generalization in pollination systems. Gómez JM, & Zamora R. 2006. In: Waser NM, Ollerton J. (eds). Generalization and specialization in pollination systems. The University of Chicago Press, Chicago. EEUU. LINK

  • Seed size. Castro, J. J.A. Hódar & J.M. Gómez 2006. In: Basra A.S. (ed.) Handbook of Seed Science and Technology. Pp 397-428. The Haworth Press, London.

  • Biodiversity in European Shallow Lakes: a Multilevel-Multifactorial Field Study. De Meester, L., S. Declerck, J.H. Janse, J.J. Dagevos, R. Portielje, E. Lammens, E. Jeppesen, T. Lauridsen, K. Schwenk, K. Muylaert, K. Van der Gucht, W. Wyverman, G. Zwart, E. Van Hannen, P.J.T.M. Van Puijenbroek, J.M. Conde-Porcuna, P. Sánchez-Castillo, J. Vandekerkhove & L. Brendonck. 2006. Pages 149-167 in R. Bobbink, B. Beltman, J.T.A. Verhoeven, D.F. Whigham, editors. Wetlands :Functioning, Biodiversity Conservation, and Restoration (Colección: Ecological Studies). Springer-Verlag, 191, Alemania.




  • Catalyzed reported deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization protocol to evaluate phagotrophy in mixotrophic protists. Medina-Sánchez, J.M.; Felip M. y Casamayor E.O. 2005. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71:7321-7326.

  • Publicación (pdf) Ciclo de vida y composición de la dieta de Nemoura lacustris Pictet, 1865 (Plecoptera, Nemouridae). López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2005. Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología, 29(1-2): 87-97.

  • Publicación (pdf) Perla bipunctata Pictet, 1833 (Plecoptera, Perlidae) en el sur de la Península Ibérica. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; Marfil-Daza, C. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2005. Zoologica baetica, 16: 161-163

  • Publicación (pdf) Biometric relationships among female size, fecundity and flight period in Isoperla nevada Aubert, 1952 (Plecoptera, Perlodidae). Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2005. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 41(1) : 3-6.

  • Publicación (pdf) Food web reliance on allochthonous carbon in two high mountain lakes with contrasting catchments: a stable isotope approach. Pulido-Villena E, Reche I., Morales-Baquero R. (2005). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 62: 2640-2648.

  • Publicación (pdf) Does ecosystem size determine aquatic bacterial richness?. Reche I, Pulido-Villena E, Morales-Baquero R., Casamayor E.O. (2005). Ecology 86: 1715-1722.

ERRATUM | FACULTY OF 1000 Pedrós-Alió | FACULTY OF 1000 Kirchman

  • Publicación (pdf) Genetic diversity in a worldwide collection of cherimoya cultivars. Perfectti F, Pascual L. 2005. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 52:959-966.

  • Publicación (pdf) Ungulate effect on the performance, abundance and spatial structure of two montane herbs: A 7-yr experimental study. Gomez, J.M. 2005. Ecological Monographs 75:231-258.

  • Consequences of spatial autocorrelation for the analysis of metapopulation ecology. Gónzalez-Megías, A., J.M. Gómez & F. Sánchez-Piñero 2005. Ecology 86: 3264-3271.

  • The regeneration status of the endangered Acer opalus subsp. granatense throughout its geographical distribution in the Iberian Peninsula. Gómez-Aparicio, L., R. Zamora & J.M. Gómez 2005. Biological Conservation 121: 195-206.

  • Canopy vs. soil effects of shrubs facilitating tree seedlings in Mediterranean montane ecosystems. Gómez-Aparicio, L., J.M. Gómez, R. Zamora & J. Boettinger 2005. Journal of Vegetation Science 16: 191-198.

  • Publicación (pdf) Non-additive effects of herbivores and pollinators on Erysimum mediohispanicum (Cruciferae) fitness. Gómez, J.M. 2005. Oecologia 143: 412-418.

  • Publicación (pdf) Ecology of seed germination of Pinus sylvestris L. at its southern, Mediterranean distribution range. Castro, J., R. Zamora, J.A. Hódar & J.M. Gómez 2005. Investigaciones Agrarias: Recursos Forestales 14: 412-418.

  • Diverse responses of shrub-associated insects to ungulate removal. Gónzalez-Megías, A., J.M. Gómez & F. Sánchez-Piñero 2005. Zoologica Baetica 16: 121-136.

  • Publicación (pdf) Alleviation of summer drought boosts establishment success of Pinus sylvestris in a Mediterranean mountain: an experimental approach. Castro, J., R. Zamora, J.A. Hódar & J.M. Gómez 2005. Plant Ecology 181: 191-202.

  • Regional dynamics of a patchily distributed herbivore along an altitudinal gradient. Gónzalez-Megías, A., J.M. Gómez & F. Sánchez-Piñero 2005. Ecological Entomology 30: 706-713.

  • Uncovering hidden species: hatching resting eggs for the analysis of cladoceran species richness. Vandekerkhove, J., S. Declerck, L. Brendonck, J.M. Conde-Porcuna, E. Jeppesen, L. Johansson & L. De Meester. 2005. Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 3 :399-407.

  • Multi-group biodiversity in shallow lakes along gradients of phosphorus and water plant cover. Declerck, S., J. Vandekerkhove, L. Johansson, K. Muylaert, J.M. Conde-Porcuna, K. Van der Gucht, C. Pérez-Martínez, T. Lauridsen, K. Schwenk, G. Zwart, W. Rommens, J. López-Ramos, E. Jeppesen, W. Vyverman, L. Brendonck & L. De Meester. 2005. Ecology 86: 1905-1915.

  • Hatching of cladoceran resting eggs: temperature and photoperiod Vandekerkhove, J., S. Declerck, L. Brendonck, J.M. Conde-Porcuna, E. Jeppesen & L. De Meester. 2005.. Freshwater Biology 50: 96-104.

  • Dormant propagule banks integrate spatio-temporal heterogeneity in cladoceran communities. Vandekerkhove, J., S. Declerck, E. Jeppesen, J. M. Conde-Porcuna, L. Brendonck & L. De Meester. 2005. Oecologia 142: 109-116.


  • “Neither with nor without you”: A complex algal control on bacterioplankton. Medina-Sánchez, J.M.; Carrillo P. y Villar-Argaiz M. 2004. Limnology and Oceanography 49: 1722-1733.

  • Publicación (pdf) Herbivory and climatic warming: a Mediterranean outbreaking caterpillar attacks a relict, boreal pine species. Hódar, J.A. y Zamora, R. 2004. Biodiversity and Conservation 13:493-500.

  • Herbivory has a greater impact in shade than in sun: response of Quercus pyrenaica seedlings to multifactorial environmental variation. Baraza, E.; Gómez, J.M.; Hódar J.A. y Zamora, R. 2004. Canadian Journal of Botany 82:357-364.

  • Uso de matorrales como plantas nodriza en ambientes mediterráneos: evaluación de una nueva técnica de repoblación forestal. Castro, J.; Zamora, R.; Gómez-Aparicio, L.; Gómez, J.M.; Hódar, J.A. y Baraza, E. 2004. Cuadernos de la Sociedad Española de Ciencias Forestales 17:145-150.

  • El efecto del cambio global en las interacciones planta-animal. Hódar, J.A.; Zamora, R. y Peñuelas, J. 2004. En: Valladares, F. (ed.) Ecología del bosque mediterráneo en un mundo cambiante, págs. 461-478. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, EGRAF, S.A., Madrid.

  • Collalba Rubia (Oenanthe hispanica). Herrando, S.; Díaz Caballero, J.A., Suárez, F. y Hódar, J. A. 2004. En: Madroño, A.; González, C. y Atienza, J.C. (eds.). Libro Rojo de las Aves de España, págs. 329-332. Dirección General para la Biodiversidad-SEO/BirdLife, Madrid.

  • Publicación (pdf) Contribución al conocimiento de la biología imaginal de Leuctra geniculata (Stephens, 1836) (Plecoptera, Leuctridae). López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Luzón-Ortega, J.M.; Palomino-Morales, J.A. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2004. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 34: 167-170.

  • Publicación (pdf) Biología ninfal de Amphinemura triangularis (Ris, 1902) (Plecoptera, Nemouridae) en el sur de España: ciclo de vida y alimentación. López-Rodríguez, M.J. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2004. Zoologica baetica, 15: 61-68.

  • Publicación (pdf) Seedling establishment of a boreal tree species (Pinus sylvestris) at its southernmost distribution limit: consequences of being in a marginal Mediterranean habitat. Castro J., Zamora R., Hódar J.A. and Gómez J.M. (2004). Journal of Ecology 92: 266-277.

  • Publicación (pdf) Benefits of using shrubs as nurse plants for reforestation in Mediterranean mountains: a 4-year study. Castro J., Zamora R., Hódar J.A. and Gómez-Aparicio J.M. (2004). Restoration Ecology 12: 352-358.

  • Publicación (pdf) Applying plant positive interactions to reforestation in Mediterranean mountains: a meta-analysis of the use of shrubs as nurse plants. Gómez-Aparicio L., Zamora R., Gómez J.M., Hódar J.A., Castro J. and Baraza E. (2004). Ecological Applications 14: 1128-1138.

  • Publicación (pdf) Litter, warming and plant affect respiration and allocation of soil microbial and plant C, N and P in arctic mesocosms. Jonasson S., Castro J. and Michelsen A. (2004). Soil Biology and Biochemistry 36: 1129-1139.

  • Publicación (pdf) Feast and famine: previous defoliation limiting survival of pine processionary caterpillar Thaumetopoea pityocampa in Scots pine Pinus sylvestris. Hódar J.A., Zamora R., Castro J. and Baraza E. (2004). Acta Oecologica 26: 203-210.

  • Publicación (pdf) Regeneration of tree species and restoration under contrasted Mediterranean habitats: field and glasshouse experiments. Marañón T., Zamora R., Villar R., Zavala M.A., Quero J.L., Pérez-Ramos I., Mendoza I. y Castro J. (2004). International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 30: 187-196.

  • Impact of copepod predation on the fecundity of Keratella cochlearis (Rotifera). Ramos-Rodríguez, E. and J.M. Conde-Porcuna. 2004. Archiv für Hydrobiologie 161: 541-552.

  • El zooplancton como integrante en la estructura trófica de los sistemas acuáticos lénticos. Conde-Porcuna, J.M., E. Ramos-Rodríguez and R. Morales-Baquero. 2004. Ecosistemas 2004/2.

  • Differences between structural and functional environmental heterogeneity caused by seed dispersal. Gómez, J.M., Valladares, F. & Puerta-Piñero, C. 2004. Functional Ecology 18:787-792.

  • Effects of ungulates on epigeal arthropods in Sierra Nevada National Park (SE Spain). González-Megías, A., J. M. Gómez & F. Sánchez-Piñero 2004. Biodiversity and Conservation 13: 733-752.

  • Bigger is not always better: Conflicting selective pressures on seed size in Quercus ilex. Gómez, J.M. 2004. Evolution 58:71-80.

  • Importance of microhabitat and acorn burial on Quercus ilex early recruitment: non-additive effects on múltiple demographic processes. Gómez, J.M. 2004. Plant Ecology 172: 287-297.

  • Alteraciones en la tasa de respiración de Daphnia magna bajo concentraciones subletales de anatoxina-a. Rodríguez de Silva, S.L, D. Oliveira, P. Sánchez-Castillo, J.M. Conde-Porcuna & L. Cruz-Pizarro. 2004. Limnetica 23: 159-166.

  • Use of ephippial morphology to assess richness of anomopods: potentials and pitfalls. Vandekerkhove, J., S. Declerck, M. Vanhove, L. Brendonck, E. Jeppesen, J.M. Conde Porcuna & L. De Meester. 2004. Journal of Limnology 63: 75-84.

  • Hatching rate and hatching success of isolated versus non-isolated resting eggs. Vandekerkhove, J., B. Niessen, S. Declerck, E. Jeppesen, J.M. Conde-Porcuna, L. Brendonck & L. De Meester. 2004. Hydrobiologia 526: 235-241.

  • El zooplancton como integrante de la estructura trófica de los ecosistemas lénticos. Conde-Porcuna, J.M., E. Ramos-Rodríguez & R. Morales-Baquero. 2004. Ecosistemas 2: 3.


  • Publicación (pdf) Los plecópteros (Insecta, Plecoptera) de la provincia de Granada (España): diversidad y estado de conservación. Tierno de Figueroa, J.M.; Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & López-Rodríguez, M.J. 2003. Acta Granatense 2: 111-123.

  • Publicación (pdf) Contribución al conocimiento de los plecópteros (Insecta, Plecoptera) del Parque Natural de las Sierras de Almijara, Tejeda y Alhama y áreas próximas (SE España), con especial referencia a sus singularidades faunísticas. López-Rodríguez, M.J.; Luzón-Ortega, J.M. & Tierno de Figueroa, J.M. 2003. Boletín de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 33: 167-171.

  • Publicación (pdf) Pine processionary caterpillar Thaumetopoea pityocampa as a new threat for relict Mediterranean Scots pine forests under climatic warming. Hódar, J.A., J. Castro & R. Zamora (2003). Biological Conservation 110: 123-129.

  • Publicación (pdf) Evolutionary Ecology of Carnivorous plants. Ellison, A.M., N.J. Gotelli, J.S. Brewer, L. Cochran-Stafira, J. Kneitel, T.E. Miller, A.S. Worley & R. Zamora (2003). Advances in Ecological Research 35: 1-74.

  • Publicación (pdf) Persistence and múltiple demographic strategies in long-lived mediterranean plants. García, D. & R. Zamora (2003). Journal of Vegetation Science 14: 921-926.

  • Publicación (pdf) Exploring bacterioplankton growth and protein synthesis to determine conversion factors across a gradient of dissolved organic matter. Pulido-Villena, E.& Reche, I. (2003). Microbial Ecology 46: 33-42

  • Publicación (pdf) Sensibilidad de los ecosistemas acuáticos a la radiación ultravioleta: el papel de la materia orgánica disuelta. Reche, I. (2003). Ecosistemas

  • Publicación (pdf) El papel de la escala en los patrones de variación del bacterioplancton en lagunas de alta montaña. Pulido-Villena, E., Ortega-Retuerta E., Morales-Baquero, R., Reche, I. (2003). Limnetica 22:183-193

  • Nutrient limitation on a planktonic rotifer: Life history consequences and starvation resistance. Ramos-Rodríguez, E. and J.M. Conde-Porcuna. 2003. Limnology and Oceanography 48: 933-938.

  • Variación espacio-temporal de la fecundidad de Keratella cochlearis (Rotifera) en un embalse meso-eutrófico: importancia relativa del alimento y de la depredación por copépodos. Ramos-Rodríguez, E. and J.M. Conde-Porcuna. 2003. LIMNETICA 22 (3-4): 9-18.

  • Publicación (pdf) Herbivory reduces the strength of pollinator-mediated selection in the Mediterranean herb Erysimum mediohispanicum: Consequences for plant specialization. Gómez, J.M. 2003. American Naturalist 162:242-256.

  • Spatial patterns in long-distance dispersal of Quercus ilex acorns by jays in a heterogeneous landscape. Gómez, J.M. 2003. Ecography 26:573-584.

  • Consequences of removing a keystone herbivore for the abundance and diversity of arthropods associated with a cruciferous shrub. González-Megías, A. & J. M. Gómez 2003. Ecological Entomology 28:299-308.

  • Impact of vertebrate acorn- and seedling-predators on a Mediterranean Quercus pyrenaica forest. Gómez, J.M. R. Zamora & J.A. Hódar 2003. Forest Ecology and Management 180: 125-134.

  • Factors affecting intrafruit pattern of ovule abortion and seed production in Hormathophylla spinosa (Cruciferae). Gómez, J.M.& R. Zamora 2003. Plant Systematics and Evolution 239: 215-229.

  • Ecology of the high mountain chrsysomelid Timarcha lugens. Gónzalez-Megías, A., J.M. Gómez & J.M. Gómez 2003. In: Jolivet P., J. A. Santiago-Blay & M. Schmitt (eds.) New Contributions to the biology of the Chrsysomelidae. SPB Academic Publisher, The Hague, Netherlands.

  • Intra-specific density dependence in the dynamics of zooplankton under hypertrophic conditions. Declerck, S., N. Podoor, V. Geenens, J.M. Conde-Porcuna & L. DeMeester. 2003. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60: 919-928.


  • Linking life history strategies and ontogeny in crustacean zooplankton: Implications for homeostasis. Villar Argaiz, M.; Medina-Sánchez, J.M. y Carrillo P. 2002. Ecology 83:1899-1914.

  • Interannual changes in the C:N:P ratios of seston and zooplankton of a high mountain lake in Sierra Nevada, Spain. Villar-Argaiz, M.; Medina-Sánchez, J.M. y Carrillo P. 2002. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 2: 359-378.

  • Life history bottlenecks in Diaptomus clavipes induced by phosphorus limited algae. Villar Argaiz, M. y Sterner R.W. 2002. Limnology and Oceanography 47: 1229-1233.

  • Publicación (pdf) Feeding habits of the blackwidow spider Latrodectus lilianae (Araneae: Theridiidae) in an arid zone of SE Spain. Hódar, J.A. y Sánchez-Piñero, F. 2002. Journal of Zoology 257:101-109.

  • Annual variability in reproduction of Juniperus communis L. in a Mediterranean mountain: relations with weather and seed predation. García, D.; Zamora, R.; Gómez, J.M. y Hódar, J.A. 2002. Écoscience 9:251-255.

  • Publicación (pdf) Use of shrubs as nurse plants: a new technique for reforestation in Mediterranean mountains. Castro, J.; Zamora, R.; Hódar, J.A. y Gómez, J.M. 2002. Restoration Ecology 10:297-305.

  • Publicación (pdf) Mechanisms blocking Pinus sylvestris colonization of Mediterranean mountain meadows. Castro, J.; Zamora, R. y Hódar, J.A. 2002. Journal of Vegetation Science 13:725-731.

  • Publicación (pdf) Leaf fluctuating asymmetry of Holm oak in response to drought under contrasting climatic conditions. Hódar, J.A. 2002. Journal of Arid Environments 52:233-243.

  • A Mediterranean pest attacks a relict pine forest under climatic warming (Sierra Nevada, Southern Spain). Hódar, J.A. 2002. Mediterranean Conservation News of Ecologia Mediterranea 28:102-103.

  • Salamanquesa común Tarentola mauritanica. Hódar, J.A. 2002. En: Pleguezuelos, J.M., Márquez, R. y Lizana, M. (eds.) Libro Rojo y Atlas de los Anfibios y Reptiles de España, págs. 234-236. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, DGCN-TRAGSA-AHE, Lynx, Barcelona.

  • Lagartija colirroja Acanthodactylus erythrurus. Hódar, J.A. 2002. En: Pleguezuelos, J.M., Márquez, R. y Lizana, M. (eds.) Libro Rojo y Atlas de los Anfibios y Reptiles de España, págs. 237-238. Ministerio de Medio Ambiente, DGCN-TRAGSA-AHE, Lynx, Barcelona.

  • Publicación (pdf) The interaction of phytoplankton and bacteria in a high-mountain lake: Importance of spectral composition of solar radiation. Carrillo, P., J.M. Medina-Sánchez, and M. Villar Argaiz. Limnology and Oceanography 47: 1294-1306.

  • Modulation of the bacterial response to spectral solar radiation by algae and limiting nutrients. Medina-Sánchez, J.M., M. Villar-Argaiz and P. Carrillo. Freshwater Biology 47: 2191-2204.

  • Microbial plankton response to contrasting climatic conditions: Insights from the community structure, productivity and fraction stoichiometry. Villar Argaiz, M., J.M. Medina-Sánchez and P. Carrillo. Aquatic Microbial Ecology 29: 253-266.

  • Publicación (pdf) The use of shrubs as nurse plants: a new technique for reforestation in Mediterranean mountains. Castro J., Zamora R., Hódar J.A., and Gómez J.M. (2002). Restoration Ecology 10: 297-305.

  • Publicación (pdf) Host utilization by moth and larval survival of pine processionary caterpillar Thaumetopoea pityocampa in relation to food quality in three Pinus species. Hódar J.A., Zamora R. and Castro J. (2002). Ecological Entomology 27: 292-301.

  • Publicación (pdf) Mechanisms blocking Pinus sylvestris colonization of Mediterranean mountains meadows. Castro J., Zamora R. and Hódar J. (2002). Journal of Vegetation Science 13: 725-731.

  • Publicación (pdf) Linking dynamics of dissolved organic carbon in a forested lake with environmental factors. Reche, I & Pace, M.L. (2002). Biogeochemistry 61: 21-36

  • Publicación (pdf) Generalización en las interacciones entre plantas y polinizadores. Gómez JM. 2002. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural 105 75: 105-116.

  • Correlations between nutrient concentrations and zooplankton populations in a mesotrophic reservoir. Conde-Porcuna, J.M., E. Ramos-Rodríguez and C. Pérez-Martínez. 2002.. Freshwater Biology 47: 1463-1473.


  • Publicación (pdf) Frugivory at Juniperus communis depends more on population characteristics than on individual attributes. García, D.; Zamora, R.; Gómez, J.M. y Hódar, J.A. 2001. Journal of Ecology 89:639-647.

  • Las interacciones entre plantas y animales en el mediterráneo: importancia del contexto ecológico y el nivel de organización. Zamora, R.; Gómez, J.M. y Hódar, J.A. 2001. En: Zamora, R. y Pugnaire, F.I. (eds.) Ecosistemas mediterráneos: análisis funcional, págs. 237-268. CSIC-AEET. Granada.

  • Relationship between N:P ratio and growth rate during the life cycle of calanoid copepod: An in situ measurement. Carrillo, P., M. Villar-Argaiz and J.M. Medina-Sánchez. Journal of Plankton Research 23: 537-547.

  • Inter- and intra-annual variability in the phytoplankton community of a high mountain lake: The influence of external (atmospheric) and internal (recycled) sources of P.Villar Argaiz, M. Freshwater Biology 46: 1017-1034.

  • Publicación (pdf) Ungulate damage on Scots pines in Mediterrranean environments: effects of association with shrubs. Gómez J.M., Hódar J.A., Zamora R., Casro J, and García D. (2001). Canadian Journal of Botany 79: 739-746.

  • Publicación (pdf) Effect of browsing by ungulates on sapling growth of Scots pine in a Mediterranean environment: consequences for forest regeneration. Zamora, R., J.M. Gómez, J.A. Hódar, J.Castro, & D.García (2001). Forest Ecology and Management 144: 33-42.

  • Publicación (pdf) Ecosistemas de alta montaña, las atalayas de la troposfera. Morales-Baquero, R.; Pérez-Martínez. & Reche, I. (2001). Ecosistemas nº 3

  • Publicación (pdf) Photoreactivity of Dissolved Organic Matter from High-Mountain Lakes of Sierra Nevada, Spain. Reche, I; Pulido-Villena E.; Conde-Porcuna J.M. & P. Carrillo. (2001). Arctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research 33 (4): 426- 434


  • Publicación (pdf) Habitat selection of the Common Chameleon Chamaeleo chamaeleon (L.) in an area under development in southern Spain: implications for conservation. Hódar, J.A.; Pleguezuelos, J.M. y Poveda, J.C. 2000. Biological Conservation 94:63-68.

  • Publicación (pdf) Geographical variation in seed production, predation and abortion in Juniperus communis throughout its range in Europe. García, D.; Zamora, R.; Gómez, J.M.; Jordano, P. y Hódar, J.A. 2000. Journal of Ecology 88:436-446.

  • Do empty Juniperus communis seeds defend filled seeds against predation by Apodemus sylvaticus? García, D.; Gómez, J.M.; Zamora, R. y Hódar, J.A. 2000. Écoscience 7:214-221.

  • Life history implications of calanoid Mixodiaptomus laciniatus in C:N:P stoichiometry. Villar Argaiz, M., J.M. Medina Sánchez, L. Cruz-Pizarro and P. Carrillo. Ver.Theor.Angew.Limnol.Verh. 27: 527-531.

  • Publicación (pdf) Yew (Taxus baccata L.) regeneration is facilitatated by fleshy-fruited shrubs in Mediterranean environments. García D., Zamora R., Hódar J.A., Gómez J.M. y Castro J. (2000). Biological Conservation 95: 31-38.

  • Publicación (pdf) Functional equivalence in plant-animal interactions: ecological and evolutionary consequences. Zamora, R. (2000). Oikos 88: 442-447.

  • Spatial variation in the selective scenarios of Hormathophylla spinosa (Cruciferae). Gómez, J. M. & R. Zamora (2000). The American Naturalist 155: 657-668.

  • Publicación (pdf) Modeled Effects of Dissolved Organic Carbon and Solar Spectra on Photobleaching in Lake Ecosystems. Reche, I; Pace, M.L. & Cole, J.J. (2000). Ecosystems 3: 419-432.


  • Publicación (pdf) Age structure of Juniperus communis L. in the Iberian peninsula: conservation of remnant populations in Mediterranean mountains. García, D.; Zamora, R.; Hódar, J.A. y Gómez, J.M. 1999. Biological Conservation 87:215-220.

  • Diet of the Moorish gecko, Tarentola mauritanica in an arid zone of southeastern Spain. Hódar, J.A. y Pleguezuelos, J.M. 1999. Herpetological Journal 9:29-32.

  • Publicación (pdf) Bird rejection of unhealthy fruits reinforces the mutualism between juniper and its avian dispersers. García, D.; Zamora, R.; Gómez, J.M. y Hódar, J.A. 1999. Oikos 84:536-544.

  • Plant-herbivore interaction: beyond a binary vision. Zamora, R.; Hódar, J.A. y Gómez, J.M. 1999. En: Pugnaire, F.I. y Valladares, F. (eds.). Handbook of functional plant ecology, págs. 677-718. Marcel Dekker Inc., New York.

  • Nutrient control of bacterioplankton and phytoplankton dynamics. Brett, M.T., F.S. Lubnow, M. Villar Argaiz, A. Müller-Solger and C.R. Goldman. Aquatic Ecology 33(2): 135-145.

  • Publicación (pdf) Structure changes in a planktonic food web: Biotic and abiotic controls. Medina-Sánchez, J.M., M. Villar-Argaiz, L. Cruz-Pizarro, P. Sánchez-Castillo and P. Carrillo. Journal of Limnology 58(2): 213-222.

  • Publicación (pdf) Molar project: Atmospheric deposition and lake water chemistry. Mosello, R.,...., Villar-Argaiz, M. Journal of limnology 58(2): 88-106.

  • Dormancy and germination in Cistus clusii (Cistaceae): effect of biotic and abiotic factors. Castro J. y Romero-García A.T (1999). Revue d’Ecologie (Terre et Vie) 54: 19-28.

  • Publicación (pdf) Seed mass versus seedling performance in Scots pine: a maternally dependent trait. Castro J. (1999). New Phytologist 144: 153-161.

  • Publicación (pdf) Seed predation and dispersal in relict Scots pine forests in southern Spain. Castro J., Gómez J.M., García D., Zamora R. and Hódar J.A. (1999). Plant Ecology 145: 115-123.

  • Publicación (pdf) Conditional outcomes of interactions: the pollinator-prey conflict of an insectivorous plant. Zamora, R. (1999). Ecology 80: 786-795.

  • Publicación (pdf) Generalization vs specialization in the pollination system of Hormathophylla spinosa (Cruciferae). Gómez, J.M. & R. Zamora (1999). Ecology 80: 796-805.

  • Publicación (pdf) Relationship of trophic and chemical conditions to photobleaching of dissolved organic matter in lake ecosystems. Reche, I; Pace, M.L. & Cole, J.J. (1999). Biogeochemistry 44: 259-280

  • Publicación (pdf) The nitrogen:phosphorus relationship in high mountain lakes: effects of the size of catchment basins. Morales-Baquero, R.; Carrillo, P.; Reche, I. & Sánchez-Castillo, P. (1999). Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 56 (10): 1809-1817.


  • Diet of Cetti’s warbler Cettia cetti (Temmink, 1820) in a locality of southern Spain. Molina, J.; Hódar, J.A. y Camacho, I. 1998. Ardeola 45:219-223.

  • ¿Merecen protección las zonas áridas del sureste ibérico? Una mirada a los sistemas de ramblas de la Hoya de Baza (Granada). Sánchez-Piñero, F.; Hódar, J.A. y Gómez, J.M. 1998. Investigación y gestión del medio natural 3:55-60.

  • Diet of the Black-eared Wheatear Oenanthe hispanica in relation with food availability in two arid shrubsteppes. Hódar, J.A. 1998. Avocetta 22:35-40.

  • Publicación (pdf) Individual diet variability in a wintering population of Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros: effect of bird morphology and food availability. Hódar, J.A. 1998. Revue d'Ecologie 53:77-91.

  • Publicación (pdf) Fitness responses of a carnivorous plant in contrasting ecological scenarios. Zamora, R., J.M. Gómez & J.A. Hódar (1998). Ecology 79: 1630-1644.

  • Publicación (pdf) Interactions of photobleaching and inorganic nutrients in determining bacterial growth on colored dissolved organic carbon. Reche, I; Pace, M.L. & Cole, J.J. (1998). Microbial Ecology 36: 270-280

  • Comparative analysis of bacteria-phytoplankton relationship in two ecosystems of different trophic status. Reche, I. ; Carrillo, P., Lavandier, P. & Cruz-Pizarro, L. (1998). Verh. Inter. Verein. Limnol. 26: 1645-1649


  • Publicación (pdf) The use and usefulness of regression equations for estimation of prey length and biomass in diet studies of insectivore vertebrates. Hódar, J.A. 1997. Miscel.lània Zoològica 20(2):1-10.

  • Consumption of two birch species by captive mountain hares (Lepus timidus) in relation to resin and phenolic content. Palo, R.T.; Gowda, J.H. y Hódar, J.A. 1997. Gibier Faune Sauvage 14:385-393.

  • Publicación (pdf) Responses of a carnivorous plant to prey and inoganic nutrients in a Mediterranean environment. Zamora, R.; Gómez, J.M. y Hódar, J.A. 1997. Oecologia 111:443-451.

  • Feeding by vertebrate herbivores in a chemically heterogeneous environment. Hódar, J.A. y Palo, R.T. 1997. Écoscience 4:304-310.

  • Lagartija colirroja Acanthodactylus erythrurus. Hódar, J.A. 1997. En: Pleguezuelos, J.M. (ed.) Distribución y biogeografía de los Anfibios y Reptiles de España y Portugal, págs. 205-207. Universidad de Granada-Asociación Herpetológica Española, Granada.

  • Publicación (pdf) Influence of metazooplankton on interactions of bacteria and phytoplankton in an oligotrophic lake. Reche, I.; Carrillo, P. & Cruz-Pizarro, L. (1997). Journal of Plankton Research: 19 (5): 631-646

  • Publicación (pdf) Efectos de la disponibilidad de carbono orgánico fotodegradado y de nutrientes minerales sobre la abundancia de bacterias activas. Reche, I. (1997) Limnetica13(1): 79-85.


  • Cantonnement et comportement vocal du Grand-Duc d'Europe (Bubo bubo L.) dans le monts de la Sierra Morena (Sud de l'Espagne). Ruiz, I.; Hódar, J.A. y Camacho, I. 1996. Alauda 64:45-55.

  • Publicación (pdf) Experimental study of pollination by ants in Mediterranean high-mountain and arid habitats. Gómez, J.M.; Zamora, R.; Hódar, J.A. y García, D. 1996. Oecologia 105:236-242.

  • Publicación (pdf) Trophic ecology of Lacerta lepida in an arid zone of southern Spain: relationships with availability and daily activity of prey. Hódar, J.A.; Campos, F. y Rosales, B.A. 1996. Journal of Arid Environments 33:95-107.

  • Publicación (pdf) The use of regression equations for estimation of arthropod biomass in ecological studies. Hódar, J.A. 1996. Acta Oecologica 17:421-433.

  • Publicación (pdf) Quantification of the phosphorus released by zooplankton in an oligotrophic lake (La Caldera, Spain). Regulating factors and adjustment to theoretical models. Carrillo, P.; Reche, I. & Cruz-Pizarro, L. (1996). Journal of Plankton Research 18 (9): 1567-1586

  • Relationships between bacteria and phytoplankton in a high mountain lake. Importance of the organic carbon released by algae. Reche, I. ; Pugnetti, A.; Cruz-Pizarro, L. & Carrillo, P. (1996). Arch. Hydrobiologia 48: 31-38.

  • Intraspecific stoichiometric variability and the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus resupplied by zooplankton. Carrillo, P.; Reche, I. & Cruz-Pizarro, L. (1996). Freshwater Biology 36: 363-374


  • Selección de hábitat, tamaño de bando y movimientos locales del acentor alpino (Prunella collaris) en Sierra Nevada (SE de España). Martín Vivaldi, M., J.M. Marín Escribano y M. Villar Argaiz. Ardeola 42(1): 11-20.

  • Direct and indirect effects of grazing on the phytoplankton seasonal succession in an oligotrophic lake. Carrillo, P.; Reche, I. ; Sánchez-Castillo, P. & Cruz-Pizarro, L. (1995). Journal of Plankton Research 17 (6): 1363-1379


  • Publicación (pdf) Plankton dynamics in a high mountain lake (Las Yeguas, Sierra Nevada). Indirect evidences of ciliates as food source for zooplankton. Cruz-Pizarro, L.; Reche, I. & P. Carrillo (1994). Hydrobiologia 274: 29- 35.

  • The principal regulating mechanisms on the structure of the phytoplankton community in a high mountain lake. Reche, I.; P. Sánchez-Castillo & P. Carrillo (1994). Archiv Hydrobiol. 130: 163-178.


  • Regulación de la comunidad fitoplantónica en un sistema oligotrófico. Primeros Datos. Reche, I. ; L. Cruz-Pizarro & P. Carrillo (1993). Actas VI Congreso Español de Limnología: 205-212